Search Result

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Entry Name Description Category Pathway Gene
H00507 Dyskeratosis congenita Dyskeratosis congenita (DC) is a severe inherited bone marrow failure syndrome with associated cutaneous and noncutaneous abnormalities. In most cases, the inheritance pattern is X-linked recessive, while ... Ribosomopathy (DKCX) DKC1 [HSA:1736] [KO:K11131]
(DKCA1) TERC [HSA:7012] [KO:K22183]
(DKCA2/B4) TERT [HSA:7015] [KO:K11126]
(DKCA3/A5) TINF2 [HSA:26277] [KO:K11112]
(DKCA4/B5) RTEL1 [HSA:51750] [KO:K11136]
(DKCA6/B7) ACD [HSA:65057] [KO:K11114]
(DKCB1) NOP10 [HSA:55505] [KO:K11130]
(DKCB2) NHP2 [HSA:55651] [KO:K11129]
(DKCB3) WRAP53 [HSA:55135] [KO:K23314]
(DKCB6) PARN [HSA:5073] [KO:K01148]
(DKCB8) DCLRE1B [HSA:64858] [KO:K15341]
(DKCD) TYMS [HSA:7298] [KO:K00560]
H00788 Hoyeraal-Hreidarsson syndrome
X-linked dyskeratosis congenita
... growth retardation, microcephaly, cerebellar hypoplasia, bone marrow failure associated with immunodeficiency. A missense mutation in the DKC1 gene and premature short telomeres were found in the disease. Ribosomopathy DKC1 [HSA:1736] [KO:K11131]
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