Entry |
Name |
serum tryptase;
Class |
Acting on peptide bonds (peptidases);
Serine endopeptidases
Reaction(IUBMB) |
Preferential cleavage: Lys! > Arg!; higher selectivity than trypsin. Converts fibrin into soluble products
Comment |
Formed from plasminogen by proteolysis which results in multiple forms of the active plasmin. In peptidase family S1 (trypsin family).
History |
EC created 1961 as EC, transferred 1972 to EC
Orthology |
Genes |
TGE: | 112622661 112622780(PLG) |
GGA: | 421580(PLG) 428593(PLGL) |
PCOC: | 116243031 116243040(PLG) |
LMUT: | 125689959 125689960(PLG) |
NMEL: | 110396056 110396057 |
APLA: | 101794192 113839591 |
ACYG: | 106039506 106039526 |
CATA: | 118244074 118244075(PLG) |
AFUL: | 116487806 116487871 |
PMOA: | 120501342 120506933 |
PRUF: | 121354960 121358681 |
CBRC: | 103619331 103624196 |
ZLE: | 135444863(PLG) 135444948 |
ACHL: | 103801389 103801390 |
MMEA: | 130572609 130575978 |
HRT: | 120750011 120750796(PLG) |
SATI: | 136359109 136359322 |
FPG: | 101922577 101922752(PLG) |
FCH: | 102056283 102056450(PLG) |
CCRI: | 104165624(PLG) 104165635 |
NNT: | 104408518(PLG) 104408519 |
SHAB: | 115613679 115613680 |
ACUN: | 113478285(PLG) 113478286 |
TALA: | 104366057 122153733 |
ACHC: | 115344326 115344328(PLG) |
HALD: | 104320139 104320140(PLG) |
CSTI: | 104560183 104560184(PLG) |
LDI: | 104345502(PLG) 104345503 |
MNB: | 103773470(PLG) 103773471 |
DPUB: | 104307728 104307729 |
AVIT: | 104267852 104267988(PLG) |
BRHI: | 104499199(PLG) 104499200 |
PCRI: | 104028614(PLG) 104033808 |
PCAO: | 104044644 104046128(PLG) |
PADL: | 103918269(PLG) 103918280 |
AFOR: | 103907756(PLG) 103907763 |
FGA: | 104069306 104084431(PLG) |
GSTE: | 104250863 104250943(PLG) |
MUI: | 104533911 104547754(PLG) |
PLET: | 104617026 104617027(PLG) |
EHS: | 104503500 104517251(PLG) |
CMAC: | 104473430(PLG) 104478661 |
CUCA: | 104056465(PLG) 104056486 |
TEO: | 104375687(PLG) 104375688 |
BREG: | 104641632 104641633 |
ACAR: | 104530749 104530750 |
CPEA: | 104390789(PLG) 104390790 |
AROW: | 112966412 112966413(PLG) |
SCAM: | 104152818 104152819 |
SANH: | 107678850 107697138 |
SGH: | 107549707 107603092(plg) |
CAUA: | 113073629 113114833 113120498 |
CGIB: | 127938056 127984256 |
MAMB: | 125278393(plg) 125278394 |
CIDE: | 127502762 127502763 |
CERY: | 137019165(plg) 137019166 |
TROS: | 130566036 130566037 130566314(plg) |
TDW: | 130433975 130434469(plg) 130434470 130434471 |
MANU: | 129429027(plg) 129429030 |
TBEN: | 117474986(plg) 117475158 |
ELY: | 117260088 117260089 117270450(plg) |
EFO: | 125888801 125897044(plg) |
PLEP: | 121949953 121955536(plg) |
PPUG: | 119194696 119194697 |
CUD: | 121504396 121521715(plg) 121521716 |
PMEI: | 106911177 106931502(plg) |
HHIP: | 117758058 117758068 |
BSPL: | 114849358(plg) 114849362 114849364 114849371 |
STRU: | 115174819 115192977 |
OMY: | 100136085(plg) 110529597 |
OGO: | 123990739 123995076(plg) |
OKE: | 118386880(plg) 118398669 |
SNH: | 120019724 120024461 120045106 |
CCLU: | 121548939(plg) 121552147 |
PSPA: | 121315901 121317025 |
CPLA: | 122552971(plg) 122552973 |
HOC: | 132819571(plg) 132819572 |
PMRN: | 116938034(PLG) 116938292 |
BFO: | 118405329 118405335 118406019 118406720 118411402 118412358 118412364 118412368 118413006 118414616 118417784 118418892 118419881 118420017 118420067 118420068 118420070 118420238 118420302 118420362 118420954 118425337 118425921 118427682 118427767 118428295 118428574 |
BBEL: | 109461841 109461844 109462502 109462569 109463742 109466672 109466681 109466690 109468197 109471366 109472084 109472135 109473926 109476225 109476684 109476710 109477664 109478025 109478193 109478901 109478904 109480250 109481159 109481660 109482840 109484120 109485142 109486629 109487860 109487932 |
SCLV: | 120329399 120329400 120336240 120342248 120342249 120346672 |
HRF: | 124124485 124126589 124143266 |
HRJ: | 124274945 124285708 124290811 |
CRG: | 105318918 105324128 105328831 105334358 105334384 105342568 105343550 117682995 117685831 |
CANU: | 128172103 128172303 128175731 128181881 |
CVN: | 111117490 111117491 111119298 111123600 111123642 |
OED: | 125659895 125661029 130049877 |
PMAX: | 117328445 117339329 |
MMER: | 123553903 123564213 |
» show all
Reference |
Authors |
Castellino FJ, Sodetz JM. |
Title |
Rabbit plasminogen and plasmin isozymes. |
Journal |
Reference |
Authors |
Castellino FJ, Powell JR. |
Title |
Human plasminogen. |
Journal |
Reference |
Authors |
Robbins KC, Summaria L, Wohl RC. |
Title |
Human plasmin. |
Journal |
Other DBs |
ExplorEnz - The Enzyme Database: | |
ExPASy - ENZYME nomenclature database: | |
LinkDB |