KEGG   PATHWAY: ghl03430
ghl03430                    Pathway                                
Mismatch repair - Guyparkeria halophila
DNA mismatch repair (MMR) is a highly conserved biological pathway that plays a key role in maintaining genomic stability. MMR corrects DNA mismatches generated during DNA replication, thereby preventing mutations from becoming permanent in dividing cells. MMR also suppresses homologous recombination and was recently shown to play a role in DNA damage signaling. Defects in MMR are associated with genome-wide instability, predisposition to certain types of cancer including HNPCC, resistance to certain chemotherapeutic agents, and abnormalities in meiosis and sterility in mammalian systems.
The Escherichia coli MMR pathway has been extensively studied and is well characterized. In E. coli, the mismatch-activated MutS-MutL-ATP complex licenses MutH to incise the nearest unmethylated GATC sequence. UvrD and an exonuclease generate a gap. This gap is filled by pol III and DNA ligase. The GATC sites are then methylated by Dam. Several human MMR proteins have been identified based on their homology to E. coli MMR proteins. These include human homologs of MutS and MutL. Although E. coli MutS and MutL proteins are homodimers, human MutS and MutL homologs are heterodimers. The role of hemimethylated dGATC sites as a signal for strand discrimination is not conserved from E. coli to human. Human MMR is presumed to be nick-directed in vivo, and is thought to discriminate daughter and template strands using a strand-specific nick.
Genetic Information Processing; Replication and repair
Pathway map
ghl03430  Mismatch repair

Other DBs
GO: 0006298
Guyparkeria halophila [GN:ghl]
GM160_04870  mutS; DNA mismatch repair protein MutS [KO:K03555]
GM160_09635  mutL; DNA mismatch repair endonuclease MutL [KO:K03572]
GM160_01960  uvrD; DNA helicase II [KO:K03657] [EC:]
GM160_02445  sbcB; exodeoxyribonuclease I [KO:K01141] [EC:]
GM160_05165  xseA; exodeoxyribonuclease VII large subunit [KO:K03601] [EC:]
GM160_02590  exodeoxyribonuclease VII small subunit [KO:K03602] [EC:]
GM160_04920  recJ; single-stranded-DNA-specific exonuclease RecJ [KO:K07462] [EC:3.1.-.-]
GM160_11280  ssb; single-stranded DNA-binding protein [KO:K03111]
GM160_07920  dnaE; DNA polymerase III subunit alpha [KO:K02337] [EC:]
GM160_00010  DNA polymerase III subunit beta [KO:K02338] [EC:]
GM160_07775  holA; DNA polymerase III subunit delta [KO:K02340] [EC:]
GM160_03460  hypothetical protein [KO:K02341] [EC:]
GM160_08740  hypothetical protein [KO:K02342] [EC:]
GM160_06445  3'-5' exonuclease [KO:K02342] [EC:]
GM160_08940  dnaQ; DNA polymerase III subunit epsilon [KO:K02342] [EC:]
GM160_06610  3'-5' exonuclease [KO:K02342] [EC:]
GM160_06755  hypothetical protein [KO:K02339] [EC:]
GM160_00495  ligA; NAD-dependent DNA ligase LigA [KO:K01972] [EC:]
Jiricny J.
The multifaceted mismatch-repair system.
Nat Rev Mol Cell Biol 7:335-46 (2006)
Li GM.
Mechanisms and functions of DNA mismatch repair.
Cell Res 18:85-98 (2008)
Marti TM, Kunz C, Fleck O.
DNA mismatch repair and mutation avoidance pathways.
J Cell Physiol 191:28-41 (2002)
Ikejima M, Shimada T.
[Molecular mechanism of mismatch repair]
Tanpakushitsu Kakusan Koso 46:1124-9 (2001)
KO pathway

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