SSDB Paralog Search Result

Entry:hsa:682 (385 a.a.)
Name:basigin (Ok blood group)
KO:K06535 basigin
Show :

Search Result : 45 hits

                 Entry                                       KO      len   SW-score identity overlap
------------------------------------------------------------------ -----------------------------------------
hsa:27020 neuroplastin                                  K22653     398     1051   0.415    395     
hsa:57453 DS cell adhesion molecule like 1              K06768    2053      287   0.287    307     
hsa:256158 hemicentin 2                                 K17341    5079      280   0.263    293     
hsa:22997 immunoglobulin superfamily member 9B          K22656    1437      253   0.233    339     
hsa:133418 embigin                                                 327      241   0.286    224     
hsa:83872 hemicentin 1                                  K17341    5635      241   0.235    289     
hsa:1826 DS cell adhesion molecule                      K06767    2012      234   0.244    336     
hsa:4685 neural cell adhesion molecule 2                K06491     837      232   0.220    295     
hsa:7273 titin                                          K12567   34350      230   0.233    335     
hsa:285313 immunoglobulin superfamily member 10                   2623      227   0.254    299     
hsa:7837 peroxidasin                                    K19511    1479      222   0.250    360     
hsa:253559 cell adhesion molecule 2                     K06782     435      218   0.258    364     
hsa:3339 heparan sulfate proteoglycan 2                 K06255    4391      217   0.269    334     
hsa:84033 obscurin, cytoskeletal calmodulin and titin-i K17531    7968      216   0.287    293     
hsa:50937 cell adhesion associated, oncogene regulated  K20033    1287      215   0.241    344     
hsa:6900 contactin 2                                    K06760    1040      214   0.265    302     
hsa:84623 kirre like nephrin family adhesion molecule 3 K25874     778      214   0.254    319     
hsa:4978 opioid binding protein/cell adhesion molecule  K06773     345      199   0.269    323     
hsa:84063 kirre like nephrin family adhesion molecule 2 K25874     708      196   0.264    276     
hsa:91653 BOC cell adhesion associated, oncogene regula K20020    1114      182   0.262    298     
hsa:221935 sidekick cell adhesion molecule 1            K16353    2213      181   0.261    307     
hsa:3897 L1 cell adhesion molecule                      K06550    1257      178   0.291    175     
hsa:55243 kirre like nephrin family adhesion molecule 1 K25874     757      177   0.276    225     
hsa:402665 IgLON family member 5                        K06773     336      172   0.251    223     
hsa:57863 cell adhesion molecule 3                      K06780     398      168   0.253    423     
hsa:23114 neurofascin                                   K06757    1240      166   0.291    175     
hsa:4868 NPHS1 adhesion molecule, nephrin               K24496    1241      166   0.251    338     
hsa:4897 neuronal cell adhesion molecule                K06756    1304      166   0.254    319     
hsa:10666 CD226 molecule                                K06567     336      161   0.279    226     
hsa:50848 F11 receptor                                  K06089     299      158   0.256    160     
hsa:53834 fibroblast growth factor receptor like 1      K26107     504      158   0.305    141     
hsa:23105 follistatin like 4                            K23914     842      156   0.257    218     
hsa:79414 leucine rich repeat and fibronectin type III  K16356     628      153   0.258    267     
hsa:54538 roundabout guidance receptor 4                K06784    1007      152   0.263    209     
hsa:10223 glycoprotein A33                              K06790     319      142   0.313    134     
hsa:91624 nexilin F-actin binding protein               K23918     675      130   0.326    95      
hsa:347252 insulin like growth factor binding protein l K24197     278      128   0.311    90      
hsa:10446 leucine rich repeat neuronal 2                K24492     713      123   0.310    84      
hsa:3815 KIT proto-oncogene, receptor tyrosine kinase   K05091     976      122   0.310    84      
hsa:58494 junctional adhesion molecule 2                K06735     298      119   0.308    78      
hsa:10892 MALT1 paracaspase                             K07369     824      116   0.361    61      
hsa:4919 receptor tyrosine kinase like orphan receptor  K05122     937      114   0.312    77      
hsa:83700 junctional adhesion molecule 3                K06785     310      109   0.312    80      
hsa:345193 leucine rich repeat, Ig-like and transmembra K24491     679      104   0.300    80      
hsa:57622 leucine rich repeat and fibronectin type III  K16354     771      101   0.329    76      

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