EVEN-plus (epiphyseal, vertebral, ear, nose, plus associated findings) syndrome is a rare multiple congenital anomalies syndrome. Mutations in the HSPA9 gene, coding for the mitochondrial chaperone mortalin, cause EVEN-plus syndrome.
Royer-Bertrand B, Castillo-Taucher S, Moreno-Salinas R, Cho TJ, Chae JH, Choi M, Kim OH, Dikoglu E, Campos-Xavier B, Girardi E, Superti-Furga G, Bonafe L, Rivolta C, Unger S, Superti-Furga A
Mutations in the heat-shock protein A9 (HSPA9) gene cause the EVEN-PLUS syndrome of congenital malformations and skeletal dysplasia.