SSDB Motif Search Result

Organism : Bordetella trematum
Gene : SAMEA390648703850
Definition : K14170 chorismate mutase / prephenate dehydratase [EC:] | (GenBank) pheA_2; P-protein (includes chorismate mutase and prephenate dehydratase)
Motif idFromToDefinitionE valueScore
pf:CM_21391Chorismate mutase type II 4.6e-20-
pf:PDT96270Prephenate dehydratase 1.4e-63-
pf:HrpE173210HrpE/YscL/FliH and V-type ATPase subunit E 0.009-
pf:ACT282346ACT domain 1.4e-05-

btrm:SAMEA390648703850 pf:CM_2 pf:PDT pf:HrpE pf:ACT

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