Search Result

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Entry Name Description Category Pathway Gene
H00843 Hartnup disorder ... including pellagra-like photo-sensitive skin rash, cerebellar ataxia, and renal aminoaciduria. It is caused by hereditary abnormalities in the neutral amino acid transporter B0AT1 (SLC6A19) in apical membrane. Inherited metabolic disorder SLC6A19 [HSA:340024] [KO:K05334]
H00905 Iminoglycinuria ... Inactivation or reduced function of SLC36A2 (PAT-2) is the predominant determinant of the iminoglycinuria phenotype in humans. Mutations in SLC6A20 (SIT-1) and SLC6A19 (B0AT1) could also be the cause. Inherited metabolic disorder SLC36A2 [HSA:153201] [KO:K14209]
SLC6A19 [HSA:340024] [KO:K05334]
SLC6A20 [HSA:54716] [KO:K05048]
H01304 Hyperglycinuria Hyperglycinuria (HG) is an autosomal recessive abnormality of renal transport of glycine, resulting from mutations in genes encoding proline and glycine transporters. Urinary system disease SLC6A20 [HSA:54716] [KO:K05048]
SLC6A19 [HSA:340024] [KO:K05334]
SLC36A2 [HSA:153201] [KO:K14209]
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