Entry |
Name |
coenzyme F420 oxidoreductase (ferredoxin);
Fd:F420 oxidoreductase;
FpoF protein;
ferredoxin:F420 oxidoreductase
Class |
Acting on the CH-NH group of donors;
With an iron-sulfur protein as acceptor
Sysname |
coenzyme F420:ferredoxin oxidoreductase
Reaction(IUBMB) |
reduced coenzyme F420 + 2 oxidized ferredoxin = oxidized coenzyme F420 + 2 reduced ferredoxin + 2 H+ [RN: R10603]
Reaction(KEGG) |
Substrate |
reduced coenzyme F420 [CPD: C01080];
oxidized ferredoxin [CPD: C00139]
Product |
Comment |
The enzyme from the archaeon Methanosarcina mazei contains iron-sulfur centres and FAD.
History |
EC created 2013
Orthology |
K22162 | F420H2 dehydrogenase subunit F |
Genes |
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Reference |
Authors |
Welte C, Deppenmeier U |
Title |
Re-evaluation of the function of the F420 dehydrogenase in electron transport of Methanosarcina mazei. |
Journal |
Sequence |
Other DBs |
ExplorEnz - The Enzyme Database: | |
ExPASy - ENZYME nomenclature database: | |
BRENDA, the Enzyme Database: | |
LinkDB |