KEGG   DISEASE: Intellectual developmental disorder with speech delay and dysmorphic facies
H02700                      Disease                                
Intellectual developmental disorder with speech delay and dysmorphic facies
IDD with impaired language and dysmorphic facies (IDDILF)
IDD with speech delay, autism, and dysmorphic facies (IDDSADF)
IDD with nasal speech, dysmorphic facies, and skeletal anomalies (IDNADFS)
Intellectual developmental disorder (IDD) with speech delay and dysmorphic facies is a group of disorders characterized by speech difficulty and intellectual disability. It has been reported that mutations in genes encoding factors mediating mRNA decay are associated with intellectual disability.
Mental and behavioural disorder
Human diseases in ICD-11 classification [BR:br08403]
 20 Developmental anomalies
  LD90  Conditions with disorders of intellectual development as a relevant clinical feature
   H02700  Intellectual developmental disorder with speech delay and dysmorphic facies
hsa03018  RNA degradation
(IDDILF) DDX6 [HSA:1656] [KO:K12614]
(IDDSADF) CNOT3 [HSA:4849] [KO:K12580]
(IDNADFS) CNOT2 [HSA:4848] [KO:K12605]
Other DBs
ICD-11: LD90.Y
ICD-10: Q89.7
MeSH: D008607
OMIM: 618653 618672 618608
Weil D, Piton A, Lessel D, Standart N
Mutations in genes encoding regulators of mRNA decapping and translation initiation: links to intellectual disability.
Biochem Soc Trans 48:1199-1211 (2020)
PMID:31422817 (IDDILF)
Balak C, Benard M, Schaefer E, Iqbal S, Ramsey K, Ernoult-Lange M, Mattioli F, Llaci L, Geoffroy V, Courel M, Naymik M, Bachman KK, Pfundt R, Rump P, Ter Beest J, Wentzensen IM, Monaghan KG, McWalter K, Richholt R, Le Bechec A, Jepsen W, De Both M, Belnap N, Boland A, Piras IS, Deleuze JF, Szelinger S, Dollfus H, Chelly J, Muller J, Campbell A, Lal D, Rangasamy S, Mandel JL, Narayanan V, Huentelman M, Weil D, Piton A
Rare De Novo Missense Variants in RNA Helicase DDX6 Cause Intellectual Disability and Dysmorphic Features and Lead to P-Body Defects and RNA Dysregulation.
Am J Hum Genet 105:509-525 (2019)
PMID:31201375 (IDDSADF)
Martin R, Splitt M, Genevieve D, Aten E, Collins A, de Bie CI, Faivre L, Foulds N, Giltay J, Ibitoye R, Joss S, Kennedy J, Kerr B, Kivuva E, Koopmans M, Newbury-Ecob R, Jean-Marcais N, Peeters EAJ, Smithson S, Tomkins S, Tranmauthem F, Piton A, van Haeringen A
De novo variants in CNOT3 cause a variable neurodevelopmental disorder.
Eur J Hum Genet 27:1677-1682 (2019)
PMID:36224108 (IDNADFS)
Niceta M, Pizzi S, Inzana F, Peron A, Bakhtiari S, Nizon M, Levy J, Mancini C, Cogne B, Radio FC, Agolini E, Cocciadiferro D, Novelli A, Salih MA, Recalcati MP, Arancio R, Besnard M, Tabet AC, Kruer MC, Priolo M, Dallapiccola B, Tartaglia M
Delineation of the clinical profile of CNOT2 haploinsufficiency and overview of the IDNADFS phenotype.
Clin Genet 103:156-166 (2023)

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