KEGG   PATHWAY: meti02040
meti02040                   Pathway                                
Flagellar assembly - Methylobacterium radiodurans
Cellular Processes; Cell motility
Pathway map
meti02040  Flagellar assembly

Methylobacterium radiodurans [GN:meti]
DK427_18390  fliE; flagellar hook-basal body complex protein FliE [KO:K02408]
DK427_19400  flagellar hook-basal body protein FliE [KO:K02408]
DK427_15405  fliF; flagellar M-ring protein FliF [KO:K02409]
DK427_19360  fliF; flagellar M-ring protein FliF [KO:K02409]
DK427_15400  flagellar motor switch protein FliG [KO:K02410]
DK427_19305  flagellar motor switch protein FliG [KO:K02410]
DK427_15395  flagellar assembly protein FliH [KO:K02411]
DK427_00955  flagellar protein export ATPase FliI [KO:K02412] [EC:]
DK427_19485  flagellar protein export ATPase FliI [KO:K02412] [EC:]
DK427_00950  fliJ; flagellar export protein FliJ [KO:K02413]
DK427_15420  hypothetical protein [KO:K02414]
DK427_19370  flagellar basal body protein FliL [KO:K02415]
DK427_10515  fliL; flagellar basal body-associated protein FliL [KO:K02415]
DK427_19290  flagellar motor switch protein FliM [KO:K02416]
DK427_10520  flagellar motor switch protein FliM [KO:K02416]
DK427_14225  hypothetical protein [KO:K02417]
DK427_15390  fliN; flagellar motor switch protein FliN [KO:K02417]
DK427_19300  fliN; flagellar motor switch protein FliN [KO:K02417]
DK427_18375  hypothetical protein [KO:K02418]
DK427_18340  fliP; flagellar biosynthetic protein FliP [KO:K02419]
DK427_19365  fliP; flagellar biosynthetic protein FliP [KO:K02419]
DK427_18395  fliQ; flagellar biosynthetic protein FliQ [KO:K02420]
DK427_19450  fliQ; flagellar biosynthetic protein FliQ [KO:K02420]
DK427_18400  flagellar type III secretion system protein FliR [KO:K02421]
DK427_19440  flagellar biosynthetic protein FliR [KO:K02421]
DK427_01845  flhA; flagellar biosynthesis protein FlhA [KO:K02400]
DK427_19445  flagellar biosynthesis protein FlhA [KO:K02400]
DK427_19310  flhB; flagellar biosynthesis protein FlhB [KO:K02401]
DK427_18405  flhB; flagellar biosynthesis protein FlhB [KO:K02401]
DK427_19390  flgA; flagella basal body P-ring formation protein FlgA [KO:K02386]
DK427_10500  flgA; flagella basal body P-ring formation protein FlgA [KO:K02386]
DK427_18380  flgB; flagellar basal body rod protein FlgB [KO:K02387]
DK427_19410  flgB; flagellar basal body rod protein FlgB [KO:K02387]
DK427_18385  flgC; flagellar basal body rod protein FlgC [KO:K02388]
DK427_19405  flagellar basal body rod protein FlgC [KO:K02388]
DK427_04955  hypothetical protein [KO:K02388]
DK427_15415  flagellar hook capping protein [KO:K02389]
DK427_19455  flgD; flagellar basal body rod modification protein [KO:K02389]
DK427_07090  flagellar biosynthesis protein FlgE [KO:K02390]
DK427_19480  flagellar hook protein FlgE [KO:K02390]
DK427_07975  flagellar hook protein FlgE [KO:K02390]
DK427_19490  flgF; flagellar basal-body rod protein FlgF [KO:K02391]
DK427_10510  flgF; flagellar basal-body rod protein FlgF [KO:K02391]
DK427_19395  flgG; flagellar basal-body rod protein FlgG [KO:K02392]
DK427_10505  flgG; flagellar basal-body rod protein FlgG [KO:K02392]
DK427_19375  flagellar basal body L-ring protein [KO:K02393]
DK427_10495  flagellar basal body L-ring protein [KO:K02393]
DK427_23395  flgI; flagellar biosynthesis protein FlgA [KO:K02394]
DK427_19385  flagellar biosynthesis protein FlgI [KO:K02394]
DK427_23400  flagellar biosynthesis protein FlgJ [KO:K02395]
DK427_19430  flagellar biosynthesis protein FlgJ [KO:K02395]
DK427_07085  flgK; flagellar hook-associated protein FlgK [KO:K02396]
DK427_19475  flagellar hook-associated protein FlgK [KO:K02396]
DK427_19470  flagellar hook-associated family protein [KO:K02397]
DK427_07080  hypothetical protein [KO:K02397]
DK427_20835  hypothetical protein [KO:K02406]
DK427_12070  flagellin [KO:K02406]
DK427_19520  flagellin [KO:K02406]
DK427_19525  hypothetical protein [KO:K02406]
DK427_09235  hypothetical protein [KO:K02406]
DK427_09060  hypothetical protein [KO:K02406]
DK427_13750  flagellin [KO:K02406]
DK427_19285  motA; flagellar motor stator protein MotA [KO:K02556]
DK427_07855  flagellar motor protein PomA [KO:K02556]
DK427_24765  peptidoglycan -binding protein [KO:K02557]
DK427_19350  MotB family protein [KO:K02557]
DK427_07850  hypothetical protein [KO:K02557]
DK427_19345  chemotaxis protein MotC [KO:K10564]
DK427_19340  hypothetical protein [KO:K10565]
DK427_10400  RNA polymerase sigma factor RpoD [KO:K03086]
DK427_03470  rpoN; RNA polymerase sigma-54 factor [KO:K03092]
DK427_15385  sigma-54-dependent Fis family transcriptional regulator [KO:K10943]
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Structure and Energy-Conversion Mechanism of the Bacterial Na(+)-Driven Flagellar Motor.
Trends Microbiol 28:719-731 (2020)
Liu R, Ochman H
Origins of flagellar gene operons and secondary flagellar systems.
J Bacteriol 189:7098-104 (2007)
Osterman IA, Dikhtyar YY, Bogdanov AA, Dontsova OA, Sergiev PV
Regulation of Flagellar Gene Expression in Bacteria.
Biochemistry (Mosc) 80:1447-56 (2015)
Khan F, Tabassum N, Anand R, Kim YM
Motility of Vibrio spp.: regulation and controlling strategies.
Appl Microbiol Biotechnol 104:8187-8208 (2020)
meti02030  Bacterial chemotaxis
meti03070  Bacterial secretion system
KO pathway

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