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Drug interaction list

D00786  Tolcapone (JAN/USP/INN); Tasmar (TN)

Interactions: 23 hits    [ ATC classification | Therapeutic category ]

D00059  Levodopa (JP18/USP/INN); Dopar (TN) (P) unclassified
D00211  Rifampin (USP); Rifampicin (JP18/INN); Rifadin (TN); Rimactane (TN) (P) unclassified
D00252  Carbamazepine (JP18/USP/INN); Equetro (TN); Tegretol (TN) (P) unclassified
D00253  Carbidopa hydrate and levodopa; Parcopa (TN); Sinemet (TN) (P) unclassified
D00405  Methyldopa (USP); Methyldopa hydrate (JP18); Aldomet (TN) (P) unclassified
D00559  Pramipexole dihydrochloride (USP); Pramipexole hydrochloride hydrate (JAN); Pramipexole dihydrochloride monohydrate; Mirapex (TN) (P) unclassified
D00713  Thiamylal sodium (JP18); Surital (TN) (P) unclassified
D00714  Thiopental sodium (JP18/USP/INN); Pentothal (TN) (P) unclassified
D00777  Amantadine hydrochloride (JP18/USP); Symmetrel (TN); Gocovri (TN); Osmolex er (TN) (P) unclassified
D00780  Bromocriptine mesylate (USP); Bromocriptine mesilate (JP18); Parlodel (TN) (P) unclassified
D00784  Ropinirole hydrochloride (JAN/USP); Requip (TN) (P) unclassified
D00787  Trihexyphenidyl hydrochloride (JP18/USP); Artane (TN) (P) unclassified
D01148  Tolterodine tartrate (JAN/USP); Detrol (TN); Detrusitol (TN) (P) unclassified
D02135  Levodopa and benserazide hydrochloride; Madopar (TN) (P) unclassified
D02246  Biperiden hydrochloride (JP18/USP); Tasmolin (TN) (P) unclassified
D02247  Biperiden lactate (JAN/USP); Tasmolin (TN) (P) unclassified
D04616  Iron sucrose (USP); Ferric oxide, saccharated; Sucroferric oxyhydroxide; Venofer (TN); Velphoro (TN) (P) unclassified
D04911  Benfotiamine, pyridoxine hydrochloride and cyanocobalamin; Vitamedin (TN) (P) unclassified
D04935  Thiamine disulfide phosphate, pyridoxine hydrochloride and cyanocobalamin; Vitamedin (TN) (P) unclassified
D05768  Rotigotine (JAN/USAN/INN); Neupro (TN) (P) unclassified
D09993  Ferric citrate hydrate (JAN); Ferric citrate trihydrate; Riona (TN) (P) unclassified
D10293  Carbidopa, levodopa and entacapone; Stalevo (TN) (P) unclassified
D12494  Foslevodopa and foscarbidopa; Vyalev (TN) (P) Enzyme-Target: COMT