KEGG: Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes
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KEGG is an original database product, copyright Kanehisa Laboratories.
Although best efforts are always applied when developing KEGG products, Kanehisa Laboratories makes no warrant nor assumes any legal responsibility for the accuracy or usefulness of KEGG or any information contained therein.
Academic use of KEGG
Academic users may freely use the KEGG website at or its mirror site at GenomeNet
Academic users who utilize KEGG for providing services are requested to obtain an academic service provider license, which is included in the KEGG FTP academic subscription.
Non-academic use of KEGG
Non-academic users must understand that KEGG is not a public database, nor is it a publicly funded database. Non-academic use of KEGG requires a commercial license. Please contact Pathway Solutions, which operates KEGG FTP sites and a KEGG mirror website, for license agreements.
Last updated: October 1, 2024