KEGG  Biosynthesis of secondary metabolites - Bacillus anthracis CDC 684

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  • Pathway modules
    • Carbohydrate metabolism
      • Other carbohydrate metabolism
    • Lipid metabolism
      • Sterol biosynthesis
        • M00102 Ergocalciferol biosynthesis
        • M00917 Phytosterol biosynthesis
      • Lipid metabolism
        • M00113 Jasmonic acid biosynthesis
    • Amino acid metabolism
      • Serine and threonine metabolism
        • M00018 Threonine biosynthesis
      • Cysteine and methionine metabolism
      • Branched-chain amino acid metabolism
        • M00019 Valine/isoleucine biosynthesis
        • M00432 Leucine biosynthesis
      • Lysine metabolism
        • M00527 Lysine biosynthesis, DAP aminotransferase pathway
      • Arginine and proline metabolism
        • M00978 Ornithine-ammonia cycle
      • Histidine metabolism
        • M00026 Histidine biosynthesis
      • Aromatic amino acid metabolism
        • M00022 Shikimate pathway
        • M00023 Tryptophan biosynthesis
        • M00024 Phenylalanine biosynthesis
        • M00910 Phenylalanine biosynthesis
        • M00040 Tyrosine biosynthesis
        • M00936 Melatonin biosynthesis, plants
      • Other amino acid metabolism
        • M00369 Cyanogenic glycoside biosynthesis
    • Metabolism of cofactors and vitamins
      • Cofactor and vitamin metabolism
        • M00125 Riboflavin biosynthesis, plants and bacteria
        • M00119 Pantothenate biosynthesis
        • M00846 Siroheme biosynthesis
        • M00868 Heme biosynthesis, animals and fungi
        • M00121 Heme biosynthesis, plants and bacteria
        • M00847 Heme biosynthesis, archaea
        • M00117 Ubiquinone biosynthesis, prokaryotes
        • M00116 Menaquinone biosynthesis
        • M00932 Phylloquinone biosynthesis
        • M00112 Tocopherol/tocotorienol biosynthesis
        • M00933 Plastoquinone biosynthesis
    • Biosynthesis of terpenoids and polyketides
      • Terpenoid backbone biosynthesis
        • M00095 C5 isoprenoid biosynthesis, mevalonate pathway
        • M00849 C5 isoprenoid biosynthesis, mevalonate pathway, archaea
        • M00096 C5 isoprenoid biosynthesis, non-mevalonate pathway
        • M00364 C10-C20 isoprenoid biosynthesis, bacteria
      • Plant terpenoid biosynthesis
        • M00097 beta-Carotene biosynthesis
        • M00372 Abscisic acid biosynthesis
        • M00371 Castasterone biosynthesis
        • M00927 Gibberellin A12 biosynthesis
        • M00928 Gibberellin A4/A1 biosynthesis
        • M00929 Gibberellin A1 biosynthesis
      • Macrolide biosynthesis
        • M00773 Tylosin biosynthesis
        • M00934 Mycinamicin biosynthesis
        • M00774 Erythromycin biosynthesis
        • M00775 Oleandomycin biosynthesis
        • M00776 Pikromycin/methymycin biosynthesis
        • M00777 Avermectin biosynthesis
      • Enediyne biosynthesis
        • M00824 9-membered enediyne core biosynthesis
        • M00825 10-membered enediyne core biosynthesis
        • M00826 C-1027 benzoxazolinate moiety biosynthesis
        • M00827 C-1027 beta-amino acid moiety biosynthesis
        • M00828 Maduropeptin beta-hydroxy acid moiety biosynthesis
        • M00829 3,6-Dimethylsalicylyl-CoA biosynthesis
        • M00830 Neocarzinostatin naphthoate moiety biosynthesis
        • M00831 Kedarcidin 2-hydroxynaphthoate moiety biosynthesis
        • M00832 Kedarcidin 2-aza-3-chloro-beta-tyrosine moiety biosynthesis
        • M00834 Calicheamicin orsellinate moiety biosynthesis
        • M00833 Calicheamicin biosynthesis
      • Type II polyketide biosynthesis
        • M00778 Type II polyketide backbone biosynthesis
        • M00779 Dihydrokalafungin biosynthesis
        • M00780 Tetracycline/oxytetracycline biosynthesis
        • M00823 Chlortetracycline biosynthesis
        • M00781 Nogalavinone/aklavinone biosynthesis
        • M00782 Mithramycin biosynthesis
        • M00783 Tetracenomycin C/8-demethyltetracenomycin C biosynthesis
        • M00784 Elloramycin biosynthesis
      • Polyketide sugar unit biosynthesis
        • M00793 dTDP-L-rhamnose biosynthesis
        • M00794 dTDP-6-deoxy-D-allose biosynthesis
        • M00795 dTDP-beta-L-noviose biosynthesis
        • M00796 dTDP-D-mycaminose biosynthesis
        • M00797 dTDP-D-desosamine biosynthesis
        • M00798 dTDP-L-mycarose biosynthesis
        • M00799 dTDP-L-oleandrose biosynthesis
        • M00800 dTDP-L-megosamine biosynthesis
        • M00801 dTDP-L-olivose biosynthesis
        • M00802 dTDP-D-forosamine biosynthesis
        • M00803 dTDP-D-angolosamine biosynthesis
    • Biosynthesis of other secondary metabolites
      • Biosynthesis of phytochemical compounds
        • M00039 Monolignol biosynthesis
        • M00137 Flavanone biosynthesis
        • M00940 Flavanone biosynthesis
        • M00138 Flavonoid biosynthesis
        • M00941 Isoflavone biosynthesis
        • M00942 Pterocarpan biosynthesis
        • M00962 Psilocybin biosynthesis
        • M00963 Chanoclavine aldehyde biosynthesis
        • M00964 Fumigaclavine biosynthesis
        • M00981 Geissoschizine biosynthesis
        • M00979 Ajmaline biosynthesis
        • M00980 Strychnine biosynthesis
        • M00965 Vinblastine biosynthesis
        • M00943 Reticuline biosynthesis
        • M00944 Morphine biosynthesis
        • M00945 Sanguinarine biosynthesis
        • M00946 Noscapine biosynthesis
        • M00961 Betacyanin biosynthesis
        • M00370 Glucosinolate biosynthesis
        • M00900 Crocin biosynthesis
        • M00971 QS-7 biosynthesis
        • M00894 Cannabidiol biosynthesis
        • M00953 Mugineic acid biosynthesis
        • M00952 Benzoxazinoid biosynthesis
        • M00902 Podophyllotoxin biosynthesis
      • Biosynthesis of beta-lactams
        • M00672 Penicillin biosynthesis
        • M00673 Cephamycin C biosynthesis
        • M00675 Carbapenem-3-carboxylate biosynthesis
        • M00736 Nocardicin A biosynthesis
        • M00674 Clavaminate biosynthesis
      • Biosynthesis of other antibiotics
        • M00877 Kanosamine biosynthesis
        • M00889 Puromycin biosynthesis
        • M00815 Validamycin A biosynthesis
        • M00904 Dapdiamides biosynthesis
        • M00787 Bacilysin biosynthesis
        • M00785 Cycloserine biosynthesis
        • M00848 Aurachin biosynthesis
        • M00788 Terpentecin biosynthesis
        • M00819 Pentalenolactone biosynthesis
        • M00903 Fosfomycin biosynthesis
        • M00890 Roseoflavin biosynthesis
        • M00951 Cremeomycin biosynthesis
        • M00969 Fumagillin biosynthesis
      • Biosynthesis of other fungal compounds
        • M00661 Paspaline biosynthesis
        • M00786 Fumitremorgin alkaloid biosynthesis
        • M00937 Aflatoxin biosynthesis
        • M00893 Lovastatin biosynthesis
        • M00891 Ditryptophenaline biosynthesis
        • M00901 Fumiquinazoline biosynthesis
      • Biosynthesis of other bacterial compounds
        • M00814 Acarbose biosynthesis
        • M00789 Rebeccamycin biosynthesis
        • M00790 Pyrrolnitrin biosynthesis
        • M00805 Staurosporine biosynthesis
        • M00808 Violacein biosynthesis
        • M00835 Pyocyanine biosynthesis
        • M00837 Prodigiosin biosynthesis
        • M00838 Undecylprodigiosin biosynthesis
        • M00921 Cyclooctatin biosynthesis
        • M00905 Grixazone biosynthesis
        • M00876 Staphyloferrin A biosynthesis
        • M00875 Staphyloferrin B biosynthesis
        • M00918 Aerobactin biosynthesis
        • M00906 Ethynylserine biosynthesis