SSDB Motif Search Result

Organism : Homo sapiens (human)
Gene : 79187
Definition : K24489 fibronectin type III and SPRY domain-containing protein 1 | (RefSeq) FSD1, GLFND, MIR1; fibronectin type III and SPRY domain containing 1
Motif idFromToDefinitionE valueScore
pf:COG4_N81122 0.28-
pf:COS109157 0.17-
pf:fn3180258Fibronectin type III domain 8.2e-06-
pf:SPRY355472SPRY domain 1.2e-13-

hsa:79187 pf:COG4_N pf:COS pf:fn3 pf:SPRY

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