This enzyme, from a cyanophage infecting oceanic cyanobacteria of the Prochlorococcus genus, uses a four-electron reduction to carry out the reactions catalysed by EC (15,16-dihydrobiliverdin:ferredoxin oxidoreductase) and EC (phycoerythrobilin:ferredoxin oxidoreductase). 15,16-Dihydrobiliverdin is formed as a bound intermediate. Free 15,16-dihydrobiliverdin can also act as a substrate to form phycoerythrobilin.
Enzymatic reactions [BR:br08201]
1. Oxidoreductase reactions
1.3 Acting on the CH-CH group of donors
1.3.7 With an iron-sulfur protein as acceptor
R09491 (3Z)-Phycoerythrobilin + 2 Oxidized ferredoxin <=> Biliverdin + 2 Reduced ferredoxin