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hsa04928 Parathyroid hormone synthesis, secretion and action Parathyroid hormone (PTH) is a key regulator of calcium and phosphorus homeostasis. The principal re... ...8), 115 (ADCY9), 196883 (ADCY4) 5741 (PTH) 7421 (VDR) 5741 (PTH) 408 (ARRB1), 409 (ARRB2) 369 (ARAF)... ...CM2 cAMP Exocytosis PTH DNA 1,25(OH) (Vitamin D) VDR PTH ARRB Raf MEK ERK PKC MMP EGFR ERK G12/13 Rh...
hsa04961 Endocrine and other factor-regulated calcium reabsorption Calcium (Ca2+) is essential for numerous physiological functions including intracellular signalling ... ...) 56302 (TRPV5) 5745 (PTH1R) 56302 (TRPV5) 7421 (VDR) 6543 (SLC8A2), 6546 (SLC8A1), 6547 (SLC8A3) 49... junction 1, 25(OH) Estrogens TRPV5 PTHR TRPV5 VDR 1, 25(OH) NCX1 PMCA1b 3Na CaBP28K CaBP28K CaBP2...
hsa04978 Mineral absorption Minerals are one of the five fundamental groups of nutrients needed to sustain life. Of the minerals... ...543 (SLC8A2), 6546 (SLC8A1), 6547 (SLC8A3) 7421 (VDR) 55503 (TRPV6) 55503 (TRPV6) 113235 (SLC46A1) 7... ...D CaBP9K CaBP9K CaBP9K 3Na PMCA1b NCX1 1, 25(OH) VDR TRPV6 TRPV6 Nucleus DNA 1, 25(OH) Paracellular...
hsa05152 Tuberculosis Tuberculosis, or TB, is an infectious disease caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis. One third of the... ...(ITGB2) 1378 (CR1), 1379 (CR1L) 3929 (LBP) 7421 (VDR) 1594 (CYP27B1) 820 (CAMP) 3606 (IL18) 51561 (I... ...IL-6 LARG RhoA LSP1 KSR1 CNK CD11c CD18 CD35 LBP VDR Cyp27b1 Cathelicidin Antimicrobial peptide Calc...
hsa05207 Chemical carcinogenesis - receptor activation Carcinogenesis is a multistage process that consists of initiation, promotion, and progression stage... ...(AKT1), 208 (AKT2) 2353 (FOS), 3725 (JUN), 7421 (VDR) 1978 (EIF4EBP1) 6198 (RPS6KB1), 6199 (RPS6KB2)... ...tion Invasion Abnormal differentiation Apoptosis VDR/AP1 BPA BPA Arsenic 4EBP1 S6K1 mTOR mTOR signal...

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