KEGG Orthology (KO) [BR:ko00001]
09120 Genetic Information Processing
09125 Information processing in viruses
03230 Viral genome structure
K19381 M; Morbillivirus matrix protein
03265 Virion - Ebolavirus, Lyssavirus and Morbillivirus
K19381 M; Morbillivirus matrix protein
09160 Human Diseases
09172 Infectious disease: viral
05162 Measles
K19381 M; Morbillivirus matrix protein
09180 Brite Hierarchies
09185 Viral protein families
03200 Viral proteins
K19381 M; Morbillivirus matrix protein
Viral proteins [BR:ko03200]
-ssRNA viruses
Measles virus
K19381 M; Morbillivirus matrix protein
Wakimoto H, Shimodo M, Satoh Y, Kitagawa Y, Takeuchi K, Gotoh B, Itoh M
F-actin modulates measles virus cell-cell fusion and assembly by altering the interaction between the matrix protein and the cytoplasmic tail of hemagglutinin.