+D Bacterial motility proteins KO #

  Bacterial Motility Proteins - Chlamydia trachomatis RC-J/971

% ! AFlagellar system B Chemotaxis proteins C Two component system proteins C MCPs B Flagellar assembly proteins C Type-III secretion D CTRC971_03800 hypothetical protein K02411 fliH; flagellar assembly protein FliH D CTRC971_03795 type III secretion system ATPase K02412 fliI; flagellum-specific ATP synthase [EC:] D CTRC971_00325 type III secretion system protein K02400 flhA; flagellar biosynthesis protein FlhA C C ring D CTRC971_03560 type III secretion system protein K02417 fliN; flagellar motor switch protein FliN C M, S, P and L rings D CTRC971_03805 type III secretion system protein K02409 fliF; flagellar M-ring protein FliF C Rod and hook C H and T rings C Filament C Stator D CTRC971_00330 RNA polymerase sigma factor sigma-28 K02405 fliA; RNA polymerase sigma factor FliA C Others B Archaeal flagellar assembly proteins # APilus system B Twitching motility proteins B Chemosensory pili system proteins B Positive phototactic motility proteins B Pilus assembly proteins B Fimbrial proteins ! #
#Last updated: December 1, 2023