Monoterpene synthases from grand fir (Abies grandis). cDNA isolation, characterization, and functional expression of myrcene synthase, (-)-(4S)-limonene synthase, and (-)-(1S,5S)-pinene synthase.
Cyclase II of Salvia officinalis (sage) gives about equal parts (-)-alpha-pinene, (-)-beta-pinene and (-)-camphene, plus traces of other monoterpenoids. (3S)-Linalyl diphosphate can also be used by the enzyme in preference to (3R)-linalyl diphosphate. The 4-pro-S-hydrogen of geranyl diphosphate is lost. Requires Mg2+ (preferred to Mn2+) [1-6]. The enzyme from Abies grandis (grand fir) gives roughly equal parts (-)-alpha-pinene and (-)-beta-pinene. However the clone ag11 gave 35% (-)-limonene, 24% (-)-alpha-pinene and 20% (-)-beta-phellandrene. It requires Mn2+ and K+ (Mg2+ is ineffective) [7-10]. Synthase I from Pinus taeda (loblolly pine) produces (-)-alpha-pinene with traces of (-)-beta-pinene and requires Mn2+ (preferred to Mg2+) [11,12]. The enzyme from Picea sitchensis (Sika spruce) forms 70% (-)-alpha-pinene and 30% (-)-beta-pinene [13]. The recombinant PmeTPS1 enzyme from Pseudotsuga menziesii (Douglas fir) gave roughly equal proportions of (-)-alpha-pinene and (-)-camphene plus traces of other monoterpenoids [14]. See also EC, (-)-beta-pinene synthase; EC, (-)-camphene synthase; EC, (-)-limonene synthase; and EC, (-)-beta-phellandrene synthase.
Pinene cyclases I and II. Two enzymes from sage (Salvia officinalis) which catalyze stereospecific cyclizations of geranyl pyrophosphate to monoterpene olefins of opposite configuration.
Isotopically sensitive branching in the formation of cyclic monoterpenes: proof that (-)-alpha-pinene and (-)-beta-pinene are synthesized by the same monoterpene cyclase via deprotonation of a common intermediate.
Biosynthesis of monoterpenes. Enantioselectivity in the enzymatic cyclization of (+)- and (-)-linalyl pyrophosphate to (+)- and (-)-pinene and (+)- and (-)-camphene.
Monoterpene synthases from grand fir (Abies grandis). cDNA isolation, characterization, and functional expression of myrcene synthase, (-)-(4S)-limonene synthase, and (-)-(1S,5S)-pinene synthase.
Bohlmann J, Phillips M, Ramachandiran V, Katoh S, Croteau R
cDNA cloning, characterization, and functional expression of four new monoterpene synthase members of the Tpsd gene family from grand fir (Abies grandis).
Phillips MA, Wildung MR, Williams DC, Hyatt DC, Croteau R
cDNA isolation, functional expression, and characterization of (+)-alpha-pinene synthase and (-)-alpha-pinene synthase from loblolly pine (Pinus taeda): stereocontrol in pinene biosynthesis.