Neusser D, Schmidt H, Spizek J, Novotna J, Peschke U, Kaschabeck S, Tichy P, Piepersberg W
The genes lmbB1 and lmbB2 of Streptomyces lincolnensis encode enzymes involved in the conversion of L-tyrosine to propylproline during the biosynthesis of the antibiotic lincomycin A.
The enzyme from the bacterium Streptomyces lincolnensis participates in the biosynthesis of the antibiotic lincomycin A, while that from Streptomyces refuineus is involved in anthramycin biosynthesis. The enzyme, which contains a heme b cofactor, is rapidly inactivated in the presence of hydrogen peroxide, but the presence of L-tyrosine protects it. cf. EC, 3-methyl-L-tyrosine peroxygenase.
Neusser D, Schmidt H, Spizek J, Novotna J, Peschke U, Kaschabeck S, Tichy P, Piepersberg W
The genes lmbB1 and lmbB2 of Streptomyces lincolnensis encode enzymes involved in the conversion of L-tyrosine to propylproline during the biosynthesis of the antibiotic lincomycin A.