Entry |
Name |
Yersinia YopT to ITGA/B-RhoGEF-RhoA signaling pathway
Definition |
YopT -| RHOA |
Expanded |
K08599 -| 387 |
Class |
Type |
Pathway |
Disease |
Gene |
387 | RHOA; ras homolog family member A |
Perturbant |
K08599 (YopT) | yopT; YopT peptidase |
Reference |
Authors |
Zumbihl R, Aepfelbacher M, Andor A, Jacobi CA, Ruckdeschel K, Rouot B, Heesemann J |
Title |
The cytotoxin YopT of Yersinia enterocolitica induces modification and cellular redistribution of the small GTP-binding protein RhoA. |
Journal |
Reference |
Authors |
Aepfelbacher M, Trasak C, Wilharm G, Wiedemann A, Trulzsch K, Krauss K, Gierschik P, Heesemann J |
Title |
Characterization of YopT effects on Rho GTPases in Yersinia enterocolitica-infected cells. |
Journal |
Reference |
Authors |
Fueller F, Schmidt G |
Title |
The polybasic region of Rho GTPases defines the cleavage by Yersinia enterocolitica outer protein T (YopT). |
Journal |
LinkDB |