KEGG   DISEASE: Seckel syndrome
H00992                      Disease                                
Seckel syndrome
Seckel syndrome is a recessively inherited dwarfism characterized by intrauterine growth retardation, proportionate postnatal dwarfism, severe microcephaly, micrognathia, and 'bird-headed' profile. Mental retardation also occurs. Genes that control cellular responses to DNA damage are linked to the syndrome.
Congenital malformation
Human diseases in ICD-11 classification [BR:br08403]
 20 Developmental anomalies
  Multiple developmental anomalies or syndromes
   LD24  Syndromes with skeletal anomalies as a major feature
    H00992  Seckel syndrome
Pathway-based classification of diseases [BR:br08402]
 Replication and repair
  nt06509  DNA replication
   H00992  Seckel syndrome
  nt06506  Double-strand break repair
   H00992  Seckel syndrome
  nt06508  Interstrand crosslink repair
   H00992  Seckel syndrome
hsa03030  DNA replication
hsa03440  Homologous recombination
nt06506 Double-strand break repair
nt06508 Interstrand crosslink repair
nt06509 DNA replication
(SCKL1) ATR [HSA:545] [KO:K06640]
(SCKL2) RBBP8 [HSA:5932] [KO:K20773]
(SCKL4) CENPJ [HSA:55835] [KO:K11502]
(SCKL5) CEP152 [HSA:22995] [KO:K16728]
(SCKL6) CEP63 [HSA:80254] [KO:K16763]
(SCKL7) NIN [HSA:51199] [KO:K16476]
(SCKL8) DNA2 [HSA:1763] [KO:K10742]
(SCKL9) TRAIP [HSA:10293] [KO:K11985]
(SCKL10) NSMCE2 [HSA:286053] [KO:K22756]
(SCKL11) CEP295 [HSA:85459] [KO:K26251]
Other DBs
ICD-11: LD24.D
ICD-10: Q87.1
MeSH: C537533 C537534
OMIM: 210600 606744 613676 613823 614728 614851 615807 616777 617253 620767
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Bird-headed dwarf of Seckel.
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Majoor-Krakauer DF, Wladimiroff JW, Stewart PA, van de Harten JJ, Niermeijer MF
Microcephaly, micrognathia, and bird-headed dwarfism: prenatal diagnosis of a Seckel-like syndrome.
Am J Med Genet 27:183-8 (1987)
PMID:12640452 (SCKL1)
O'Driscoll M, Ruiz-Perez VL, Woods CG, Jeggo PA, Goodship JA
A splicing mutation affecting expression of ataxia-telangiectasia and Rad3-related protein (ATR) results in Seckel syndrome.
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PMID:21998596 (SCKL2)
Qvist P, Huertas P, Jimeno S, Nyegaard M, Hassan MJ, Jackson SP, Borglum AD
CtIP Mutations Cause Seckel and Jawad Syndromes.
PLoS Genet 7:e1002310 (2011)
PMID:20522431 (SCKL4)
Al-Dosari MS, Shaheen R, Colak D, Alkuraya FS
Novel CENPJ mutation causes Seckel syndrome.
J Med Genet 47:411-4 (2010)
PMID:21131973 (SCKL5)
Kalay E, Yigit G, Aslan Y, Brown KE, Pohl E, Bicknell LS, Kayserili H, Li Y, Tuysuz B, Nurnberg G, Kiess W, Koegl M, Baessmann I, Buruk K, Toraman B, Kayipmaz S, Kul S, Ikbal M, Turner DJ, Taylor MS, Aerts J, Scott C, Milstein K, Dollfus H, Wieczorek D, Brunner HG, Hurles M, Jackson AP, Rauch A, Nurnberg P, Karaguzel A, Wollnik B
CEP152 is a genome maintenance protein disrupted in Seckel syndrome.
Nat Genet 43:23-6 (2011)
PMID:21983783 (SCKL5 SCKL6)
Sir JH, Barr AR, Nicholas AK, Carvalho OP, Khurshid M, Sossick A, Reichelt S, D'Santos C, Woods CG, Gergely F
A primary microcephaly protein complex forms a ring around parental centrioles.
Nat Genet 43:1147-53 (2011)
PMID:22933543 (SCKL7)
Dauber A, Lafranchi SH, Maliga Z, Lui JC, Moon JE, McDeed C, Henke K, Zonana J, Kingman GA, Pers TH, Baron J, Rosenfeld RG, Hirschhorn JN, Harris MP, Hwa V
Novel microcephalic primordial dwarfism disorder associated with variants in the centrosomal protein ninein.
J Clin Endocrinol Metab 97:E2140-51 (2012)
PMID:24389050 (SCKL8)
Shaheen R, Faqeih E, Ansari S, Abdel-Salam G, Al-Hassnan ZN, Al-Shidi T, Alomar R, Sogaty S, Alkuraya FS
Genomic analysis of primordial dwarfism reveals novel disease genes.
Genome Res 24:291-9 (2014)
PMID:26595769 (SCKL9)
Harley ME, Murina O, Leitch A, Higgs MR, Bicknell LS, Yigit G, Blackford AN, Zlatanou A, Mackenzie KJ, Reddy K, Halachev M, McGlasson S, Reijns MA, Fluteau A, Martin CA, Sabbioneda S, Elcioglu NH, Altmuller J, Thiele H, Greenhalgh L, Chessa L, Maghnie M, Salim M, Bober MB, Nurnberg P, Jackson SP, Hurles ME, Wollnik B, Stewart GS, Jackson AP
TRAIP promotes DNA damage response during genome replication and is mutated in primordial dwarfism.
Nat Genet 48:36-43 (2016)
PMID:25105364 (SCKL10)
Payne F, Colnaghi R, Rocha N, Seth A, Harris J, Carpenter G, Bottomley WE, Wheeler E, Wong S, Saudek V, Savage D, O'Rahilly S, Carel JC, Barroso I, O'Driscoll M, Semple R
Hypomorphism in human NSMCE2 linked to primordial dwarfism and insulin resistance.
J Clin Invest 124:4028-38 (2014)
PMID:38154379 (SCKL11)
Li N, Xu Y, Chen H, Lin J, AlAbdi L, Bekheirnia MR, Li G, Gofin Y, Bekheirnia N, Faqeih E, Chen L, Chang G, Tang J, Yao R, Yu T, Wang X, Fu W, Fu Q, Shen Y, Alkuraya FS, Machol K, Wang J
Bi-allelic variants in CEP295 cause Seckel-like syndrome presenting with primary microcephaly, developmental delay, intellectual disability, short stature,  craniofacial and digital abnormalities.
EBioMedicine 99:104940 (2024)

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