KEGG Orthology (KO) [BR:hsa00001]
09100 Metabolism
09109 Metabolism of terpenoids and polyketides
00900 Terpenoid backbone biosynthesis
2339 (FNTA)
09180 Brite Hierarchies
09181 Protein families: metabolism
01006 Prenyltransferases [BR:hsa01006]
2339 (FNTA)
Enzymes [BR:hsa01000]
2. Transferases
2.5 Transferring alkyl or aryl groups, other than methyl groups
2.5.1 Transferring alkyl or aryl groups, other than methyl groups (only sub-subclass identified to date) protein farnesyltransferase
2339 (FNTA) protein geranylgeranyltransferase type I
2339 (FNTA)
Prenyltransferases [BR:hsa01006]
Protein prenylation
Farnesyltransferase/geranylgeranyltransferase 1
2339 (FNTA)