K02158                      KO                                     
Bcl-2-antagonist of cell death
map01521  EGFR tyrosine kinase inhibitor resistance
map01522  Endocrine resistance
map01524  Platinum drug resistance
map04012  ErbB signaling pathway
map04014  Ras signaling pathway
map04022  cGMP-PKG signaling pathway
map04024  cAMP signaling pathway
map04062  Chemokine signaling pathway
map04140  Autophagy - animal
map04151  PI3K-Akt signaling pathway
map04210  Apoptosis
map04370  VEGF signaling pathway
map04510  Focal adhesion
map04722  Neurotrophin signaling pathway
map04910  Insulin signaling pathway
map04919  Thyroid hormone signaling pathway
map05010  Alzheimer disease
map05014  Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
map05020  Prion disease
map05022  Pathways of neurodegeneration - multiple diseases
map05145  Toxoplasmosis
map05152  Tuberculosis
map05160  Hepatitis C
map05161  Hepatitis B
map05162  Measles
map05165  Human papillomavirus infection
map05168  Herpes simplex virus 1 infection
map05170  Human immunodeficiency virus 1 infection
map05200  Pathways in cancer
map05203  Viral carcinogenesis
map05207  Chemical carcinogenesis - receptor activation
map05208  Chemical carcinogenesis - reactive oxygen species
map05210  Colorectal cancer
map05211  Renal cell carcinoma
map05212  Pancreatic cancer
map05213  Endometrial cancer
map05215  Prostate cancer
map05218  Melanoma
map05220  Chronic myeloid leukemia
map05221  Acute myeloid leukemia
map05223  Non-small cell lung cancer
map05225  Hepatocellular carcinoma
map05417  Lipid and atherosclerosis
KEGG Orthology (KO) [BR:ko00001]
 09130 Environmental Information Processing
  09132 Signal transduction
   04012 ErbB signaling pathway
    K02158  BAD; Bcl-2-antagonist of cell death
   04014 Ras signaling pathway
    K02158  BAD; Bcl-2-antagonist of cell death
   04370 VEGF signaling pathway
    K02158  BAD; Bcl-2-antagonist of cell death
   04024 cAMP signaling pathway
    K02158  BAD; Bcl-2-antagonist of cell death
   04022 cGMP-PKG signaling pathway
    K02158  BAD; Bcl-2-antagonist of cell death
   04151 PI3K-Akt signaling pathway
    K02158  BAD; Bcl-2-antagonist of cell death
 09140 Cellular Processes
  09141 Transport and catabolism
   04140 Autophagy - animal
    K02158  BAD; Bcl-2-antagonist of cell death
  09143 Cell growth and death
   04210 Apoptosis
    K02158  BAD; Bcl-2-antagonist of cell death
  09144 Cellular community - eukaryotes
   04510 Focal adhesion
    K02158  BAD; Bcl-2-antagonist of cell death
 09150 Organismal Systems
  09151 Immune system
   04062 Chemokine signaling pathway
    K02158  BAD; Bcl-2-antagonist of cell death
  09152 Endocrine system
   04910 Insulin signaling pathway
    K02158  BAD; Bcl-2-antagonist of cell death
   04919 Thyroid hormone signaling pathway
    K02158  BAD; Bcl-2-antagonist of cell death
  09156 Nervous system
   04722 Neurotrophin signaling pathway
    K02158  BAD; Bcl-2-antagonist of cell death
 09160 Human Diseases
  09161 Cancer: overview
   05200 Pathways in cancer
    K02158  BAD; Bcl-2-antagonist of cell death
   05207 Chemical carcinogenesis - receptor activation
    K02158  BAD; Bcl-2-antagonist of cell death
   05208 Chemical carcinogenesis - reactive oxygen species
    K02158  BAD; Bcl-2-antagonist of cell death
   05203 Viral carcinogenesis
    K02158  BAD; Bcl-2-antagonist of cell death
  09162 Cancer: specific types
   05210 Colorectal cancer
    K02158  BAD; Bcl-2-antagonist of cell death
   05212 Pancreatic cancer
    K02158  BAD; Bcl-2-antagonist of cell death
   05225 Hepatocellular carcinoma
    K02158  BAD; Bcl-2-antagonist of cell death
   05221 Acute myeloid leukemia
    K02158  BAD; Bcl-2-antagonist of cell death
   05220 Chronic myeloid leukemia
    K02158  BAD; Bcl-2-antagonist of cell death
   05218 Melanoma
    K02158  BAD; Bcl-2-antagonist of cell death
   05211 Renal cell carcinoma
    K02158  BAD; Bcl-2-antagonist of cell death
   05215 Prostate cancer
    K02158  BAD; Bcl-2-antagonist of cell death
   05213 Endometrial cancer
    K02158  BAD; Bcl-2-antagonist of cell death
   05223 Non-small cell lung cancer
    K02158  BAD; Bcl-2-antagonist of cell death
  09172 Infectious disease: viral
   05170 Human immunodeficiency virus 1 infection
    K02158  BAD; Bcl-2-antagonist of cell death
   05161 Hepatitis B
    K02158  BAD; Bcl-2-antagonist of cell death
   05160 Hepatitis C
    K02158  BAD; Bcl-2-antagonist of cell death
   05162 Measles
    K02158  BAD; Bcl-2-antagonist of cell death
   05168 Herpes simplex virus 1 infection
    K02158  BAD; Bcl-2-antagonist of cell death
   05165 Human papillomavirus infection
    K02158  BAD; Bcl-2-antagonist of cell death
  09171 Infectious disease: bacterial
   05152 Tuberculosis
    K02158  BAD; Bcl-2-antagonist of cell death
  09174 Infectious disease: parasitic
   05145 Toxoplasmosis
    K02158  BAD; Bcl-2-antagonist of cell death
  09164 Neurodegenerative disease
   05010 Alzheimer disease
    K02158  BAD; Bcl-2-antagonist of cell death
   05014 Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
    K02158  BAD; Bcl-2-antagonist of cell death
   05020 Prion disease
    K02158  BAD; Bcl-2-antagonist of cell death
   05022 Pathways of neurodegeneration - multiple diseases
    K02158  BAD; Bcl-2-antagonist of cell death
  09166 Cardiovascular disease
   05417 Lipid and atherosclerosis
    K02158  BAD; Bcl-2-antagonist of cell death
  09176 Drug resistance: antineoplastic
   01521 EGFR tyrosine kinase inhibitor resistance
    K02158  BAD; Bcl-2-antagonist of cell death
   01524 Platinum drug resistance
    K02158  BAD; Bcl-2-antagonist of cell death
   01522 Endocrine resistance
    K02158  BAD; Bcl-2-antagonist of cell death
HSA: 572(BAD)
PTR: 100615623(BAD)
PPS: 100988665(BAD)
GGO: 101151128(BAD)
PON: 100454097(BAD)
PPYG: 129008804(BAD)
NLE: 101178725(BAD)
HMH: 116468949(BAD)
SSYN: 129460822(BAD)
MCC: 717740(BAD)
MCF: 102121921(BAD)
MTHB: 126935617
MNI: 105469512(BAD)
CSAB: 103233293(BAD)
CATY: 105577493(BAD)
PANU: 101012551(BAD)
TGE: 112606473(BAD)
MLEU: 105549098(BAD)
RRO: 104673141(BAD)
RBB: 108542734(BAD)
TFN: 117080612(BAD)
PTEH: 111522294(BAD)
CANG: 105512212(BAD)
CJC: 100412880(BAD)
SBQ: 101049631(BAD)
CIMI: 108310302(BAD)
ANAN: 105724476(BAD)
MMUR: 105878474(BAD)
LCAT: 123641429(BAD)
PCOQ: 105827296(BAD)
OGA: 100962306(BAD)
MMU: 12015(Bad)
MCAL: 110285481(Bad)
MPAH: 110326250(Bad)
RNO: 64639(Bad)
MCOC: 116103467(Bad)
ANU: 117706557(Bad)
ASYL: 127691417(Bad)
MUN: 110551603(Bad)
CGE: 100760426(Bad)
MAUA: 101836153(Bad)
PROB: 127228773(Bad)
PLEU: 114680676(Bad)
MORG: 121454562(Bad)
MFOT: 126498361
AAMP: 119820525(Bad)
NGI: 103738795(Bad)
HGL: 101726042(Bad)
CPOC: 100734151(Bad)
CCAN: 109683261(Bad)
DORD: 105989249(Bad)
DSP: 122105036(Bad)
PLOP: 125362685(Bad)
NCAR: 124958534
MMMA: 107135974(Bad)
ITI: 101960598(Bad)
OCU: 100358587
OPI: 101534340(BAD)
TUP: 102498069(BAD)
GVR: 103586204(BAD)
CFA: 483763(BAD)
CLUD: 112659359(BAD)
VVP: 112924315(BAD)
VLG: 121501608(BAD)
NPO: 129503119(BAD)
AML: 100473937(BAD)
UMR: 103679423(BAD)
UAH: 113244178(BAD)
UAR: 123778440(BAD)
ELK: 111149975
LLV: 125079150
MPUF: 101686427(BAD)
MNP: 132019536(BAD)
MLK: 131814653(BAD)
NVS: 122913061(BAD)
ORO: 101375422(BAD)
EJU: 114220328(BAD)
ZCA: 113914539(BAD)
MLX: 118016000(BAD)
NSU: 110575945(BAD)
LWW: 102728568(BAD)
FCA: 768269(BAD)
PYU: 121023947(BAD)
PCOO: 112852108(BAD)
PBG: 122483950(BAD)
PVIV: 125176067(BAD)
LRUF: 124505120
PTG: 102956027(BAD)
PPAD: 109246663(BAD)
PUC: 125931741
AJU: 106981699
HHV: 120240137(BAD)
BTA: 615013(BAD)
BOM: 102275975(BAD)
BIU: 109554386(BAD)
BBUB: 102414298(BAD)
BBIS: 104987190(BAD)
CHX: 102189930(BAD)
OAS: 780444(BAD)
BTAX: 128068977(BAD)
CSUM: 138082916(BAD)
ODA: 120874698(BAD)
CCAD: 122430652(BAD)
MREE: 136169687(BAD)
MBEZ: 129548816(BAD)
SSC: 100521065(BAD)
CFR: 102523295(BAD)
CBAI: 105070634(BAD)
CDK: 105101547(BAD)
VPC: 102538813(BAD)
BACU: 103005702(BAD)
BMUS: 118899830(BAD)
LVE: 103083608(BAD)
OOR: 101274967(BAD)
DLE: 111183810(BAD)
PCAD: 102974655(BAD)
PSIU: 116758242(BAD)
NASI: 112402326(BAD)
ECB: 100055447(BAD)
EPZ: 103542187(BAD)
EAI: 106833626(BAD)
MYB: 102239479(BAD)
MYD: 102771665(BAD)
MMYO: 118665363(BAD)
MLF: 102437980(BAD)
MDT: 132241476(BAD)
PKL: 118707283(BAD)
EFUS: 103302047(BAD)
MNA: 107539805(BAD)
DRO: 112317275(BAD)
SHON: 118991674(BAD)
AJM: 119045448(BAD)
PDIC: 114499526(BAD)
PHAS: 123829336(BAD)
MMF: 118627989(BAD)
PPAM: 129068612(BAD)
HAI: 109384256(BAD)
RFQ: 117030073(BAD)
PALE: 102877892(BAD)
PGIG: 120600645(BAD)
PVP: 105297848(BAD)
RAY: 107497091(BAD)
MJV: 108407571(BAD)
TOD: 119250022(BAD)
SARA: 101549930(BAD)
SFUM: 130039811(BAD)
SETR: 126017861(BAD)
LAV: 100668387(BAD)
TMU: 101352047
ETF: 101658729(BAD)
DNM: 101414407(BAD)
MDO: 100031246(BAD)
GAS: 123251373(BAD)
SHR: 100923199(BAD)
AFZ: 127540994
PCW: 110195467(BAD)
TVP: 118852834(BAD)
PBRV: 138144806(BAD)
OAA: 114810030(BAD)
SHAB: 115603521(BAD)
ASN: 112548233(BAD)
AMJ: 109282419(BAD)
PSS: 102450183(BAD)
CMY: 102931799(BAD)
CCAY: 125640640(BAD)
CPIC: 101939860(BAD)
TST: 117881047(BAD)
CABI: 116838846(BAD)
MRV: 120408932(BAD)
ASAO: 132764441(BAD)
PVT: 110083340(BAD)
PBI: 103066611(BAD)
PMUR: 107299065(BAD) 107301245
CTIG: 120317124(BAD)
TSR: 106540304(BAD)
PGUT: 117659359(BAD)
APRI: 131186774(BAD)
PTEX: 113446643(BAD)
NSS: 113429826(BAD)
VKO: 123032688(BAD)
PMUA: 114586309(BAD)
PRAF: 128403315(BAD)
ZVI: 118076378(BAD)
HCG: 128337066(BAD)
GJA: 107115197(BAD)
STOW: 125441612(BAD)
EMC: 129340405(BAD)
XTR: 100487418(bad)
NPR: 108794161(BAD)
RTEM: 120917599(BAD)
BBUF: 120982316(BAD)
BGAR: 122920050(BAD) 122921928
MUO: 115479972(BAD)
GSH: 117364780(BAD)
DRE: 564921(bada) 58100(badb)
PTET: 122326411(bada) 122326478 122348429(badb)
LROH: 127153080(bada) 127167836(badb)
OMC: 131528556(bada) 131543359(badb)
PPRM: 120470606(badb) 120494605(bada)
RKG: 130095274(bada) 130102719(badb)
CIDE: 127515266
CERY: 137012850(bada) 137030221
TROS: 130556339(badb) 130569788(bada)
TDW: 130407982(bada) 130432938(badb)
MANU: 129423706(bada) 129440917(badb)
IPU: 108267538(badb) 108278747(bada)
IFU: 128610063(badb) 128622039(bada)
PHYP: 113539791
SMEO: 124386784(badb) 124397989(bada)
TFD: 113635157(badb) 113662083(bada)
TVC: 132848633(badb) 132860032(bada)
TRN: 134312327(badb) 134330510(bada)
AMEX: 103032659(badb) 103047163(bada)
CMAO: 118820664(bada) 118826580(badb)
CHAR: 105895565(badb) 105911344(bada)
SPIL: 134060438(badb) 134079867(bada)
TFS: 130522254(badb)
LCO: 104928899(bad)
NCC: 104948201(bad)
TBEN: 117487811(badb)
CGOB: 115023677(bad)
PGEO: 117463516(badb)
GACU: 117551507(badb)
EMAC: 134875663(badb)
ELY: 117246273(badb)
EFO: 125883566(badb)
PLEP: 121962343(badb)
SLUC: 116042254(badb)
ECRA: 117934567(badb)
ESP: 116707131(bad)
PFLV: 114545719(bad)
GAT: 120821354(badb)
PPUG: 119222301(badb)
AFB: 129093541(badb)
CLUM: 117747774(badb)
PSWI: 130211665(badb)
CANA: 137792668(badb)
CVE: 137874661(badb)
MSAM: 119911743(badb)
SCHU: 122869670(badb)
CUD: 121504452(badb)
SPUL: 138600780(badb)
LMIX: 132958989(badb)
ALAT: 119027095(badb)
ASTR: 137590804(badb)
MZE: 101483296(bad)
ONL: 100712130(bad)
OAU: 116317904(badb)
OLA: 101171945(bad)
OML: 112155974(badb)
CSAI: 133420158(badb)
XMA: 111611010(bad)
XCO: 114157548(bad)
XHE: 116732883(bad)
PRET: 103480747(bad)
PFOR: 103153616(bad)
PLAI: 106948309(bad)
PMEI: 106916906(bad)
GAF: 122820788(badb)
PPRL: 129373309(badb)
CVG: 107084153(bad)
CTUL: 119776392(badb)
GMU: 124880840(badb)
NFU: 107377126(bad)
KMR: 108242862(badb)
ALIM: 106524975(bad)
NWH: 119416821(badb)
AOCE: 111588385(bad)
EJA: 138204129(badb)
BFRE: 138631815(badb)
MCEP: 125012876(badB)
CSEM: 103384187(bad)
POV: 109634873(bad)
SSEN: 122767280(badb)
HHIP: 117752269(badb)
HSP: 118102525(badb)
PPLT: 128429764(badb)
LCF: 108888776(badb)
SDU: 111231315(bad)
SLAL: 111666425(bad)
XGL: 120797372(badb)
HCQ: 109516634(bad)
SSCV: 125993156(badb)
SBIA: 133494474
PEE: 133397652
PTAO: 133472979
MALB: 109965841(bad)
BSPL: 114865679(badb)
SJO: 128383316(badb)
SSCO: 134006058(badb)
SASA: 106563493(BAD) 106578087 106603152(BAD)
OTW: 112228809(bada) 112237949(badb)
SNH: 120043352(badb) 120056594(bada)
CCLU: 121541833(bada) 121554365(badb) 121571247
ELS: 114839466(bad)
SFM: 108925227(bad)
PKI: 111834777(bad)
PSPA: 121310102(badb)
PSEX: 120533795
LCM: 102363793(BAD)
HOC: 132836223(badb)
AHF: 112764321
 » show all
Ottilie S, Diaz JL, Horne W, Chang J, Wang Y, Wilson G, Chang S, Weeks S, Fritz LC, Oltersdorf T
Dimerization properties of human BAD. Identification of a BH-3 domain and analysis of its binding to mutant BCL-2 and BCL-XL proteins.
J Biol Chem 272:30866-72 (1997)
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Bad is a BH3 domain-containing protein that forms an inactivating dimer with Bcl-XL.
Mol Cell Biol 17:7040-6 (1997)

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