+C Peptidases and inhibitors KO #

  Peptidases and Inhibitors - Desulfitobacterium hafniense Y51

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AAspartic peptidases B Family A1: pepsin family B Family A2: retropepsin family B Family A5: thermopsin family B Family A8: signal peptidase II family C DSY2866 hypothetical protein K03101 lspA; signal peptidase II [EC:] B Family A22: presenilin family B Family A24: type IV prepilin peptidase family C DSY0061 hypothetical protein K02654 pilD; leader peptidase (prepilin peptidase) / N-methyltransferase [EC: 2.1.1.-] C DSY2382 hypothetical protein K02654 pilD; leader peptidase (prepilin peptidase) / N-methyltransferase [EC: 2.1.1.-] C DSY4664 hypothetical protein K02654 pilD; leader peptidase (prepilin peptidase) / N-methyltransferase [EC: 2.1.1.-] B Family A25: gpr protease family C DSY2673 hypothetical protein K06012 gpr; spore protease [EC:] B Family A26: omptin family B Family A28 B Family A31: HybD endopeptidase family C DSY1596 Ni,Fe-hydrogenase maturation factor K03605 hyaD; hydrogenase maturation protease [EC:3.4.23.-] B Family A36 C DSY2896 hypothetical protein K06383 spoIIGA; stage II sporulation protein GA (sporulation sigma-E factor processing peptidase) [EC:3.4.23.-] # ACysteine peptidases B Family C1: papain family B Family C2: calpain family B Family C3: picornain family B Family C4: NIa protease family B Family C5 B Family C9 B Family C10: streptopain family B Family C11: clostripain family B Family C12: ubiquitin C-terminal hydrolase family B Family C13: legumain family B Family C14: caspase family B Family C15: pyroglutamyl peptidase I family B Family C16 B Family C19: ubiquitin-specific protease family B Family C25: gingipain family B Family C26: gamma-glutamyl hydrolase family C DSY3938 hypothetical protein K01951 guaA; GMP synthase (glutamine-hydrolysing) [EC:] C DSY4015 hypothetical protein K07010 K07010; putative glutamine amidotransferase B Family C27 B Family C30 B Family C37 B Family C39 B Family C40 C DSY4528 hypothetical protein K21471 cwlO; peptidoglycan DL-endopeptidase CwlO [EC:3.4.-.-] C DSY1884 hypothetical protein K21471 cwlO; peptidoglycan DL-endopeptidase CwlO [EC:3.4.-.-] C DSY2087 hypothetical protein K21471 cwlO; peptidoglycan DL-endopeptidase CwlO [EC:3.4.-.-] B Family C44 C DSY3930 hypothetical protein K00764 purF; amidophosphoribosyltransferase [EC:] C DSY4385 hypothetical protein K00265 gltB; glutamate synthase (NADPH) large chain [EC:] C DSY4485 hypothetical protein K00820 glmS; glutamine---fructose-6-phosphate transaminase (isomerizing) [EC:] C DSY4329 hypothetical protein K01953 asnB; asparagine synthase (glutamine-hydrolysing) [EC:] B Family C45 B Family C46: hedgehog family B Family C47: staphopain family B Family C48: Ulp1 endopeptidase family B Family C50: separase family B Family C54: Aut2 peptidase family B Family C55: YopJ protease family B Family C56: PfpI endopeptidase family B Family C57: vaccinia virus I7 peptidase family B Family C58 B Family C59 B Family C60 B Family C63 B Family C64 B Family C65 B Family C67 B Family C69 B Family C70 B Family C75 C DSY4413 hypothetical protein K07813 agrB; accessory gene regulator B C DSY2528 hypothetical protein K07813 agrB; accessory gene regulator B B Family C76 B Family C78 B Family C79 B Family C82 B Family C83 B Family C85 B Family C86 B Family C88 B Family C89 B Family C97 B Family C98 B Family C110 # AGlutamic peptidases B Family G1 B Family G4 B Family G5: prenyl protease 2 family C DSY3814 hypothetical protein K07052 K07052; CAAX protease family protein C DSY1578 hypothetical protein K07052 K07052; CAAX protease family protein C DSY2075 hypothetical protein K07052 K07052; CAAX protease family protein C DSY2258 hypothetical protein K07052 K07052; CAAX protease family protein # AMetallo peptidases B Family M1 B Family M2 B Family M3 C DSY1891 hypothetical protein K08602 pepF; oligoendopeptidase F [EC:3.4.24.-] B Family M4: thermolysin family B Family M5: mycolysin family B Family M6: immune inhibitor A family B Family M7: snapalysin family B Family M8: leishmanolysin family B Family M9 B Family M10 B Family M12: astacin/adamalysin family B Family M13: neprilysin family B Family M14: carboxypeptidase A family B Family M15: zinc D-Ala-D-Ala carboxypeptidase family C DSY3694 hypothetical protein K08641 vanX; zinc D-Ala-D-Ala dipeptidase [EC:] B Family M16: pitrilysin family B Family M17: leucyl aminopeptidase family B Family M18 B Family M19: membrane dipeptidase family C DSY1937 hypothetical protein K01273 DPEP; membrane dipeptidase [EC:] B Family M20 C DSY1623 hypothetical protein K01439 dapE; succinyl-diaminopimelate desuccinylase [EC:] C DSY2060 hypothetical protein K01258 pepT; tripeptide aminopeptidase [EC:] C DSY1112 hypothetical protein K01258 pepT; tripeptide aminopeptidase [EC:] C DSY4162 hypothetical protein K02083 allC; allantoate deiminase [EC:] C DSY4355 hypothetical protein K02083 allC; allantoate deiminase [EC:] B Family M23 C DSY1575 hypothetical protein K21472 lytH; peptidoglycan LD-endopeptidase LytH [EC:3.4.-.-] B Family M24 C DSY0493 hypothetical protein K01265 map; methionyl aminopeptidase [EC:] C DSY2339 hypothetical protein K01265 map; methionyl aminopeptidase [EC:] C DSY4692 hypothetical protein K01262 pepP; Xaa-Pro aminopeptidase [EC:] B Family M26 B Family M27 B Family M28: aminopeptidase Y family C DSY3034 hypothetical protein K19701 ywaD; aminopeptidase YwaD [EC:] B Family M29: aminopeptidase T family C DSY1750 hypothetical protein K19689 ampS; aminopeptidase [EC:3.4.11.-] C DSY1291 hypothetical protein K19689 ampS; aminopeptidase [EC:3.4.11.-] B Family M32: carboxypeptidase Taq family B Family M34: anthrax lethal factor family B Family M35: deuterolysin family B Family M36: fungalysin family B Family M38: beta-aspartyl dipeptidase family C DSY1818 hypothetical protein K01305 iadA; beta-aspartyl-dipeptidase (metallo-type) [EC:3.4.19.-] B Family M41: FtsH endopeptidase family C DSY4531 hypothetical protein K03798 ftsH; cell division protease FtsH [EC:3.4.24.-] C DSY0201 hypothetical protein K03798 ftsH; cell division protease FtsH [EC:3.4.24.-] C DSY4074 hypothetical protein K03798 ftsH; cell division protease FtsH [EC:3.4.24.-] C DSY1963 hypothetical protein K03798 ftsH; cell division protease FtsH [EC:3.4.24.-] B Family M42: glutamyl aminopeptidase family B Family M43: cytophagalysin family B Family M44 B Family M48: Ste24 endopeptidase family C DSY4533 hypothetical protein K03799 htpX; heat shock protein HtpX [EC:3.4.24.-] C DSY2106 hypothetical protein K03799 htpX; heat shock protein HtpX [EC:3.4.24.-] B Family M49: dipeptidyl-peptidase III family B Family M50: S2P protease family C DSY3170 hypothetical protein K06402 spoIVFB; stage IV sporulation protein FB [EC:3.4.24.-] C DSY2538 hypothetical protein K11749 rseP; regulator of sigma E protease [EC:3.4.24.-] B Family M54 B Family M55: DppA aminopeptidase family B Family M56 C DSY3484 hypothetical protein K02172 blaR1; bla regulator protein blaR1 C DSY2625 hypothetical protein K02172 blaR1; bla regulator protein blaR1 C DSY0732 hypothetical protein K02172 blaR1; bla regulator protein blaR1 C DSY1015 hypothetical protein K02172 blaR1; bla regulator protein blaR1 C DSY1087 hypothetical protein K02172 blaR1; bla regulator protein blaR1 C DSY1727 hypothetical protein K02172 blaR1; bla regulator protein blaR1 C DSY2058 hypothetical protein K02172 blaR1; bla regulator protein blaR1 B Family M67 B Family M72 B Family M73 B Family M74 B Family M80 B Family M82 B Family M85 B Family M88 B Family M90 # AAsparagine peptide lyases B Family N1 B Family N8 # AMixed peptidases B Family P1: DmpA aminopeptidase family C DSY1931 hypothetical protein K01266 dmpA; D-aminopeptidase [EC:] B Family P2 # ASerine peptidases B Family S1: chymotrypsin family C DSY4253 hypothetical protein K04771 degP; serine protease Do [EC:] B Family S3: togavirin family B Family S6 B Family S7: flavivirin family B Family S8: subtilisin family B Family S9: prolyl oligopeptidase family B Family S10 B Family S11: D-Ala-D-Ala carboxypeptidase A family C DSY2507 hypothetical protein K07258 dacC; serine-type D-Ala-D-Ala carboxypeptidase (penicillin-binding protein 5/6) [EC:] C DSY2305 hypothetical protein K07258 dacC; serine-type D-Ala-D-Ala carboxypeptidase (penicillin-binding protein 5/6) [EC:] C DSY1096 hypothetical protein K07258 dacC; serine-type D-Ala-D-Ala carboxypeptidase (penicillin-binding protein 5/6) [EC:] C DSY3708 hypothetical protein K07258 dacC; serine-type D-Ala-D-Ala carboxypeptidase (penicillin-binding protein 5/6) [EC:] C DSY1574 hypothetical protein K07258 dacC; serine-type D-Ala-D-Ala carboxypeptidase (penicillin-binding protein 5/6) [EC:] C DSY1600 hypothetical protein K07258 dacC; serine-type D-Ala-D-Ala carboxypeptidase (penicillin-binding protein 5/6) [EC:] B Family S12: D-Ala-D-Ala carboxypeptidase B family B Family S13: D-Ala-D-Ala peptidase C family B Family S14: ClpP endopeptidase family C DSY3354 hypothetical protein K01358 clpP; ATP-dependent Clp protease, protease subunit [EC:] C DSY0577 hypothetical protein K01358 clpP; ATP-dependent Clp protease, protease subunit [EC:] B Family S15 B Family S16: lon protease family C DSY3195 hypothetical protein K01338 lon; ATP-dependent Lon protease [EC:] C DSY5030 hypothetical protein K01338 lon; ATP-dependent Lon protease [EC:] C DSY0680 hypothetical protein K01338 lon; ATP-dependent Lon protease [EC:] C DSY3196 hypothetical protein K04076 lonB; ATP-dependent Lon protease [EC:] B Family S21: assemblin family B Family S24: LexA family C DSY1577 hypothetical protein K01356 lexA; repressor LexA [EC:] C DSY2207 hypothetical protein K01356 lexA; repressor LexA [EC:] B Family S26: signal peptidase I family C DSY2118 hypothetical protein K03100 lepB; signal peptidase I [EC:] C DSY1580 hypothetical protein K03100 lepB; signal peptidase I [EC:] C DSY2591 hypothetical protein K03100 lepB; signal peptidase I [EC:] C DSY4475 hypothetical protein K13280 SEC11; signal peptidase I [EC:] B Family S28 B Family S31 B Family S32 B Family S33 B Family S41: C-terminal processing peptidase family C DSY4862 hypothetical protein K03797 E3.4.21.102; carboxyl-terminal processing protease [EC:] C DSY3259 hypothetical protein K03797 E3.4.21.102; carboxyl-terminal processing protease [EC:] B Family S45 B Family S49: protease IV family B Family S50 B Family S51 C DSY0145 hypothetical protein K13282 cphB; cyanophycinase [EC:] B Family S53 B Family S54: Rhomboid family C DSY1625 hypothetical protein K19225 gluP; rhomboid protease GluP [EC:] B Family S55: SpoIVB peptidase family C DSY2342 hypothetical protein K06399 spoIVB; stage IV sporulation protein B [EC:] B Family S62 B Family S66 B Family S77: phage prohead processing peptidase family B Family S78 # AThreonine peptidases B Family T1: proteasome family C DSY2550 hypothetical protein K01419 hslV; ATP-dependent HslUV protease, peptidase subunit HslV [EC:] B Family T2 B Family T3: gamma-glutamyltransferase family C DSY2708 hypothetical protein K00681 ggt; gamma-glutamyltranspeptidase / glutathione hydrolase [EC:] # APeptidases of unknown catalytic type B Family U32 C DSY0282 hypothetical protein K08303 prtC; U32 family peptidase [EC:3.4.-.-] C DSY2414 hypothetical protein K08303 prtC; U32 family peptidase [EC:3.4.-.-] C DSY0725 hypothetical protein K08303 prtC; U32 family peptidase [EC:3.4.-.-] B Family U62 C DSY2930 hypothetical protein K03592 pmbA; PmbA protein C DSY2931 hypothetical protein K03568 tldD; TldD protein # APeptidase inhibitors B Family I1: Kazal family B Family I2: Kunitz - BPTI family B Family I4: serpin family B Family I11: ecotin family B Family I17: WAP-type family B Family I25: cystatin family B Family I27: calpastatin family B Family I32: IAP family B Family I34: IA3 family B Family I35: timp family B Family I39: alpha2M family B Family I47: latexin family B Family I49: proSAAS family B Family I51: IC family B Family I57: staphostatin B family B Family I63 B Family I80 B Family I87 B Family I93 ! #
#Last updated: July 22, 2024 #
Classification taken and modified from MEROPS