+F Cytoskeleton KO #

  Cytoskeleton Proteins - Coxiella-like endosymbiont of Amblyomma americanum

% ! AEukaryotic cytoskeleton proteins B Actin filaments / Microfilaments C Actins D Actins D Actin-related proteins C Actin-binding proteins D Myosins D Arp2/3 complex D WASP / WAVE D Formins D Profilin D Thymosin D ADF / Cofilin E SCMC complex D Gelsolin / villin D Ezrin/Radixin/Moesin D Capping proteins D Tropomyosins D Troponins D Cross-linking proteins D Others B Intermediate filaments C Intermediate filaments D Types I and II: Acidic and basic keratins D Type III D Type IV D Type V: Nuclear lamins D Type VI D Others C Intermediate filament-binding proteins B Microtubules C Tubulins C Tubulin-binding proteins D Kinesins D Stathmin D Microtubule severing proteins D EMAP D Dyneins E Dynein-related proteins D Dynactins D Gamma-tubulin complex components D XMAP215 D Cytoplasmic linker proteins (CLIPs) E CLIP-associating proteins D Fused toes protein (FTS) D Hook proteins D FTS and Hook-interacting proteins (FHIP) D EB / APC D Microtubule-associated proteins (MAPs) D Tubulin modification proteins E Tubulin polyglutamylases E Tubulin polyglutamylase complex components E Other tubulin modification proteins D Others B Septins C Septins D Group 1 D Group 2 D Group 3 D Group 4 C Septin associated proteins # AProkaryotic cytoskeleton proteins B Actin homologs C Actins D B1F76_00645 rod shape-determining protein K03569 mreB; rod shape-determining protein MreB and related proteins C Actin-binding proteins B Intermediate filaments homologs B Microtubules homologs C B1F76_01425 cell division protein FtsZ K03531 ftsZ; cell division protein FtsZ C B1F76_01420 cell division protein FtsA K03590 ftsA; cell division protein FtsA B MinD / ParA class of bacterial cytoskeletal proteins ! #
#Last updated: August 8, 2024