SSDB Motif Search Result

Organism : Homo sapiens (human)
Gene : 4131
Definition : K10429 microtubule-associated protein 1 | (RefSeq) MAP1B, DFNA83, FUTSCH, MAP5, PPP1R102, PVNH9; microtubule associated protein 1B
Motif idFromToDefinitionE valueScore
pf:MAP1B_neuraxin18781894Neuraxin and MAP1B repeat 0.00039-
pf:MAP1B_neuraxin18951911Neuraxin and MAP1B repeat 5.2e-05-
pf:MAP1B_neuraxin19121926Neuraxin and MAP1B repeat 0.0015-
pf:MAP1B_neuraxin19291945Neuraxin and MAP1B repeat 1.2e-05-
pf:MAP1B_neuraxin19461962Neuraxin and MAP1B repeat 0.0014-
pf:MAP1B_neuraxin19631979Neuraxin and MAP1B repeat 0.00015-
pf:MAP1B_neuraxin20312047Neuraxin and MAP1B repeat 4e-06-
pf:MAP1B_neuraxin20482063Neuraxin and MAP1B repeat 5.3e-05-

hsa:4131 pf:MAP1B_neuraxin pf:MAP1B_neuraxin pf:MAP1B_neuraxin pf:MAP1B_neuraxin pf:MAP1B_neuraxin pf:MAP1B_neuraxin pf:MAP1B_neuraxin pf:MAP1B_neuraxin

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