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hsa04727 GABAergic synapse Gamma aminobutyric acid (GABA) is the most abundant inhibitory neurotransmitter in the mammalian cen... ... (GABRA1), 2555 (GABRA2), 2556 (GABRA3), 2557 (GABRA4), 2558 (GABRA5), 2559 (GABRA6), 2560 (GABRB1),... GABAERGIC SYNAPSE Glial cell Neuron (Presynaptic terminal) Neuron (Postsynaptic cell) GABA GAT2/3 V...
hsa05032 Morphine addiction Morphine is an alkaloid from the plant extracts of opium poppy. Although morphine is highly effectiv... ... (GABRA1), 2555 (GABRA2), 2556 (GABRA3), 2557 (GABRA4), 2558 (GABRA5), 2559 (GABRA6), 2560 (GABRB1),... MORPHINE ADDICTION GABA neuron (Presynaptic terminal) MOR Control GABAergic synapse Synaptic cleft ...
hsa05033 Nicotine addiction Nicotine is one of the main psychoactive ingredients in tobacco that contributes to the harmful toba... ... (GABRA1), 2555 (GABRA2), 2556 (GABRA3), 2557 (GABRA4), 2558 (GABRA5), 2559 (GABRA6), 2560 (GABRB1),... NICOTINE ADDICTION Control Smoking Nucleus accumbens (NAc) Nicotine (Nic) GABA GABA Ca / Na Ca / ...
hsa04080 Neuroactive ligand-receptor interaction ... (GABRA1), 2555 (GABRA2), 2556 (GABRA3), 2557 (GABRA4), 2558 (GABRA5), 2559 (GABRA6), 2560 (GABRB1),... PARRS Gastric inhibitory peptide Glucagon Glucagon-like peptide Parathyroid hormone Growth hormone-r...
hsa04723 Retrograde endocannabinoid signaling Endogenous cannabinoids (endocannabinoids) serve as retrograde messengers at synapses in various reg... ... (GABRA1), 2555 (GABRA2), 2556 (GABRA3), 2557 (GABRA4), 2558 (GABRA5), 2559 (GABRA6), 2560 (GABRB1),... RETROGRADE ENDOCANNABINOID SIGNALING Neuron (Presynaptic terminal) Neuron (Postsynaptic cell) vGLU...
hsa04742 Taste transduction Five basic tastes are recognized by humans and most other animals - bitter, sweet, sour, salty and u... ... (GABRA1), 2555 (GABRA2), 2556 (GABRA3), 2557 (GABRA4), 2558 (GABRA5), 2559 (GABRA6) 2550 (GABBR1), ... TASTE TRANSDUCTION TRPM5 + Type Ⅱ receptor cell Bitter Depolarization T1R2 Salicin PLCβ2 2+ IP3...

Items : 1 - 6 of 6