KEGG   DISEASE: Proud syndrome
H01919                      Disease                                
Proud syndrome
X-linked syndromic intellectual developmental disorder [DS:H00658]
Proud syndrome is a syndromic X-linked mental retardation, characterized by agenesis of the corpus callosum, and abnormal genitalia. ARX is considered to have an important role in neuronal proliferation, interneuronal migration and differentiation in the embryonic brain, and also in the differentiation of the testis. Phenotypes associated with ARX mutations include both brain malformation and non-malformation syndromes. Premature termination mutations and missense mutations in the homeobox domain cause malformation syndromes such as Proud syndrome.
Congenital malformation
Human diseases in ICD-11 classification [BR:br08403]
 20 Developmental anomalies
  Multiple developmental anomalies or syndromes
   LD20  Syndromes with central nervous system anomalies as a major feature
    H01919  Proud syndrome
ARX [HSA:170302] [KO:K09452]
See also H00658 Syndromic X-linked mental retardation.
Other DBs
ICD-11: LD20.Y
ICD-10: Q87.8
MeSH: C563110
OMIM: 300004
Shinozaki Y, Osawa M, Sakuma H, Komaki H, Nakagawa E, Sugai K, Sasaki M, Goto Y
Expansion of the first polyalanine tract of the ARX gene in a boy presenting with generalized dystonia in the absence of infantile spasms.
Brain Dev 31:469-72 (2009)
Kato M, Das S, Petras K, Kitamura K, Morohashi K, Abuelo DN, Barr M, Bonneau D, Brady AF, Carpenter NJ, Cipero KL, Frisone F, Fukuda T, Guerrini R, Iida E, Itoh M, Lewanda AF, Nanba Y, Oka A, Proud VK, Saugier-Veber P, Schelley SL, Selicorni A, Shaner R, Silengo M, Stewart F, Sugiyama N, Toyama J, Toutain A, Vargas AL, Yanazawa M, Zackai EH, Dobyns WB
Mutations of ARX are associated with striking pleiotropy and consistent genotype-phenotype correlation.
Hum Mutat 23:147-59 (2004)

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