Vitamin E
Exact mass
Mol weight
Mol file KCF file DB search
map00130 Ubiquinone and other terpenoid-quinone biosynthesis
map01060 Biosynthesis of plant secondary metabolites
map01110 Biosynthesis of secondary metabolites
map04977 Vitamin digestion and absorption
M00112 Tocopherol/tocotorienol biosynthesis, homogentisate + phytyl/geranylgeranyl-PP => tocopherol/tocotorienol
Compounds with biological roles [BR:br08001 ]
Vitamins and cofactors
Fat-soluble vitamins
C02477 alpha-Tocopherol (Vitamin E)
Lipids [BR:br08002 ]
PR Prenol lipids
PR02 Quinones and hydroquinones
PR0202 Vitamin E
C02477 alpha-Tocopherol
Classification of Japanese OTC drugs [BR:br08313 ]
Nourishing tonics and health supplements
34 Vitamin E based drugs
C02477 alpha-Tocopherol
Risk category of Japanese OTC drugs [BR:br08312 ]
Third-class OTC drugs
Inorganic and organic chemicals
C02477 alpha-Tocopherol
BRITE hierarchy
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KCF data
Show ATOM 31
1 C8y C 9.9205 -13.9253
2 C8y C 9.9205 -12.5547
3 O2x O 11.1620 -14.6505
4 C8y C 8.7468 -14.6505
5 C1x C 11.1620 -11.8356
6 C8y C 8.7468 -11.8356
7 C1z C 12.3418 -13.9253
8 C8y C 7.5053 -13.9253
9 C1a C 8.7468 -16.0454
10 C1x C 12.3418 -12.5547
11 C8y C 7.5053 -12.5547
12 C1a C 8.7468 -10.4407
13 C1b C 13.5956 -14.6505
14 C1a C 12.3418 -15.3019
15 C1a C 6.2700 -14.6505
16 O1a O 6.2700 -11.8356
17 C1b C 14.7878 -14.0112
18 C1b C 16.0107 -14.7241
19 C1c C 17.2522 -14.0850
20 C1b C 18.4629 -14.8101
21 C1a C 17.2952 -12.7267
22 C1b C 19.6921 -14.0850
23 C1b C 20.8781 -14.8101
24 C1c C 22.1195 -14.1218
25 C1b C 23.3178 -14.8777
26 C1a C 22.1195 -12.7699
27 C1b C 24.5347 -14.1956
28 C1b C 25.7208 -14.9454
29 C1c C 26.9500 -14.1956
30 C1a C 26.9500 -12.8436
31 C1a C 28.1484 -14.9454
1 1 2 1
2 1 3 1
3 1 4 2
4 2 5 1
5 2 6 2
6 3 7 1
7 4 8 1
8 4 9 1
9 5 10 1
10 6 11 1
11 6 12 1
12 7 13 1 #Up
13 7 14 1
14 8 15 1
15 11 16 1
16 13 17 1
17 17 18 1
18 18 19 1
19 19 20 1
20 19 21 1 #Down
21 20 22 1
22 22 23 1
23 23 24 1
24 24 25 1
25 24 26 1 #Down
26 25 27 1
27 27 28 1
28 28 29 1
29 29 30 1
30 29 31 1
31 7 10 1
32 8 11 2