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hsa04137 Mitophagy - animal Mitochondria act as the energy powerhouse of the cell, and are essential for eukaryotic cells to gro... ... 51024 (FIS1) 5868 (RAB5A), 5869 (RAB5B), 5878 (RAB5C) 5868 (RAB5A), 5869 (RAB5B), 5878 (RAB5C) 3383... MITOPHAGY - ANIMAL PINK1 Parkin OPTN TBK1 P62 NDP52 NBR1 TAX1BP1 ARIH1 SIAH1 HUWE1 GP78 MUL1 SMURF...
hsa04144 Endocytosis Endocytosis is a mechanism for cells to remove ligands, nutrients, and plasma membrane (PM) proteins... ...) 9101 (USP8) 5868 (RAB5A), 5869 (RAB5B), 5878 (RAB5C) 382 (ARF6) 10617 (STAMBP) 26119 (LDLRAP1) 160... ENDOCYTOSIS STAM Hrs PI(3)P PI(3)P ESCRT-I ESCRT-0 ESCRT-II ESCRT-III Late endosome and multivesicul...
hsa05152 Tuberculosis Tuberculosis, or TB, is an infectious disease caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis. One third of the... ...) 3586 (IL10) 5868 (RAB5A), 5869 (RAB5B), 5878 (RAB5C) 5289 (PIK3C3) 10312 (TCIRG1), 23545 (ATP6V0A2... SapM TUBERCULOSIS DC-SIGN Raf1 IL-10 Pro-inflammatory cytokines Phagosome maturation arrest Rab5 VPS...
hsa04014 Ras signaling pathway The Ras proteins are GTPases that function as molecular switches for signaling pathways regulating c... ..., 2114 (ETS2) 5868 (RAB5A), 5869 (RAB5B), 5878 (RAB5C) 22800 (RRAS2), 22808 (MRAS), 3265 (HRAS), 384... MAPK signaling pathway RAS SIGNALING PATHWAY ERK MEK Raf-1 Ras PI3K-Akt signaling pathway Grb2 SOS...
hsa04145 Phagosome Phagocytosis is the process of taking in relatively large particles by a cell, and is a central mech... ...) 8411 (EEA1) 5868 (RAB5A), 5869 (RAB5B), 5878 (RAB5C) 338382 (RAB7B), 7879 (RAB7A) 1536 (CYBB) 8354... PHAGOSOME Fc gamma R-mediated phagocytosis Endocytosis Phagocytic cup pathogen Conventional p...
hsa04148 Efferocytosis ...1) 19 (ABCA1) 5868 (RAB5A), 5869 (RAB5B), 5878 (RAB5C) 64284 (RAB17) 23355 (VPS8), 55823 (VPS11), 57... ADGRB1 MERTK DOCK1 Rac1 GULP1 ELMO Actin polymerization ITGA STAB ITGB MFGE8 Efferocyte AXL FAK CRK ...
hsa04962 Vasopressin-regulated water reabsorption In the kidney, the antidiuretic hormone vasopressin (AVP) is a critical regulator of water homeostas... ...9230 (RAB11B) 5868 (RAB5A), 5869 (RAB5B), 5878 (RAB5C) 6810 (STX4) 6844 (VAMP2) 4905 (NSF) 10540 (DC... VASOPRESSIN-REGULATED WATER REABSORPTION Renal interstitium fluid (blood) DNA Urinary lumen Nucleu...
hsa05132 Salmonella infection Salmonella infection usually presents as a self-limiting gastroenteritis or the more severe typhoid ... ...5082 (VPS33A) 5868 (RAB5A), 5869 (RAB5B), 5878 (RAB5C) 5289 (PIK3C3) 23207 (PLEKHM2) 8677 (STX10) 96... SopB AvrA MyD88 MyD88 MyD88 ERK IKKβ TAK1 p38 IRAK1/4 IKKα IL-8 TIRAP MyD88 JNK IL-1β TRAF6 IL-6 TAB...
hsa05146 Amoebiasis Entamoeba histolytica, an extracellular protozoan parasite is a human pathogen that invades the inte... ...8382 (RAB7B), 5868 (RAB5A), 5869 (RAB5B), 5878 (RAB5C), 7879 (RAB7A) 3315 (HSPB1) 7097 (TLR2) 909 (C... Extracellular matrix Intestinal epithelial cell Entamoeba histolytica trophozoite IL1β MUC2 Laminin...

Items : 1 - 9 of 9