SSDB Motif Search Result

Organism : Bacillus subtilis subsp. subtilis 168
Gene : BSU30470
Definition : no KO assigned | (RefSeq) ytzC; hypothetical protein
Motif idFromToDefinitionE valueScore
pf:DUF2524184Protein of unknown function (DUF2524) 6.7e-38-
pf:DUF2564147Protein of unknown function (DUF2564) 0.0034-
pf:Rep_fac-A_C350Replication factor-A C terminal domain 0.035-
pf:PMEI952Plant invertase/pectin methylesterase inhibitor 0.0046-
pf:EloA-BP11065ElonginA binding-protein 1 0.028-
pf:ATP-synt_DE1351ATP synthase, Delta/Epsilon chain, long alpha-helix domain 0.0061-

bsu:BSU30470 pf:DUF2524 pf:DUF2564 pf:Rep_fac-A_C pf:PMEI pf:EloA-BP1 pf:ATP-synt_DE

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