+D Bacterial motility proteins KO #

  Bacterial Motility Proteins - Acinetobacter guillouiae

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AFlagellar system B Chemotaxis proteins C Two component system proteins C MCPs B Flagellar assembly proteins C Type-III secretion C C ring C M, S, P and L rings C Rod and hook C H and T rings C Filament C Stator C Others B Archaeal flagellar assembly proteins # APilus system B Twitching motility proteins C AS4_36210 pilG; type 4 pilus response regulator PilG K02657 pilG; twitching motility two-component system response regulator PilG C AS4_36200 pilH; type 4 pilus response regulator PilH K02658 pilH; twitching motility two-component system response regulator PilH C AS4_36190 pilI; twitching motility protein PilI K02659 pilI; twitching motility protein PilI C AS4_36180 pilJ; twitching motility protein PilJ K02660 pilJ; twitching motility protein PilJ C AS4_02860 pilR; two-component response regulator PilR K02667 pilR; two-component system, NtrC family, response regulator PilR C AS4_02870 pilS; two-component histidine kinase PilS K02668 pilS; two-component system, NtrC family, sensor histidine kinase PilS [EC:] C AS4_09110 pilT; twitching motility protein PilT K02669 pilT; twitching motility protein PilT C AS4_09100 pilU; twitching motility protein PilU K02670 pilU; twitching motility protein PilU B Chemosensory pili system proteins B Positive phototactic motility proteins B Pilus assembly proteins C AS4_03270 hypothetical protein K02650 pilA; type IV pilus assembly protein PilA C AS4_03290 hypothetical protein K02650 pilA; type IV pilus assembly protein PilA C AS4_03160 pilB; type 4 pilus assembly protein PilB K02652 pilB; type IV pilus assembly protein PilB C AS4_03150 pilC; type 4 pilus assembly protein PilC K02653 pilC; type IV pilus assembly protein PilC C AS4_03140 pilD; type 4 prepilin peptidase K02654 pilD; leader peptidase (prepilin peptidase) / N-methyltransferase [EC: 2.1.1.-] C AS4_38080 pilF; type 4 pilus biogenesis protein PilF K02656 pilF; type IV pilus assembly protein PilF C AS4_40380 pilQ; type 4 pili biogenesis protein PilQ K02666 pilQ; type IV pilus assembly protein PilQ C AS4_40390 pilP; type 4 pili biogenesis protein PilP K02665 pilP; type IV pilus assembly protein PilP C AS4_40400 pilO; type 4 pili biogenesis protein PilO K02664 pilO; type IV pilus assembly protein PilO C AS4_40410 pilN; type 4 pili biogenesis protein PilN K02663 pilN; type IV pilus assembly protein PilN C AS4_40420 pilM; type 4 pili biogenesis protein PilM K02662 pilM; type IV pilus assembly protein PilM C AS4_19620 pilZ; type 4 pilus biogenesis protein PilZ K02676 pilZ; type IV pilus assembly protein PilZ C AS4_03390 pilV; putative type 4 pili minor subunit PilV K02671 pilV; type IV pilus assembly protein PilV C AS4_03400 putative type 4 pili biogenesis protein K02672 pilW; type IV pilus assembly protein PilW C AS4_03420 pilY; putative type 4 pili biogenesis protein PilY K02674 pilY1; type IV pilus assembly protein PilY1 C AS4_03430 pilE; putative type 4 pili biogenesis protein PilE K02655 pilE; type IV pilus assembly protein PilE C AS4_03440 putative type 4 pili biogenesis protein K02655 pilE; type IV pilus assembly protein PilE B Fimbrial proteins C AS4_11470 putative type 1 pili major subunit K07345 fimA; major type 1 subunit fimbrin (pilin) C AS4_11620 sfmA; fimbrial protein Sfm K07345 fimA; major type 1 subunit fimbrin (pilin) C AS4_19810 putative type 1 pili major subunit K07345 fimA; major type 1 subunit fimbrin (pilin) C AS4_14750 putative type 1 pili major subunit K07345 fimA; major type 1 subunit fimbrin (pilin) C AS4_14780 putative type 1 pili major subunit K07345 fimA; major type 1 subunit fimbrin (pilin) C AS4_29690 acuA; putative thin pilus major protein AcuA K07345 fimA; major type 1 subunit fimbrin (pilin) C AS4_29700 acuA; putative thin pilus major protein AcuA K07345 fimA; major type 1 subunit fimbrin (pilin) C AS4_29720 acuA; putative thin pilus major protein AcuA K07345 fimA; major type 1 subunit fimbrin (pilin) C AS4_29730 acuA; putative thin pilus major protein AcuA K07345 fimA; major type 1 subunit fimbrin (pilin) C AS4_29750 acuA; putative thin pilus major protein AcuA K07345 fimA; major type 1 subunit fimbrin (pilin) C AS4_29760 acuA; putative thin pilus major protein AcuA K07345 fimA; major type 1 subunit fimbrin (pilin) C AS4_29710 acuA; putative thin pilus major protein AcuA K07345 fimA; major type 1 subunit fimbrin (pilin) C AS4_29740 acuA; putative thin pilus major protein AcuA K07345 fimA; major type 1 subunit fimbrin (pilin) C AS4_11410 putative type 1 pili assembly chaperone K07346 fimC; fimbrial chaperone protein C AS4_30180 putative type 1 pili assembly chaperone K07346 fimC; fimbrial chaperone protein C AS4_19790 acuC; thin pili usher protein AcuC K07347 fimD; outer membrane usher protein C AS4_11420 putative type 1 pili usher protein K07347 fimD; outer membrane usher protein C AS4_11490 htrE; outer membrane usher protein HtrE K07347 fimD; outer membrane usher protein C AS4_11590 sfmD; outer membrane usher protein SfmD K07347 fimD; outer membrane usher protein C AS4_30170 putative type 1 pili usher protein K07347 fimD; outer membrane usher protein C AS4_14770 acuC; thin pili usher protein AcuC K07347 fimD; outer membrane usher protein C AS4_11570 sfmF; fimbrial-like protein SfmF K07348 fimF; minor fimbrial subunit C AS4_11580 sfmH; SfmH protein K07350 fimH; minor fimbrial subunit C AS4_11600 sfmC; chaperone protein SfmC K07353 sfmC; fimbrial chaperone protein C AS4_30210 putative type 1 pili subunit K27078 cupE; spore coat protein U domain-containing protein, fimbrial subunit CupE1/2/3/6 C AS4_30160 putative type 1 pili subunit K27078 cupE; spore coat protein U domain-containing protein, fimbrial subunit CupE1/2/3/6 C AS4_30190 putative type 1 pili subunit K27078 cupE; spore coat protein U domain-containing protein, fimbrial subunit CupE1/2/3/6 C AS4_11380 putative type 1 pili subunit K27078 cupE; spore coat protein U domain-containing protein, fimbrial subunit CupE1/2/3/6 C AS4_11400 putative type 1 pili subunit K27078 cupE; spore coat protein U domain-containing protein, fimbrial subunit CupE1/2/3/6 ! #
#Last updated: December 1, 2023