Coffin-Siris syndrome (CSS) is a rare congenital anomaly syndrome characterized by growth deficiency, severe intellectual disability, microcephaly, coarse facial features and hypoplastic nail of the fifth finger and/or toe. Recently, it has been reported that mutations in genes encoding subunits of the SWI/SNF complex cause this disease.
Congenital malformation
Human diseases in ICD-11 classification [BR:br08403]
20 Developmental anomalies
Multiple developmental anomalies or syndromes
LD27 Syndromes with skin or mucosal anomalies as a major feature
H01403 Coffin-Siris syndrome
Tsurusaki Y, Okamoto N, Ohashi H, Mizuno S, Matsumoto N, Makita Y, Fukuda M, Isidor B, Perrier J, Aggarwal S, Dalal AB, Al-Kindy A, Liebelt J, Mowat D, Nakashima M, Saitsu H, Miyake N, Matsumoto N
Coffin-Siris syndrome is a SWI/SNF complex disorder.
Tsurusaki Y, Okamoto N, Ohashi H, Kosho T, Imai Y, Hibi-Ko Y, Kaname T, Naritomi K, Kawame H, Wakui K, Fukushima Y, Homma T, Kato M, Hiraki Y, Yamagata T, Yano S, Mizuno S, Sakazume S, Ishii T, Nagai T, Shiina M, Ogata K, Ohta T, Niikawa N, Miyatake S, Okada I, Mizuguchi T, Doi H, Saitsu H, Miyake N, Matsumoto N
Mutations affecting components of the SWI/SNF complex cause Coffin-Siris syndrome.
Santen GW, Aten E, Sun Y, Almomani R, Gilissen C, Nielsen M, Kant SG, Snoeck IN, Peeters EA, Hilhorst-Hofstee Y, Wessels MW, den Hollander NS, Ruivenkamp CA, van Ommen GJ, Breuning MH, den Dunnen JT, van Haeringen A, Kriek M
Mutations in SWI/SNF chromatin remodeling complex gene ARID1B cause Coffin-Siris syndrome.
Tsurusaki Y, Koshimizu E, Ohashi H, Phadke S, Kou I, Shiina M, Suzuki T, Okamoto N, Imamura S, Yamashita M, Watanabe S, Yoshiura K, Kodera H, Miyatake S, Nakashima M, Saitsu H, Ogata K, Ikegawa S, Miyake N, Matsumoto N
De novo SOX11 mutations cause Coffin-Siris syndrome.
Nixon KCJ, Rousseau J, Stone MH, Sarikahya M, Ehresmann S, Mizuno S, Matsumoto N, Miyake N, Baralle D, McKee S, Izumi K, Ritter AL, Heide S, Heron D, Depienne C, Titheradge H, Kramer JM, Campeau PM
A Syndromic Neurodevelopmental Disorder Caused by Mutations in SMARCD1, a Core SWI/SNF Subunit Needed for Context-Dependent Neuronal Gene Regulation in Flies.
Barish S, Barakat TS, Michel BC, Mashtalir N, Phillips JB, Valencia AM, Ugur B, Wegner J, Scott TM, Bostwick B, Murdock DR, Dai H, Perenthaler E, Nikoncuk A, van Slegtenhorst M, Brooks AS, Keren B, Nava C, Mignot C, Douglas J, Rodan L, Nowak C, Ellard S, Stals K, Lynch SA, Faoucher M, Lesca G, Edery P, Engleman KL, Zhou D, Thiffault I, Herriges J, Gass J, Louie RJ, Stolerman E, Washington C, Vetrini F, Otsubo A, Pratt VM, Conboy E, Treat K, Shannon N, Camacho J, Wakeling E, Yuan B, Chen CA, Rosenfeld JA, Westerfield M, Wangler M, Yamamoto S, Kadoch C, Scott DA, Bellen HJ
BICRA, a SWI/SNF Complex Member, Is Associated with BAF-Disorder Related Phenotypes in Humans and Model Organisms.