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hsa04520 Adherens junction ...n E-cadherin. Nectins transduce signals through Cdc42 and Rac, which reorganize the actin cytoskelet... ...AC3) 5879 (RAC1), 5880 (RAC2), 5881 (RAC3) 998 (CDC42) 60 (ACTB), 71 (ACTG1) 60 (ACTB), 71 (ACTG1) 1... ...MW-PTP RhoA RhoA WAVE IRSp53 WASP NWASP Rac Rac Cdc42 Actin Actin α-Catenin ZO-1 ZO-1 Vinculin Vincu...
hsa04360 Axon guidance Axon guidance represents a key stage in the formation of neuronal network. Axons are guided by a var... ...IT3) 9353 (SLIT2) 6585 (SLIT1) 5747 (PTK2) 998 (CDC42) 6093 (ROCK1), 9475 (ROCK2) 10298 (PAK4), 1068... ...AT CaN Netrin-G1 Netrin-4 Slit3 Slit2 Slit1 FAK Cdc42 ROCK PAK RhoA RhoA Regulation of actin cytoske...
hsa04530 Tight junction Tight junctions (TJs) are essential for establishing a selectively permeable barrier to diffusion th... ...4552 (PARD6G), 84612 (PARD6B) 10207 (PATJ) 998 (CDC42) 6794 (STK11) 57530 (CGN) 7074 (TIAM1) 55114 (... PAR6 PATJ Cdc42 TIGHT JUNCTION Inside Paracellular space LKB1 Cingulin Tiam1 Decreased paracellul...
hsa05100 Bacterial invasion of epithelial cells Many pathogenic bacteria can invade phagocytic and non-phagocytic cells and colonize them intracellu... ...3) 5879 (RAC1) 999 (CDH1) 79658 (ARHGAP10) 998 (CDC42) 6714 (SRC) 2017 (CTTN), 3059 (HCLS1) 3678 (IT... ... SipC β-catenin α-catenin Rac E-cadherin ARHGAP Cdc42 Src Cortactin Integrin Arp2/3 actin Rho GTPase...
hsa05130 Pathogenic Escherichia coli infection Enteropathogenic E. coli (EPEC) and enterohemorrhagic E. coli (EHEC) are closely related pathogenic ... ...093 (ROCK1), 9475 (ROCK2) 100506658 (OCLN) 998 (CDC42) 25 (ABL1), 2534 (FYN) 8976 (WASL) 100132463 (... ...pG Phosphatidylethanolamine Cortactin ROCK OCLN Cdc42 EspF c-Fyn/c-Abl N-WASP EspF CLDN ITGB1 Nck GE...
hsa05131 Shigellosis Shigellosis, or bacillary dysentery, is an intestinal infection caused by Shigella, a genus of enter... ...S1) 6714 (SRC) 63916 (ELMO2), 9844 (ELMO1) 998 (CDC42) 10163 (WASF2), 8936 (WASF1) 10092 (ARPC5), 10... ... transcript Rac1 Dock180 Crk Cortactin Src ELMO Cdc42 WAVE Arp2/3 ROCK mDia1 IpgB1 RhoA Filopodia fo...
hsa04010 MAPK signaling pathway The mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) cascade is a highly conserved module that is involved in... ...K5) 5879 (RAC1), 5880 (RAC2), 5881 (RAC3), 998 (CDC42) 5058 (PAK1), 5062 (PAK2) 10746 (MAP3K2), 4215... ...CASP CD14 TGFBR FAS IL1R TNFR TGFB IL1 TNF PRAK Cdc42/Rac PAK1/2 MEKK2/3 JIP1/2 MLK3 MKK7 JNK MKK4 C...
hsa04014 Ras signaling pathway The Ras proteins are GTPases that function as molecular switches for signaling pathways regulating c... ...5601 (MAPK9), 5602 (MAPK10) 10928 (RALBP1) 998 (CDC42) 5879 (RAC1), 5880 (RAC2), 5881 (RAC3) 1001370... ... DAG IP3 BAD BCL-X IKK NFκB AFX FasL JNK RalBP1 CDC42 Rac PLA ELK ETS RAB5 Calcium signaling pathway...
hsa04015 Rap1 signaling pathway Rap1 is a small GTPase that controls diverse processes, such as cell adhesion, cell-cell junction fo... ...PRKD1) 889 (KRIT1) 6714 (SRC) 9855 (FARP2) 998 (CDC42) 22808 (MRAS) 9771 (RAPGEF5) 5906 (RAP1A), 590... ... Vav2 Tiam Rac PAR3 Arap3 Rho PKD1 Krit Src FRG Cdc42 M-ras Repac Rap1 CD-GEFIII CD-GEFI GPCR Gi/o C...
hsa04062 Chemokine signaling pathway Inflammatory immune response requires the recruitment of leukocytes to the site of inflammation upon... ...VAV3), 7409 (VAV1), 7410 (VAV2) 3702 (ITK) 998 (CDC42) 107 (ADCY1), 108 (ADCY2), 109 (ADCY3), 111 (A... ...n ROCK Jak-STAT signaling pathway Vav Itk Cdc42 RasGRP2 Rap1 WASP PKC ROS production Par3 PKCζ...
hsa04144 Endocytosis Endocytosis is a mechanism for cells to remove ligands, nutrients, and plasma membrane (PM) proteins... ...), 9525 (VPS4B) 51534 (VTA1) 51510 (CHMP5) 998 (CDC42) 5584 (PRKCI), 5590 (PRKCZ) 50855 (PARD6A), 84... ...A-ATPase Clathrin-independent endocytosis CHMP5 CDC42 aPKC PAR6 PAR3 uncoating disassembly of ESCRT...
hsa04370 VEGF signaling pathway There is now much evidence that VEGFR-2 is the major mediator of VEGF-driven responses in endothelia... ...5-trisphosphate) C01312 (Prostaglandin I2) 998 (CDC42) 3791 (KDR) 5335 (PLCG1), 5336 (PLCG2) 56848 (... Cdc42 DAG Calcium signaling pathway Focal adhesion MAPK signaling pathway VEGFR2 PLCγ SPK PIP PGI CO...
hsa04510 Focal adhesion Cell-matrix adhesions play essential roles in important biological processes including cell motility... ...10), 8516 (ITGA8) 2316 (FLNA), 2317 (FLNB) 998 (CDC42) 340156 (MYLK4), 4638 (MYLK), 85366 (MYLK2), 9... ...action MAPK signaling pathway ITGB ITGA Filamin Cdc42 PIP PIP MLCK MLC mDia1 MLCP ROCK Akt/PKB PDK1 ...
hsa04660 T cell receptor signaling pathway Activation of T lymphocytes is a key event for an efficient response of the immune system. It requir... ...AV3), 7409 (VAV1), 7410 (VAV2) 387 (RHOA), 998 (CDC42) 10298 (PAK4), 106821730 (BUB1B-PAK6), 5058 (P... ...s AP1 NFAT CaN ITK PLC-γ1 GRB2 LAT GADS VAV Rho/Cdc42 PAK NCK SLP-76 ZAP70 CD3ε CD3δ TCRβ TCRα CD3ζ ...
hsa04666 Fc gamma R-mediated phagocytosis Phagocytosis plays an essential role in host-defense mechanisms through the uptake and destruction o... ... (ACTR3B), 653857 (ACTR3C), 81873 (ARPC5L) 998 (CDC42) 7454 (WAS) 1793 (DOCK1) 1398 (CRK), 1399 (CRK... ...MEK ERK1/2 cPLA2 Akt p70S6K Vav Rac WAVE Arp2/3 Cdc42 WASP PIP DOCK180 CrkII PLD PAK1 VASP LIMK Cofi...
hsa04670 Leukocyte transendothelial migration Leukocyte migaration from the blood into tissues is vital for immune surveillance and inflammation. ... ...L10) 6093 (ROCK1), 9475 (ROCK2) 387 (RHOA) 998 (CDC42) 3676 (ITGA4) 399 (RHOH) 4478 (MSN), 7430 (EZR... ...CXCR4 Thy1 VCAM1 ICAM1 PLCγ Actin MLC ROCK RhoA Cdc42 PI(4,5)P ITGA4 RhoH ERM Vinculin VASP PI3K α-a...
hsa04722 Neurotrophin signaling pathway Neurotrophins are a family of trophic factors involved in differentiation and survival of neural cel... ...B3), 25970 (SH2B1) 25 (ABL1) 5609 (MAP2K7) 998 (CDC42) 5879 (RAC1) 7161 (TP73) 7189 (TRAF6) 10782 (Z... ... Retrograde transport Retrograde transport MKK7 Cdc42 Rac1 p73 TRAF6 NRIF NRAGE SC-1 NADE RIP2 IRAK ...
hsa04810 Regulation of actin cytoskeleton ...7144 (PAK5) 8874 (ARHGEF7), 9459 (ARHGEF6) 998 (CDC42) 5879 (RAC1), 5880 (RAC2), 5881 (RAC3) 387 (RH... ...LCP MLC MLCK GIT1 Mena IRSp53 Drf3 ROCK PAK PIX Cdc42 Rac Rho RhoGEF IQGAP GRLF1 Vav/Tiam1 ERK MEK R...
hsa04912 GnRH signaling pathway Gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) secretion from the hypothalamus acts upon its receptor in the ... ..., 5330 (PLCB2), 5331 (PLCB3), 5332 (PLCB4) 998 (CDC42) 468 (ATF4) 815 (CAMK2A), 816 (CAMK2B), 817 (C... PKC αGSU LHβ PA, PE DAG PLCβ CDC42 cAMP CREB CaMK MKK3/6 p38MAPK MEKK BMK PLA2 IP3R CaM q/11 MT1 GnR...
hsa04932 Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) represents a spectrum ranging from simple steatosis to mor... ...(IL1B) 3569 (IL6) 7124 (TNF) 4217 (MAP3K5) 998 (CDC42) 5879 (RAC1) 4296 (MAP3K11) 7124 (TNF) 5599 (M... ...-6 TNFα ASK1 Apoptosis Mitochondria dysfunction Cdc42 Rac1 MLK3 TNFα JNK1/2 ITCH +ps Inflammation Fa...

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