Entry |
Symbol |
Name |
Pathway |
map01120 | Microbial metabolism in diverse environments |
Reaction |
R07365 | sulfur:oxygen oxidoreductase (hydrogen-sulfide- and sulfite-forming) |
Brite |
KEGG Orthology (KO) [BR:ko00001]
09100 Metabolism
09102 Energy metabolism
00920 Sulfur metabolism
K16952 sor; sulfur oxygenase/reductase
Enzymes [BR:ko01000]
1. Oxidoreductases
1.13 Acting on single donors with incorporation of molecular oxygen (oxygenases)
1.13.11 With incorporation of two atoms of oxygen sulfur oxygenase/reductase
K16952 sor; sulfur oxygenase/reductase
Photosynthetic and chemosynthetic capacities [br01620.html]
KEGG modules to phenotypes
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Reference |
Authors |
Kletzin A |
Title |
Molecular characterization of the sor gene, which encodes the sulfur oxygenase/reductase of the thermoacidophilic Archaeum Desulfurolobus ambivalens. |
Journal |
Sequence |
Reference |
Authors |
Urich T, Kroke A, Bauer C, Seyfarth K, Reuff M, Kletzin A |
Title |
Identification of core active site residues of the sulfur oxygenase reductase from Acidianus ambivalens by site-directed mutagenesis. |
Journal |
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