KEGG Orthology (KO) [BR:ko00001]
09100 Metabolism
09108 Metabolism of cofactors and vitamins
00860 Porphyrin metabolism
K05369 pebA; 15,16-dihydrobiliverdin:ferredoxin oxidoreductase
Enzymes [BR:ko01000]
1. Oxidoreductases
1.3 Acting on the CH-CH group of donors
1.3.7 With an iron-sulfur protein as acceptor 15,16-dihydrobiliverdin:ferredoxin oxidoreductase
K05369 pebA; 15,16-dihydrobiliverdin:ferredoxin oxidoreductase
Catalyses the two-electron reduction of biliverdin IXalpha at the C15 methine bridge. It has been proposed that this enzyme and EC, phycoerythrobilin:ferredoxin oxidoreductase, function as a dual enzyme complex in the conversion of biliverdin IXalpha into phycoerythrobilin.
Enzymatic reactions [BR:br08201]
1. Oxidoreductase reactions
1.3 Acting on the CH-CH group of donors
1.3.7 With an iron-sulfur protein as acceptor
R05818 Biliverdin + Reduced ferredoxin <=> 15,16-Dihydrobiliverdin + Oxidized ferredoxin