KEGG   DISEASE: Beck-Fahrner syndrome
H02633                      Disease                                
Beck-Fahrner syndrome
Beck-Fahrner syndrome (BEFAHRS) is a neurodevelopmental syndrome that shows global developmental delay and/or intellectual disability and other neurological manifestations, growth abnormalities, and characteristic craniofacial features. It has been reported that mutations in TET3 cause this disease. TET3 is a methylcytosine dioxygenase that initiates DNA demethylation during early zygote formation, embryogenesis, and neuronal differentiation.
Congenital malformation
Human diseases in ICD-11 classification [BR:br08403]
 20 Developmental anomalies
  LD90  Conditions with disorders of intellectual development as a relevant clinical feature
   H02633  Beck-Fahrner syndrome
TET3 [HSA:200424] [KO:K24309]
Other DBs
ICD-11: LD90.Y
ICD-10: Q89.8
OMIM: 618798
Beck DB, Petracovici A, He C, Moore HW, Louie RJ, Ansar M, Douzgou S, Sithambaram S, Cottrell T, Santos-Cortez RLP, Prijoles EJ, Bend R, Keren B, Mignot C, Nougues MC, Ounap K, Reimand T, Pajusalu S, Zahid M, Saqib MAN, Buratti J, Seaby EG, McWalter K, Telegrafi A, Baldridge D, Shinawi M, Leal SM, Schaefer GB, Stevenson RE, Banka S, Bonasio R, Fahrner JA
Delineation of a Human Mendelian Disorder of the DNA Demethylation Machinery: TET3 Deficiency.
Am J Hum Genet 106:234-245 (2020)

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