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  Transporters - Fusarium graminearum

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AABC transporters, eukaryotic type B ABCA (ABC1) subfamily C ABCA1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 12, 13 subgroups D FGSG_08373 hypothetical protein K05643 ABCA3; ATP-binding cassette, subfamily A (ABC1), member 3 C ABCA5, 6, 8, 9, 10 subgroups B ABCB (MDR/TAP) subfamily C ABCB2, 3, 8, 9, 10 subgroups D FGSG_01885 hypothetical protein K05657 ABCB10; ATP-binding cassette, subfamily B (MDR/TAP), member 10 C ABCB1, 4, 5 subgroups D FGSG_06881 hypothetical protein K05658 ABCB1; ATP-binding cassette, subfamily B (MDR/TAP), member 1 [EC:] D FGSG_08823 hypothetical protein K05658 ABCB1; ATP-binding cassette, subfamily B (MDR/TAP), member 1 [EC:] D FGSG_02786 hypothetical protein K05658 ABCB1; ATP-binding cassette, subfamily B (MDR/TAP), member 1 [EC:] D FGSG_11988 hypothetical protein K05658 ABCB1; ATP-binding cassette, subfamily B (MDR/TAP), member 1 [EC:] D FGSG_06771 multidrug resistance protein 1 K05658 ABCB1; ATP-binding cassette, subfamily B (MDR/TAP), member 1 [EC:] D FGSG_12704 hypothetical protein K05658 ABCB1; ATP-binding cassette, subfamily B (MDR/TAP), member 1 [EC:] D FGSG_07516 hypothetical protein K05658 ABCB1; ATP-binding cassette, subfamily B (MDR/TAP), member 1 [EC:] D FGSG_00541 hypothetical protein K05658 ABCB1; ATP-binding cassette, subfamily B (MDR/TAP), member 1 [EC:] D FGSG_04336 hypothetical protein K05658 ABCB1; ATP-binding cassette, subfamily B (MDR/TAP), member 1 [EC:] D FGSG_03323 hypothetical protein K05658 ABCB1; ATP-binding cassette, subfamily B (MDR/TAP), member 1 [EC:] C ABCB6, 7 subgroups D FGSG_10911 iron-sulfur clusters transporter ATM1 K05662 ABCB7; ATP-binding cassette, subfamily B (MDR/TAP), member 7 D FGSG_05527 hypothetical protein K23329 HMT1; ATP-binding cassette, subfamily B, vacuolar membrane transporter HMT1/ACLQ D FGSG_03805 hypothetical protein K23329 HMT1; ATP-binding cassette, subfamily B, vacuolar membrane transporter HMT1/ACLQ C ABCB11 subgroup C ABCB-BAC subgroup B ABCC (CFTR/MRP) subfamily C ABCC1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 11, 12, 13 subgroups D FGSG_05571 metal resistance protein YCF1 K05665 ABCC1; ATP-binding cassette, subfamily C (CFTR/MRP), member 1 [EC:] D FGSG_11028 hypothetical protein K05665 ABCC1; ATP-binding cassette, subfamily C (CFTR/MRP), member 1 [EC:] D FGSG_02139 hypothetical protein K05665 ABCC1; ATP-binding cassette, subfamily C (CFTR/MRP), member 1 [EC:] D FGSG_08308 hypothetical protein K05665 ABCC1; ATP-binding cassette, subfamily C (CFTR/MRP), member 1 [EC:] D FGSG_07325 hypothetical protein K05665 ABCC1; ATP-binding cassette, subfamily C (CFTR/MRP), member 1 [EC:] C ABCC7 subgroup C ABCC8, 9 subgroups C ABCC-BAC subgroup B ABCD (ALD) subfamily C ABCD1 subgroup C ABCD2 subgroup C ABCD3 subgroup C ABCD4 subgroup C Others D FGSG_01526 hypothetical protein K15628 PXA; ATP-binding cassette, subfamily D (ALD), peroxisomal long-chain fatty acid import protein [EC:] D FGSG_06012 hypothetical protein K15628 PXA; ATP-binding cassette, subfamily D (ALD), peroxisomal long-chain fatty acid import protein [EC:] B ABCG (White) subfamily C ABCG1, 4 subgroups C ABCG2, 3 subgroups D FGSG_01388 hypothetical protein K05681 ABCG2; ATP-binding cassette, subfamily G (WHITE), member 2 D FGSG_05589 hypothetical protein K05681 ABCG2; ATP-binding cassette, subfamily G (WHITE), member 2 D FGSG_11272 hypothetical protein K08711 PDR; ATP-binding cassette, subfamily G (WHITE), member 2, PDR D FGSG_11240 hypothetical protein K08711 PDR; ATP-binding cassette, subfamily G (WHITE), member 2, PDR D FGSG_08830 hypothetical protein K08711 PDR; ATP-binding cassette, subfamily G (WHITE), member 2, PDR D FGSG_08312 hypothetical protein K08711 PDR; ATP-binding cassette, subfamily G (WHITE), member 2, PDR D FGSG_04580 hypothetical protein K08711 PDR; ATP-binding cassette, subfamily G (WHITE), member 2, PDR D FGSG_03882 hypothetical protein K08711 PDR; ATP-binding cassette, subfamily G (WHITE), member 2, PDR D FGSG_03735 hypothetical protein K08711 PDR; ATP-binding cassette, subfamily G (WHITE), member 2, PDR D FGSG_02847 hypothetical protein K08711 PDR; ATP-binding cassette, subfamily G (WHITE), member 2, PDR D FGSG_09329 hypothetical protein K08711 PDR; ATP-binding cassette, subfamily G (WHITE), member 2, PDR D FGSG_02870 hypothetical protein K08711 PDR; ATP-binding cassette, subfamily G (WHITE), member 2, PDR D FGSG_08309 hypothetical protein K08711 PDR; ATP-binding cassette, subfamily G (WHITE), member 2, PDR D FGSG_07383 hypothetical protein K08711 PDR; ATP-binding cassette, subfamily G (WHITE), member 2, PDR D FGSG_10577 hypothetical protein K08711 PDR; ATP-binding cassette, subfamily G (WHITE), member 2, PDR C ABCG5, 8 subgroups B Other subfamilies C Macrolide exporter C Other ABC transporters # AABC transporters, prokaryotic type B Mineral and organic ion transporters C Sulfate/thiosulfate transporter C Molybdate transporter C Molybdate/tungstate transporter C Tungstate transporter C Nitrate/nitrite transporter C Bicarbonate transporter C Taurine transporter C Sulfonate transporter C Phthalate transporter C Iron(III) transporter C Thiamine transporter C Spermidine/putrescine transporter C Putrescine transporter C Putative spermidine/putrescine transporter C Mannopine transporter C 2-Aminoethylphosphonate transporter C Glycine betaine/proline transporter C Osmoprotectant transporter C Riboflavin transporter C Putative hydroxymethylpyrimidine transporter C Putative thiamine transporter C Putative thiamine transporter C NitT/TauT family transporter B Saccharide, polyol, and lipid transporters C Maltose/maltodextrin transporter C Maltose transporter C Arabinogalactan oligomer/maltooligosaccharide transport system C Raffinose/stachyose/melibiose transporter C Alpha-glucoside transporter C Glucose/arabinose transporter C Glucose/mannose transporter C Trehalose/maltose transporter C Trehalose transporter C N-Acetylglucosamine transporter C Cellobiose transporter C N,N'-Diacetylchitobiose transporter C Putative chitobiose transporter C L-Arabinose transporter C Lactose/L-arabinose transporter C L-Arabinose/D-xylose transporter C Oligogalacturonide transporter C Alpha-1,4-digalacturonate transporter C Putative aldouronate transporter C Alpha-galactoside transporter C Methyl-galactoside transporter C D-Galactose transporter C D-Xylose transporter C Xylobiose transporter C Fucose transporter C Sugar transporter C Multiple sugar transporter C D-Allose transporter C Fructose transporter C Rhamnose transporter C Ribose transporter C Galactofuranose transporter C Erythritol transporter C Putative xylitol transporter C Inositol transporter C Inositol transporter C Inositol-phosphate transporter C Fructooligosaccharide transporter C Fructooligosaccharide transporter C Glycerol transporter C Putative sn-Glycerol 3-phosphate transporter C Putative sorbitol/mannitol transporter C Arabinooligosaccharide transporter C Arabinooligosaccharide transporter C Polygalacturonan/rhamnogalacturonan transporter C Pectin-derived oligosaccharide transporter C General nucleoside transporter C Riboflavin transporter C UDP-glucose/iron transporter C AI-2 transporter C gamma-Hexachlorocyclohexane transporter C Phospholipid transporter C Mce system transporter C Putative multiple sugar transporter C Putative simple sugar transporter B Phosphate and amino acid transporters C Phosphate transporter C Phosphonate transporter C Lysine/arginine/ornithine transporter C Histidine transporter C Glutamine transporter C Arginine transporter C Glutamate/aspartate transporter C Aspartate/glutamate/glutamine transporter C Octopine/nopaline transporter C General L-amino acid transporter C Glutamate transporter C Cystine transporter C L-Cystine transporter C Arginine/ornithine transporter C Arginine/lysine/histidine/glutamine transporter C Arginine/lysine/histidine transporter C Hydroxyproline transporter C Branched-chain amino acid transporter C Neutral amino acid transporter C D-Methionine transporter C Urea transporter C Putative tryptophan/tyrosine transporter C Putative lysine transporter C Putative lysine/arginine/ornithine/histidine/octopine transporter C Putative S-methylcysteine transporter C Putative polar amino acid transporter B Peptide and nickel transporters C Oligopeptide transporter C Dipeptide transporter C Dipeptide transporter C Cationic peptide transporter C Nickel transporter C Nickel transporter C Glutathione transporter C Peptides/nickel transporter C Microcin C transporter B Metallic cation, iron-siderophore and vitamin B12 transporters C Ferric citrate transporter C Ferric hydroxamate transporter C Ferric hydroxamate/heme transporter C Heme transporter C Heme transporter C Iron-siderophore transporter C Iron-siderophore transporter C Iron-siderophore transporter C Iron complex transporter C Vitamin B12 transporter C Cobalamin transporter C Manganese transporter C Manganese transporter C Zinc transporter C Iron/zinc/manganese/copper transporter C Manganese/iron transporter C Manganese/zinc transporter C Manganese/zinc/iron transporter C Manganese/iron transporter C Cobalt transporter C Nickel transporter C Biotin transporter C Energy-coupling factor transporter C Putative zinc/manganese transporter B ABC-2 type and other transporters C Multidrug/hemolysin transporter C Capsular polysaccharide transporter C Vi polysaccharide transporter C Homopolymeric O-antigen C Lipopolysaccharide transporter C Teichoic acid transporter C Lipooligosaccharide transporter C Sodium transporter C Lantibiotic transporter C Lantibiotic transporter C Copper-processing transporter C Gliding motility-associated transporter C Putative peptide transporter C Hemin transporter C Daunorubicin/doxorubicin transporter C Oleandomycin transporter C Pyoluteorin transporter C Drug efflux transporter C Linearmycin/streptolysin S transporer C Bacitracin transporter C Bacitracin transporter C Bacitracin transporter C Beta-exotoxin I transporter C Polyether ionophore transporter C Uncharacterized ABC transporter C Cationic antimicrobial peptide transporter C Fluoroquinolones transporter C Lipoprotein-releasing transporter C Acetoin utilization transporter C Antimicrobial peptide resistance transporter C Heterocyst specific transporter C Heme transporter C Cell division transporter C Viologen exporter family transporter C Antilisterial bacteriocin subtilosin biosynthesis transporter C ABC-2 type transporter C ABC-2 type transporter C Putative ABC transporter C Orphan ABC ATPase # ASolute carrier family (SLC) B SLC1: High-affinity glutamate and neutral amino acid transporter B SLC2: Facilitative GLUT transporter C FGSG_08410 hypothetical protein K08150 SLC2A13; MFS transporter, SP family, solute carrier family 2 (myo-inositol transporter), member 13 C FGSG_04369 hypothetical protein K08150 SLC2A13; MFS transporter, SP family, solute carrier family 2 (myo-inositol transporter), member 13 B SLC3: Heavy subunits of the heteromeric amino acid transporters B SLC4: Bicarbonate transporter B SLC5: Sodium glucose cotransporter B SLC6: Sodium- and chloride-dependent neurotransmitter transporter C FGSG_00220 hypothetical protein K05034 SLC6A1; solute carrier family 6 (neurotransmitter transporter, GABA) member 1 C FGSG_04240 hypothetical protein K05034 SLC6A1; solute carrier family 6 (neurotransmitter transporter, GABA) member 1 C FGSG_07634 hypothetical protein K05034 SLC6A1; solute carrier family 6 (neurotransmitter transporter, GABA) member 1 B SLC7: Cationic amino acid transporter/glycoprotein-associated B SLC8: Na+/Ca2+ exchanger B SLC9: Na+/H+ exchanger C FGSG_05511 hypothetical protein K12041 SLC9A6_7; solute carrier family 9 (sodium/hydrogen exchanger), member 6/7 B SLC10: Sodium bile salt cotransporter C FGSG_07273 hypothetical protein K14347 SLC10A7; solute carrier family 10 (sodium/bile acid cotransporter), member 7 B SLC11: Proton-coupled metal ion transporter B SLC12: Electroneutral cation-coupled Cl cotransporter C FGSG_05147 hypothetical protein K14429 SLC12A9; solute carrier family 12 (potassium/chloride transporters), member 9 B SLC13: Human Na+-sulfate/carboxylate cotransporter B SLC14: Urea transporter B SLC15: Proton oligopeptide cotransporter B SLC16: Monocarboxylate transporter B SLC17: Vesicular glutamate transporter B SLC18: Vesicular amine transporter B SLC19: Folate/thiamine transporter B SLC20: Type III Na+-phosphate cotransporter C FGSG_03172 hypothetical protein K14640 SLC20A; solute carrier family 20 (sodium-dependent phosphate transporter) C FGSG_10404 hypothetical protein K14640 SLC20A; solute carrier family 20 (sodium-dependent phosphate transporter) C FGSG_02426 phosphate-repressible phosphate permease K14640 SLC20A; solute carrier family 20 (sodium-dependent phosphate transporter) C FGSG_11973 phosphate-repressible phosphate permease K14640 SLC20A; solute carrier family 20 (sodium-dependent phosphate transporter) B SLC21/ASLCO: Organic anion transporter B SLC22: Organic cation/anion/zwitterion transporter B SLC23: Na+-dependent ascorbic acid transporter B SLC24: Na+/(Ca2+-K+) exchanger C FGSG_07114 hypothetical protein K13754 SLC24A6; solute carrier family 24 (sodium/potassium/calcium exchanger), member 6 B SLC25: Mitochondrial carrier C FGSG_03930 hypothetical protein K15100 SLC25A1; solute carrier family 25 (mitochondrial citrate transporter), member 1 C FGSG_06566 succinate/fumarate transporter K15100 SLC25A1; solute carrier family 25 (mitochondrial citrate transporter), member 1 C FGSG_07875 tricarboxylate transport protein K15100 SLC25A1; solute carrier family 25 (mitochondrial citrate transporter), member 1 C FGSG_01230 phosphate carrier protein 2 K15102 SLC25A3; solute carrier family 25 (mitochondrial phosphate transporter), member 3 C FGSG_01591 phosphate carrier protein K15102 SLC25A3; solute carrier family 25 (mitochondrial phosphate transporter), member 3 C FGSG_09155 hypothetical protein K15102 SLC25A3; solute carrier family 25 (mitochondrial phosphate transporter), member 3 C FGSG_06021 ADP,ATP carrier protein K05863 SLC25A4S; solute carrier family 25 (mitochondrial adenine nucleotide translocator), member 4/5/6/31 C FGSG_01448 hypothetical protein K13577 SLC25A10; solute carrier family 25 (mitochondrial dicarboxylate transporter), member 10 C FGSG_02149 hypothetical protein K13577 SLC25A10; solute carrier family 25 (mitochondrial dicarboxylate transporter), member 10 C FGSG_08375 hypothetical protein K15104 SLC25A11; solute carrier family 25 (mitochondrial oxoglutarate transporter), member 11 C FGSG_07131 hypothetical protein K15105 SLC25A12_13; solute carrier family 25 (mitochondrial aspartate/glutamate transporter), member 12/13 C FGSG_06226 carrier protein LEU5 K15084 SLC25A16; solute carrier family 25 (mitochondrial carrier protein), member 16 C FGSG_00308 hypothetical protein K13354 SLC25A17; solute carrier family 25 (peroxisomal adenine nucleotide transporter), member 17 C FGSG_12728 hypothetical protein K13354 SLC25A17; solute carrier family 25 (peroxisomal adenine nucleotide transporter), member 17 C FGSG_01038 hypothetical protein K15108 SLC25A19; solute carrier family 25 (mitochondrial thiamine pyrophosphate transporter), member 19 C FGSG_09975 hypothetical protein K15109 SLC25A20_29; solute carrier family 25 (mitochondrial carnitine/acylcarnitine transporter), member 20/29 C FGSG_06300 hypothetical protein K15109 SLC25A20_29; solute carrier family 25 (mitochondrial carnitine/acylcarnitine transporter), member 20/29 C FGSG_09633 hypothetical protein K15109 SLC25A20_29; solute carrier family 25 (mitochondrial carnitine/acylcarnitine transporter), member 20/29 C FGSG_07963 hypothetical protein K15109 SLC25A20_29; solute carrier family 25 (mitochondrial carnitine/acylcarnitine transporter), member 20/29 C FGSG_08489 2-oxodicarboxylate carrier 2 K15110 SLC25A21; solute carrier family 25 (mitochondrial 2-oxodicarboxylate transporter), member 21 C FGSG_09865 hypothetical protein K14684 SLC25A23S; solute carrier family 25 (mitochondrial phosphate transporter), member 23/24/25/41 C FGSG_04356 hypothetical protein K14684 SLC25A23S; solute carrier family 25 (mitochondrial phosphate transporter), member 23/24/25/41 C FGSG_04352 hypothetical protein K15111 SLC25A26; solute carrier family 25 (mitochondrial S-adenosylmethionine transporter), member 26 C FGSG_05612 hypothetical protein K15111 SLC25A26; solute carrier family 25 (mitochondrial S-adenosylmethionine transporter), member 26 C FGSG_03352 hypothetical protein K15111 SLC25A26; solute carrier family 25 (mitochondrial S-adenosylmethionine transporter), member 26 C FGSG_09849 hypothetical protein K15113 SLC25A28_37; solute carrier family 25 (mitochondrial iron transporter), member 28/37 C FGSG_11605 hypothetical protein K15115 SLC25A32; solute carrier family 25 (mitochondrial folate transporter), member 32 C FGSG_10295 hypothetical protein K15115 SLC25A32; solute carrier family 25 (mitochondrial folate transporter), member 32 C FGSG_13127 hypothetical protein K15115 SLC25A32; solute carrier family 25 (mitochondrial folate transporter), member 32 C FGSG_08931 hypothetical protein K15116 SLC25A33_36; solute carrier family 25, member 33/36 C FGSG_05414 hypothetical protein K15117 SLC25A34_35; solute carrier family 25, member 34/35 C FGSG_01375 hypothetical protein K15118 SLC25A38; solute carrier family 25, member 38 C FGSG_09323 hypothetical protein K15119 SLC25A39_40; solute carrier family 25, member 39/40 C FGSG_01032 amino acid transporter arg-13 K15114 ORT1; mitochondrial ornithine carrier protein B SLC26: Multifunctional anion exchanger C FGSG_01066 hypothetical protein K14708 SLC26A11; solute carrier family 26 (sodium-independent sulfate anion transporter), member 11 C FGSG_02163 hypothetical protein K14708 SLC26A11; solute carrier family 26 (sodium-independent sulfate anion transporter), member 11 C FGSG_11115 hypothetical protein K14708 SLC26A11; solute carrier family 26 (sodium-independent sulfate anion transporter), member 11 C FGSG_11293 hypothetical protein K14708 SLC26A11; solute carrier family 26 (sodium-independent sulfate anion transporter), member 11 B SLC27: Fatty acid transporter B SLC28: Na+-coupled nucleoside transporter B SLC29: Facilitative nucleoside transporter B SLC30: Zinc efflux transporter C FGSG_00947 cobalt uptake protein COT1 K14688 SLC30A1; solute carrier family 30 (zinc transporter), member 1 C FGSG_09759 hypothetical protein K14688 SLC30A1; solute carrier family 30 (zinc transporter), member 1 C FGSG_09632 hypothetical protein K14692 SLC30A5_7; solute carrier family 30 (zinc transporter), member 5/7 B SLC31: Copper transporter C FGSG_00773 hypothetical protein K14686 SLC31A1; solute carrier family 31 (copper transporter), member 1 C FGSG_06061 hypothetical protein K14686 SLC31A1; solute carrier family 31 (copper transporter), member 1 C FGSG_07059 hypothetical protein K14686 SLC31A1; solute carrier family 31 (copper transporter), member 1 C FGSG_03693 hypothetical protein K14686 SLC31A1; solute carrier family 31 (copper transporter), member 1 B SLC32: Vesicular inhibitory amino acid transporter C FGSG_02499 hypothetical protein K15015 SLC32A; solute carrier family 32 (vesicular inhibitory amino acid transporter) B SLC33: Acetyl-CoA transporter C FGSG_08805 hypothetical protein K03372 SLC33A1; MFS transporter, PAT family, solute carrier family 33 (acetyl-CoA transportor), member 1 [EC:2.3.1.-] B SLC34: Type II Na+-phosphate cotransporter B SLC35: Nucleoside-sugar transporter C FGSG_05346 hypothetical protein K15272 SLC35A1_2_3; solute carrier family 35 (UDP-sugar transporter), member A1/2/3 C FGSG_06978 hypothetical protein K15275 SLC35B1; solute carrier family 35 (UDP-galactose transporter), member B1 C FGSG_01370 hypothetical protein K15278 SLC35B4; solute carrier family 35 (UDP-xylose/UDP-N-acetylglucosamine transporter), member B4 C FGSG_02697 hypothetical protein K15279 SLC35C1; solute carrier family 35 (GDP-fucose transporter), member C1 C FGSG_01109 hypothetical protein K15280 SLC35C2; solute carrier family 35, member C2 C FGSG_04319 hypothetical protein K15283 SLC35E1; solute carrier family 35, member E1 C FGSG_13413 hypothetical protein K15285 SLC35E3; solute carrier family 35, member E3 C FGSG_00257 hypothetical protein K15287 SLC35F1_2; solute carrier family 35, member F1/2 C FGSG_12874 hypothetical protein K15289 SLC35F5; solute carrier family 35, member F5 B SLC36: Proton-coupled amino acid transporter C FGSG_12692 hypothetical protein K14209 SLC36A; solute carrier family 36 (proton-coupled amino acid transporter) C FGSG_01382 hypothetical protein K14209 SLC36A; solute carrier family 36 (proton-coupled amino acid transporter) B SLC37: Sugar-phosphate/phosphate exchanger B SLC38: System A and System N sodium-coupled neutral amino acid transporter C FGSG_04398 hypothetical protein K14997 SLC38A11; solute carrier family 38 (sodium-coupled neutral amino acid transporter), member 11 B SLC39: Metal ion transporter C FGSG_02589 hypothetical protein K14709 SLC39A1_2_3; solute carrier family 39 (zinc transporter), member 1/2/3 C FGSG_02248 hypothetical protein K14709 SLC39A1_2_3; solute carrier family 39 (zinc transporter), member 1/2/3 C FGSG_06331 hypothetical protein K14709 SLC39A1_2_3; solute carrier family 39 (zinc transporter), member 1/2/3 C FGSG_03987 hypothetical protein K14709 SLC39A1_2_3; solute carrier family 39 (zinc transporter), member 1/2/3 C FGSG_09303 hypothetical protein K14709 SLC39A1_2_3; solute carrier family 39 (zinc transporter), member 1/2/3 C FGSG_05293 hypothetical protein K14713 SLC39A7; solute carrier family 39 (zinc transporter), member 7 C FGSG_05456 hypothetical protein K14715 SLC39A9; solute carrier family 39 (zinc transporter), member 9 B SLC40: Basolateral iron transporter C FGSG_05096 hypothetical protein K14685 SLC40A1; solute carrier family 40 (iron-regulated transporter), member 1 B SLC41: MgtE-like magnesium transporter B SLC42: Rh ammonium transporter B SLC43: Na+-independent, system-L-like amino acid transporter B SLC44: Choline-like transporter B SLC45: H+/sugar cotransporter C FGSG_01043 hypothetical protein K15378 SLC45A1_2_4; solute carrier family 45, member 1/2/4 C FGSG_06890 hypothetical protein K15378 SLC45A1_2_4; solute carrier family 45, member 1/2/4 B SLC46: Folate transporter B SLC47: Multidrug and Toxin Extrusion (MATE) family C FGSG_08937 hypothetical protein K03327 SLC47A; MATE family, multidrug and toxin extrusion protein C FGSG_03090 hypothetical protein K03327 SLC47A; MATE family, multidrug and toxin extrusion protein C FGSG_03080 hypothetical protein K03327 SLC47A; MATE family, multidrug and toxin extrusion protein C FGSG_02207 hypothetical protein K03327 SLC47A; MATE family, multidrug and toxin extrusion protein C FGSG_12883 hypothetical protein K03327 SLC47A; MATE family, multidrug and toxin extrusion protein B SLC48: Heme transporter B SLC49: FLVCR-related transporter C FGSG_09490 hypothetical protein K12306 MSFD7; MFS transporter, FLVCR family, MFS-domain-containing protein 7 B SLC50: Sugar efflux transporter B SLC51: Transporter of steroid-derived molecules B SLC52: Riboflavin transporter B SLC54: Mitochondrial pyruvate carrier C FGSG_07074 hypothetical protein K22138 MPC1; mitochondrial pyruvate carrier 1 C FGSG_08567 hypothetical protein K22139 MPC2; mitochondrial pyruvate carrier 2 B SLC56: Sideroflexin C FGSG_06636 hypothetical protein K23503 SFXN5; sideroflexin-5 B SLC57: NiPA-like magnesium transporter C FGSG_05434 hypothetical protein K22733 NIPA; magnesium transporter C FGSG_09673 hypothetical protein K22733 NIPA; magnesium transporter C FGSG_08592 hypothetical protein K22733 NIPA; magnesium transporter C FGSG_02513 hypothetical protein K22733 NIPA; magnesium transporter B SLC58: MagT-like magnesium transporter C FGSG_09869 hypothetical protein K12669 OST3_6; dolichyl-diphosphooligosaccharide---protein glycosyltransferase subunit 3/6 B SLC62: Pyrophosphate transporter B SLC65: NPC-type cholesterol transporter C FGSG_09254 hypothetical protein K12385 NPC1; Niemann-Pick C1 protein B SLC66: Lysosomal lysine-arginine transporter C FGSG_08496 hypothetical protein K23678 PQLC2; solute carrier family 66 (lysosomal lysine-arginine transporter), member 1 C FGSG_05579 hypothetical protein K23678 PQLC2; solute carrier family 66 (lysosomal lysine-arginine transporter), member 1 C FGSG_07125 hypothetical protein K23679 PQLC1; solute carrier family 66, member 2 # AMajor facilitator superfamily (MFS) B Sugar transporters C Sugar porter (SP) family [TC:2.A.1.1] D FGSG_02066 hypothetical protein K08139 HXT; MFS transporter, SP family, sugar:H+ symporter D FGSG_02641 hypothetical protein K08139 HXT; MFS transporter, SP family, sugar:H+ symporter D FGSG_08039 hypothetical protein K08139 HXT; MFS transporter, SP family, sugar:H+ symporter D FGSG_03512 hypothetical protein K08139 HXT; MFS transporter, SP family, sugar:H+ symporter D FGSG_05042 hypothetical protein K08139 HXT; MFS transporter, SP family, sugar:H+ symporter D FGSG_02978 hypothetical protein K08139 HXT; MFS transporter, SP family, sugar:H+ symporter D FGSG_07582 hypothetical protein K08139 HXT; MFS transporter, SP family, sugar:H+ symporter D FGSG_00034 hypothetical protein K08141 MAL; MFS transporter, SP family, general alpha glucoside:H+ symporter D FGSG_00070 hypothetical protein K08141 MAL; MFS transporter, SP family, general alpha glucoside:H+ symporter D FGSG_02580 hypothetical protein K08141 MAL; MFS transporter, SP family, general alpha glucoside:H+ symporter D FGSG_08799 hypothetical protein K08141 MAL; MFS transporter, SP family, general alpha glucoside:H+ symporter D FGSG_02358 hypothetical protein K08141 MAL; MFS transporter, SP family, general alpha glucoside:H+ symporter D FGSG_03369 hypothetical protein K08141 MAL; MFS transporter, SP family, general alpha glucoside:H+ symporter D FGSG_12471 hypothetical protein K08141 MAL; MFS transporter, SP family, general alpha glucoside:H+ symporter D FGSG_04610 hypothetical protein K08141 MAL; MFS transporter, SP family, general alpha glucoside:H+ symporter D FGSG_10661 hypothetical protein K08141 MAL; MFS transporter, SP family, general alpha glucoside:H+ symporter D FGSG_02833 hypothetical protein K08141 MAL; MFS transporter, SP family, general alpha glucoside:H+ symporter D FGSG_02292 hypothetical protein K08141 MAL; MFS transporter, SP family, general alpha glucoside:H+ symporter D FGSG_11150 hypothetical protein K08141 MAL; MFS transporter, SP family, general alpha glucoside:H+ symporter D FGSG_11147 hypothetical protein K08141 MAL; MFS transporter, SP family, general alpha glucoside:H+ symporter D FGSG_10747 hypothetical protein K08141 MAL; MFS transporter, SP family, general alpha glucoside:H+ symporter D FGSG_09081 hypothetical protein K08141 MAL; MFS transporter, SP family, general alpha glucoside:H+ symporter D FGSG_09367 hypothetical protein K08141 MAL; MFS transporter, SP family, general alpha glucoside:H+ symporter D FGSG_04710 hypothetical protein K08141 MAL; MFS transporter, SP family, general alpha glucoside:H+ symporter D FGSG_02312 hypothetical protein K08141 MAL; MFS transporter, SP family, general alpha glucoside:H+ symporter D FGSG_03891 hypothetical protein K08141 MAL; MFS transporter, SP family, general alpha glucoside:H+ symporter D FGSG_04544 hypothetical protein K08141 MAL; MFS transporter, SP family, general alpha glucoside:H+ symporter D FGSG_07594 hypothetical protein K08141 MAL; MFS transporter, SP family, general alpha glucoside:H+ symporter D FGSG_09074 hypothetical protein K08141 MAL; MFS transporter, SP family, general alpha glucoside:H+ symporter D FGSG_08410 hypothetical protein K08150 SLC2A13; MFS transporter, SP family, solute carrier family 2 (myo-inositol transporter), member 13 D FGSG_04369 hypothetical protein K08150 SLC2A13; MFS transporter, SP family, solute carrier family 2 (myo-inositol transporter), member 13 C Oligosaccharide:H+ symporter (OHS) family [TC:2.A.1.5] C Fucose:H+ symporter (FHS) family [TC:2.A.1.7] D FGSG_03869 hypothetical protein K02429 fucP; MFS transporter, FHS family, L-fucose permease D FGSG_01593 hypothetical protein K02429 fucP; MFS transporter, FHS family, L-fucose permease C Sugar efflux transporter (SET) [TC:2.A.1.20] C Nucleoside:H+ symporter (NHS) family [TC:2.A.1.10] C N-Acetylglucosamine transporter (NAG-T) family [TC:2.A.1.58] B Organic acid transporters C Metabolite:H+ symporter (MHS) family [TC:2.A.1.6] C Oxalate:formate antiporter (OFA) family [TC:2.A.1.11] C Sialate:H+ symporter (SHS) family [TC:2.A.1.12] D FGSG_04204 hypothetical protein K08178 JEN; MFS transporter, SHS family, lactate transporter C Monocarboxylate transporter (MCT) family [TC:2.A.1.13] C Anion:cation symporter (ACS) family [TC:2.A.1.14] D FGSG_11122 hypothetical protein K08192 DAL5; MFS transporter, ACS family, DAL5 transporter family protein D FGSG_01712 hypothetical protein K08192 DAL5; MFS transporter, ACS family, DAL5 transporter family protein D FGSG_02250 hypothetical protein K08192 DAL5; MFS transporter, ACS family, DAL5 transporter family protein D FGSG_11084 hypothetical protein K08192 DAL5; MFS transporter, ACS family, DAL5 transporter family protein D FGSG_00219 hypothetical protein K08192 DAL5; MFS transporter, ACS family, DAL5 transporter family protein D FGSG_07584 hypothetical protein K08192 DAL5; MFS transporter, ACS family, DAL5 transporter family protein D FGSG_02070 hypothetical protein K08192 DAL5; MFS transporter, ACS family, DAL5 transporter family protein D FGSG_00108 hypothetical protein K08192 DAL5; MFS transporter, ACS family, DAL5 transporter family protein D FGSG_13444 hypothetical protein K08192 DAL5; MFS transporter, ACS family, DAL5 transporter family protein D FGSG_03133 hypothetical protein K08192 DAL5; MFS transporter, ACS family, DAL5 transporter family protein D FGSG_03161 hypothetical protein K08192 DAL5; MFS transporter, ACS family, DAL5 transporter family protein D FGSG_07682 hypothetical protein K08192 DAL5; MFS transporter, ACS family, DAL5 transporter family protein D FGSG_12505 hypothetical protein K08192 DAL5; MFS transporter, ACS family, DAL5 transporter family protein D FGSG_07722 hypothetical protein K08192 DAL5; MFS transporter, ACS family, DAL5 transporter family protein D FGSG_04827 hypothetical protein K08192 DAL5; MFS transporter, ACS family, DAL5 transporter family protein D FGSG_10919 hypothetical protein K08192 DAL5; MFS transporter, ACS family, DAL5 transporter family protein D FGSG_11079 hypothetical protein K08192 DAL5; MFS transporter, ACS family, DAL5 transporter family protein D FGSG_02992 hypothetical protein K08192 DAL5; MFS transporter, ACS family, DAL5 transporter family protein D FGSG_06453 hypothetical protein K08192 DAL5; MFS transporter, ACS family, DAL5 transporter family protein D FGSG_02382 hypothetical protein K08192 DAL5; MFS transporter, ACS family, DAL5 transporter family protein D FGSG_11219 hypothetical protein K08192 DAL5; MFS transporter, ACS family, DAL5 transporter family protein D FGSG_02945 hypothetical protein K08192 DAL5; MFS transporter, ACS family, DAL5 transporter family protein D FGSG_07771 hypothetical protein K08192 DAL5; MFS transporter, ACS family, DAL5 transporter family protein D FGSG_11069 hypothetical protein K08192 DAL5; MFS transporter, ACS family, DAL5 transporter family protein D FGSG_03855 hypothetical protein K08192 DAL5; MFS transporter, ACS family, DAL5 transporter family protein D FGSG_01814 hypothetical protein K08192 DAL5; MFS transporter, ACS family, DAL5 transporter family protein D FGSG_05011 hypothetical protein K08192 DAL5; MFS transporter, ACS family, DAL5 transporter family protein D FGSG_05368 hypothetical protein K08192 DAL5; MFS transporter, ACS family, DAL5 transporter family protein D FGSG_08047 hypothetical protein K08192 DAL5; MFS transporter, ACS family, DAL5 transporter family protein D FGSG_05238 hypothetical protein K08192 DAL5; MFS transporter, ACS family, DAL5 transporter family protein D FGSG_03956 hypothetical protein K08192 DAL5; MFS transporter, ACS family, DAL5 transporter family protein D FGSG_00148 hypothetical protein K08192 DAL5; MFS transporter, ACS family, DAL5 transporter family protein D FGSG_03646 hypothetical protein K08192 DAL5; MFS transporter, ACS family, DAL5 transporter family protein D FGSG_07904 hypothetical protein K08192 DAL5; MFS transporter, ACS family, DAL5 transporter family protein D FGSG_04431 hypothetical protein K08192 DAL5; MFS transporter, ACS family, DAL5 transporter family protein D FGSG_01792 hypothetical protein K08192 DAL5; MFS transporter, ACS family, DAL5 transporter family protein D FGSG_03889 hypothetical protein K08192 DAL5; MFS transporter, ACS family, DAL5 transporter family protein D FGSG_04217 hypothetical protein K08192 DAL5; MFS transporter, ACS family, DAL5 transporter family protein D FGSG_04658 hypothetical protein K08192 DAL5; MFS transporter, ACS family, DAL5 transporter family protein D FGSG_01986 hypothetical protein K08192 DAL5; MFS transporter, ACS family, DAL5 transporter family protein D FGSG_01662 hypothetical protein K08192 DAL5; MFS transporter, ACS family, DAL5 transporter family protein D FGSG_03636 hypothetical protein K08192 DAL5; MFS transporter, ACS family, DAL5 transporter family protein D FGSG_11571 hypothetical protein K08192 DAL5; MFS transporter, ACS family, DAL5 transporter family protein D FGSG_10809 hypothetical protein K08192 DAL5; MFS transporter, ACS family, DAL5 transporter family protein D FGSG_08341 hypothetical protein K08192 DAL5; MFS transporter, ACS family, DAL5 transporter family protein D FGSG_10310 hypothetical protein K08192 DAL5; MFS transporter, ACS family, DAL5 transporter family protein D FGSG_13807 hypothetical protein K08192 DAL5; MFS transporter, ACS family, DAL5 transporter family protein D FGSG_11519 hypothetical protein K08192 DAL5; MFS transporter, ACS family, DAL5 transporter family protein D FGSG_06468 hypothetical protein K08192 DAL5; MFS transporter, ACS family, DAL5 transporter family protein D FGSG_04899 hypothetical protein K08192 DAL5; MFS transporter, ACS family, DAL5 transporter family protein D FGSG_05802 hypothetical protein K08192 DAL5; MFS transporter, ACS family, DAL5 transporter family protein D FGSG_10938 hypothetical protein K08192 DAL5; MFS transporter, ACS family, DAL5 transporter family protein D FGSG_11552 hypothetical protein K08192 DAL5; MFS transporter, ACS family, DAL5 transporter family protein D FGSG_04723 hypothetical protein K08192 DAL5; MFS transporter, ACS family, DAL5 transporter family protein D FGSG_00083 hypothetical protein K08192 DAL5; MFS transporter, ACS family, DAL5 transporter family protein D FGSG_05731 hypothetical protein K08192 DAL5; MFS transporter, ACS family, DAL5 transporter family protein D FGSG_00345 hypothetical protein K08192 DAL5; MFS transporter, ACS family, DAL5 transporter family protein D FGSG_11486 hypothetical protein K08192 DAL5; MFS transporter, ACS family, DAL5 transporter family protein D FGSG_11087 hypothetical protein K08192 DAL5; MFS transporter, ACS family, DAL5 transporter family protein D FGSG_00787 hypothetical protein K08192 DAL5; MFS transporter, ACS family, DAL5 transporter family protein D FGSG_13993 hypothetical protein K08192 DAL5; MFS transporter, ACS family, DAL5 transporter family protein D FGSG_09568 hypothetical protein K08192 DAL5; MFS transporter, ACS family, DAL5 transporter family protein D FGSG_11139 hypothetical protein K08192 DAL5; MFS transporter, ACS family, DAL5 transporter family protein D FGSG_03872 hypothetical protein K08192 DAL5; MFS transporter, ACS family, DAL5 transporter family protein D FGSG_08099 hypothetical protein K08192 DAL5; MFS transporter, ACS family, DAL5 transporter family protein D FGSG_11340 hypothetical protein K08192 DAL5; MFS transporter, ACS family, DAL5 transporter family protein D FGSG_00085 hypothetical protein K03448 FEN2; MFS transporter, ACS family, pantothenate transporter D FGSG_10317 hypothetical protein K03448 FEN2; MFS transporter, ACS family, pantothenate transporter D FGSG_03389 hypothetical protein K03448 FEN2; MFS transporter, ACS family, pantothenate transporter D FGSG_08163 hypothetical protein K03448 FEN2; MFS transporter, ACS family, pantothenate transporter D FGSG_11417 hypothetical protein K03448 FEN2; MFS transporter, ACS family, pantothenate transporter D FGSG_11475 hypothetical protein K03448 FEN2; MFS transporter, ACS family, pantothenate transporter D FGSG_08256 hypothetical protein K03448 FEN2; MFS transporter, ACS family, pantothenate transporter C Aromatic acid:H+ symporter (AAHS) family [TC:2.A.1.15] C Cyanate porter (CP) family [TC:2.A.1.17] C Organic cation transporter (OCT) family [TC:2.A.1.19] C Phenylproprionate permease (PPP) [TC:2.A.1.27] C L-Amino acid transporter-3 (LAT3) family (SLC43 family) [TC:2.A.1.44] C Proton coupled folate transporter/heme carrier protein (PCFT/HCP) family [TC:2.A.1.50] B Phosphate and organophosphate transporters C Phosphate:H+ symporter (PHS) family [TC:2.A.1.9] D FGSG_01295 hypothetical protein K08176 PHO84; MFS transporter, PHS family, inorganic phosphate transporter D FGSG_05659 hypothetical protein K08176 PHO84; MFS transporter, PHS family, inorganic phosphate transporter D FGSG_07894 hypothetical protein K08176 PHO84; MFS transporter, PHS family, inorganic phosphate transporter C Organophosphate:Pi antiporter (OPA) family [TC:2.A.1.4] C 1-Arseno-3-phosphoglycerate exporter (APGE) family [TC:2.A.1.83] B Nitrate/nitrite transporters C Nitrate/nitrite porter (NNP) family [TC:2.A.1.8] D FGSG_00416 hypothetical protein K02575 NRT2; MFS transporter, NNP family, nitrate/nitrite transporter C Proton-dependent oligopeptide transporter (POT/PTR) family [TC:2.A.17] B Lipid transporters C Lysophospholipid transporter (LplT) family [TC:2.A.1.42] C Sphingosine-1-phosphate transporter (Spinster) family [TC:2.A.1.49] B Metal transporters C Siderophore-iron transporter (SIT) family [TC:2.A.1.16] D FGSG_05848 hypothetical protein K08197 ARN; MFS transporter, SIT family, siderophore-iron:H+ symporter D FGSG_02252 hypothetical protein K08197 ARN; MFS transporter, SIT family, siderophore-iron:H+ symporter C Enterobactin (siderophore) exporter (EntS) family [TC:2.A.1.38] C Nickel resistance (Nre) family [TC:2.A.1.31] C MFS domain-containing protein family [TC:2.A.1.40] C Putative bacteriochlorophyll delivery (BCD) family [TC:2.A.1.41] B Protein transporters C Vesicular neurotransmitter transporter (VNT) [TC:2.A.1.22] C Peptide-acetyl-CoA transporter (PAT) [TC:2.A.1.25] D FGSG_08805 hypothetical protein K03372 SLC33A1; MFS transporter, PAT family, solute carrier family 33 (acetyl-CoA transportor), member 1 [EC:2.3.1.-] C Feline leukemia virus subgroup C receptor (FLVCR) [TC:2.A.1.28] D FGSG_09490 hypothetical protein K12306 MSFD7; MFS transporter, FLVCR family, MFS-domain-containing protein 7 B Drug transporters C Drug:H+ antiporter-1 (12 spanner) (DHA1) family [TC:2.A.1.2] D FGSG_02865 hypothetical protein K08158 MDR1; MFS transporter, DHA1 family, multidrug resistance protein D FGSG_05318 hypothetical protein K08158 MDR1; MFS transporter, DHA1 family, multidrug resistance protein D FGSG_04370 hypothetical protein K08157 TPO1; MFS transporter, DHA1 family, multidrug resistance protein D FGSG_01302 hypothetical protein K08157 TPO1; MFS transporter, DHA1 family, multidrug resistance protein D FGSG_05705 hypothetical protein K08157 TPO1; MFS transporter, DHA1 family, multidrug resistance protein D FGSG_10098 hypothetical protein K08157 TPO1; MFS transporter, DHA1 family, multidrug resistance protein D FGSG_03033 hypothetical protein K08157 TPO1; MFS transporter, DHA1 family, multidrug resistance protein C Drug:H+ antiporter-2 (14 spanner) (DHA2) family [TC:2.A.1.3] D FGSG_04188 hypothetical protein K22134 GLIA; MFS transporter, DHA2 family, glioxin efflux transporter C Drug:H+ antiporter-3 (12 spanner) (DHA3) [TC:2.A.1.21] C Putative aromatic compound/drug exporter (ACDE) family [TC:2.A.1.32] C Fosmidomycin resistance (Fsr) family [TC:2.A.1.35] C Acriflavin-sensitivity (YnfM) family [TC:2.A.1.36] C Glycerophosphodiester uptake (GlpU) family [TC:2.A.1.52] B Unknown transporters C Unknown major facilitator-1 (UMF1) [TC:2.A.1.24] D FGSG_01225 hypothetical protein K06902 UMF1; MFS transporter, UMF1 family C Unknown major facilitator-2 (UMF2) [TC:2.A.1.26] C Putative YqgE transporter (YqgE) family [TC:2.A.1.33] C Others # APhosphotransferase system (PTS) B Enzyme I and HPr C Enzyme I [TC:8.A.7] C Phosphocarrier protein HPr [TC:8.A.8] C Multiphosphoryl transfer protein B Enzyme II [TC:4.A] C Glucose-specific II component C Glucose-specific II component C N-Acetylglucosamine-specific II component C Maltose/glucose-specific II component C Maltose-specific II component C D-Glucosamine-specific II component C Sucrose-specific II component C Beta-glucoside-specific II component C Beta-glucoside (arbutin/salicin/cellobiose)-specific II component C Trehalose-specific II component C N-Acetylmuramic acid-specific II component C Alpha-glucoside-specific II component C Fructose-specific II component C Fructose-specific II-like component C Mannitol-specific II component C 2-O-A-Mannosyl-D-glycerate-specific II component C Lactose-specific II component C Cellobiose-specific II component C Glucitol/sorbitol-specific II component C Galactitol-specific II component C Galactose-specific II component C Mannose-specific II component C Mannose-specific II component C Fructoselysine/glucoselysine-specific II component C Fructose-specific II component C Sorbose-specific II component C N-Acetylgalactosamine-specific II component C Galactosamine-specific II component C D-Glucosaminate-specific II component C Ascorbate-specific II component C Nitrogen regulatory II component C EI/HPr/EIIA hybrid protein # AOther transporters B Aquaporins and small neutral solute transporters [TC:1.A.8] C Aquaporins D FGSG_00811 hypothetical protein K09885 AQPF; aquaporin rerated protein, other eukaryote D FGSG_03680 hypothetical protein K09885 AQPF; aquaporin rerated protein, other eukaryote D FGSG_10816 hypothetical protein K09885 AQPF; aquaporin rerated protein, other eukaryote C Aquaglyceroporins or glycerol-uptake facilitators D FGSG_03248 hypothetical protein K03441 GLP-F; aquaglyceroporin related protein, other eukaryote D FGSG_03780 hypothetical protein K03441 GLP-F; aquaglyceroporin related protein, other eukaryote B Pores ion channels [TC:1] C FGSG_01364 hypothetical protein K21864 CCH1; voltage-dependent calcium channel C FGSG_00529 ammonium transporter MEP1 K03320 amt; ammonium transporter, Amt family C FGSG_00620 ammonium transporter MEP2 K03320 amt; ammonium transporter, Amt family C FGSG_03063 hypothetical protein K03320 amt; ammonium transporter, Amt family C FGSG_02094 hypothetical protein K03320 amt; ammonium transporter, Amt family C FGSG_00172 hypothetical protein K00799 GST; glutathione S-transferase [EC:] C FGSG_12154 hypothetical protein K00799 GST; glutathione S-transferase [EC:] C FGSG_04157 hypothetical protein K00799 GST; glutathione S-transferase [EC:] C FGSG_04547 hypothetical protein K00799 GST; glutathione S-transferase [EC:] C FGSG_04212 hypothetical protein K00799 GST; glutathione S-transferase [EC:] C FGSG_03943 hypothetical protein K00799 GST; glutathione S-transferase [EC:] C FGSG_10434 hypothetical protein K00799 GST; glutathione S-transferase [EC:] C FGSG_03000 hypothetical protein K00799 GST; glutathione S-transferase [EC:] C FGSG_04863 hypothetical protein K00799 GST; glutathione S-transferase [EC:] C FGSG_12821 hypothetical protein K00799 GST; glutathione S-transferase [EC:] C FGSG_01897 hypothetical protein K00799 GST; glutathione S-transferase [EC:] C FGSG_01816 hypothetical protein K00799 GST; glutathione S-transferase [EC:] C FGSG_02000 hypothetical protein K00799 GST; glutathione S-transferase [EC:] C FGSG_11040 glutathione S-transferase K00799 GST; glutathione S-transferase [EC:] C FGSG_09279 hypothetical protein K00799 GST; glutathione S-transferase [EC:] C FGSG_01294 hypothetical protein K00799 GST; glutathione S-transferase [EC:] C FGSG_11828 hypothetical protein K21890 GHITM; growth hormone-inducible transmembrane protein C FGSG_05653 hypothetical protein K21989 TMEM63; calcium permeable stress-gated cation channel C FGSG_09699 hypothetical protein K21989 TMEM63; calcium permeable stress-gated cation channel C FGSG_04042 hypothetical protein K21989 TMEM63; calcium permeable stress-gated cation channel C FGSG_09203 hypothetical protein K21989 TMEM63; calcium permeable stress-gated cation channel C FGSG_09651 hypothetical protein K03282 mscL; large conductance mechanosensitive channel C FGSG_00371 hypothetical protein K16073 ALR; magnesium transporter C FGSG_02495 hypothetical protein K16073 ALR; magnesium transporter C FGSG_08660 inner membrane magnesium transporter MRS2 K16075 MRS2; magnesium transporter C FGSG_12296 hypothetical protein K06199 crcB; fluoride exporter C FGSG_04853 hypothetical protein K08994 yneE; ion channel-forming bestrophin family protein C FGSG_06575 hypothetical protein K08994 yneE; ion channel-forming bestrophin family protein C FGSG_10425 hypothetical protein K20858 MCU; calcium uniporter protein, mitochondrial C FGSG_03798 hypothetical protein K13352 PEX11B; peroxin-11B C FGSG_09281 hypothetical protein K13352 PEX11B; peroxin-11B C FGSG_09484 hypothetical protein K16302 CNNM; metal transporter CNNM C FGSG_08313 hypothetical protein K07277 SAM50; outer membrane protein insertion porin family C FGSG_00693 hypothetical protein K17714 SAM37; sorting and assembly machinery component 37 C FGSG_02590 hypothetical protein K17774 MDM10; mitochondrial distribution and morphology protein 10 C FGSG_01933 ATPase family AAA domain-containing protein 1 K22530 ATAD1; outer mitochondrial transmembrane helix translocase B Electrochemical potential-driven transporters [TC:2] C FGSG_04672 hypothetical protein K19564 CTR; choline transport protein C FGSG_01762 hypothetical protein K19564 CTR; choline transport protein C FGSG_11111 hypothetical protein K19564 CTR; choline transport protein C FGSG_05859 hypothetical protein K19564 CTR; choline transport protein C FGSG_11322 hypothetical protein K19564 CTR; choline transport protein C FGSG_02278 hypothetical protein K19564 CTR; choline transport protein C FGSG_02208 hypothetical protein K19564 CTR; choline transport protein C FGSG_02264 hypothetical protein K19564 CTR; choline transport protein C FGSG_02272 hypothetical protein K19564 CTR; choline transport protein C FGSG_01990 hypothetical protein K19564 CTR; choline transport protein C FGSG_04879 hypothetical protein K19564 CTR; choline transport protein C FGSG_08221 hypothetical protein K19564 CTR; choline transport protein C FGSG_08347 hypothetical protein K19564 CTR; choline transport protein C FGSG_03488 hypothetical protein K19564 CTR; choline transport protein C FGSG_07669 hypothetical protein K19564 CTR; choline transport protein C FGSG_00613 general amino-acid permease GAP1 K16261 YAT; yeast amino acid transporter C FGSG_02767 general amino acid permease AGP3 K16261 YAT; yeast amino acid transporter C FGSG_03412 amino-acid permease inda1 K16261 YAT; yeast amino acid transporter C FGSG_12440 hypothetical protein K16261 YAT; yeast amino acid transporter C FGSG_03142 hypothetical protein K16261 YAT; yeast amino acid transporter C FGSG_04182 hypothetical protein K16261 YAT; yeast amino acid transporter C FGSG_03985 hypothetical protein K16261 YAT; yeast amino acid transporter C FGSG_04637 amino-acid permease inda1 K16261 YAT; yeast amino acid transporter C FGSG_12379 hypothetical protein K16261 YAT; yeast amino acid transporter C FGSG_03799 general amino-acid permease GAP1 K16261 YAT; yeast amino acid transporter C FGSG_04055 hypothetical protein K16261 YAT; yeast amino acid transporter C FGSG_04943 amino-acid permease inda1 K16261 YAT; yeast amino acid transporter C FGSG_01675 dicarboxylic amino acid permease K16261 YAT; yeast amino acid transporter C FGSG_02229 hypothetical protein K16261 YAT; yeast amino acid transporter C FGSG_05574 hypothetical protein K16261 YAT; yeast amino acid transporter C FGSG_13897 amino-acid permease inda1 K16261 YAT; yeast amino acid transporter C FGSG_11458 hypothetical protein K16261 YAT; yeast amino acid transporter C FGSG_06508 hypothetical protein K16261 YAT; yeast amino acid transporter C FGSG_11250 hypothetical protein K16261 YAT; yeast amino acid transporter C FGSG_09297 hypothetical protein K16261 YAT; yeast amino acid transporter C FGSG_09152 hypothetical protein K16261 YAT; yeast amino acid transporter C FGSG_09053 hypothetical protein K16261 YAT; yeast amino acid transporter C FGSG_13562 hypothetical protein K16261 YAT; yeast amino acid transporter C FGSG_12341 hypothetical protein K16261 YAT; yeast amino acid transporter C FGSG_06685 hypothetical protein K07238 TC.ZIP; zinc transporter, ZIP family C FGSG_02598 hypothetical protein K15356 GONST1_2; GDP-mannose transporter C FGSG_02699 hypothetical protein K15356 GONST1_2; GDP-mannose transporter C FGSG_10863 hypothetical protein K17797 COX18; mitochondrial inner membrane protein COX18 C FGSG_11811 hypothetical protein K07300 chaA; Ca2+:H+ antiporter C FGSG_03229 hypothetical protein K07300 chaA; Ca2+:H+ antiporter C FGSG_08758 hypothetical protein K07300 chaA; Ca2+:H+ antiporter C FGSG_01946 hypothetical protein K07300 chaA; Ca2+:H+ antiporter C FGSG_01802 hypothetical protein K07300 chaA; Ca2+:H+ antiporter C FGSG_01606 hypothetical protein K07300 chaA; Ca2+:H+ antiporter C FGSG_13641 hypothetical protein K07300 chaA; Ca2+:H+ antiporter C FGSG_03111 hypothetical protein K20989 DUR3; urea-proton symporter C FGSG_06815 hypothetical protein K24194 BOR; boron transporter C FGSG_03020 hypothetical protein K24194 BOR; boron transporter C FGSG_04095 Na(+)/H(+) antiporter 1 K24160 NHA1; sodium/hydrogen antiporter C FGSG_07860 hypothetical protein K24160 NHA1; sodium/hydrogen antiporter C FGSG_11088 hypothetical protein K24160 NHA1; sodium/hydrogen antiporter C FGSG_07635 hypothetical protein K24160 NHA1; sodium/hydrogen antiporter C FGSG_02820 hypothetical protein K26731 CHX; K+:H+ antiporter C FGSG_07279 hypothetical protein K24976 TRK; Trk/Ktr/HKT type cation transporter C FGSG_03834 hypothetical protein K24976 TRK; Trk/Ktr/HKT type cation transporter C FGSG_01407 hypothetical protein K24976 TRK; Trk/Ktr/HKT type cation transporter C FGSG_04057 hypothetical protein K24976 TRK; Trk/Ktr/HKT type cation transporter C FGSG_07495 uric acid-xanthine permease K23887 UAPA_C; uric acid-xanthine permease C FGSG_03523 hypothetical protein K06901 pbuG; adenine/guanine/hypoxanthine permease C FGSG_11617 hypothetical protein K06901 pbuG; adenine/guanine/hypoxanthine permease C FGSG_12024 hypothetical protein K06901 pbuG; adenine/guanine/hypoxanthine permease C FGSG_12273 hypothetical protein K14430 PHO87_91; phosphate transporter C FGSG_09327 hypothetical protein K25162 GUP1_2; membrane-bound O-acyltransferase GUP1_2 C FGSG_06513 hypothetical protein K07241 hoxN; nickel/cobalt transporter (NiCoT) family protein C FGSG_01006 hypothetical protein K03321 TC.SULP; sulfate permease, SulP family C FGSG_10466 hypothetical protein K12346 SMF; metal iron transporter C FGSG_09891 arsenical pump-driving ATPase K01551 arsA; arsenite/tail-anchored protein-transporting ATPase [EC: 7.3.-.-] C FGSG_06579 hypothetical protein K03325 ACR3; arsenite transporter C FGSG_02636 hypothetical protein K06316 RFT1; oligosaccharide translocation protein RFT1 C FGSG_08690 hypothetical protein K24139 PILS; auxin efflux carrier family protein C FGSG_03429 hypothetical protein K24139 PILS; auxin efflux carrier family protein C FGSG_09583 hypothetical protein K03549 kup; KUP system potassium uptake protein C FGSG_07679 hypothetical protein K22736 VIT; vacuolar iron transporter family protein C FGSG_07832 hypothetical protein K22736 VIT; vacuolar iron transporter family protein C FGSG_06139 hypothetical protein K24195 XPR1; xenotropic and polytropic retrovirus receptor 1 C FGSG_09158 hypothetical protein K17800 LETM1; LETM1 and EF-hand domain-containing protein 1, mitochondrial C FGSG_08873 hypothetical protein K23541 TMEM165; Ca2+/H+ antiporter, TMEM165/GDT1 family C FGSG_05160 hypothetical protein K07243 FTR; high-affinity iron transporter C FGSG_02143 plasma membrane iron permease K07243 FTR; high-affinity iron transporter C FGSG_05159 iron transport multicopper oxidase FET3 precursor K19791 FET3_5; iron transport multicopper oxidase C FGSG_02142 hypothetical protein K19791 FET3_5; iron transport multicopper oxidase C FGSG_06861 hypothetical protein K22285 OSBPL8; oxysterol-binding protein-related protein 8 B Primary active transporters [TC:3] C FGSG_02460 cation-transporting ATPase 4 K14950 ATP13A1; manganese-transporting P-type ATPase [EC:7.2.2.-] C FGSG_13128 hypothetical protein K17771 TOM7; mitochondrial import receptor subunit TOM7 C FGSG_09817 hypothetical protein K17770 TOM20; mitochondrial import receptor subunit TOM20 C FGSG_04115 import receptor subunit tom-22 K17769 TOM22; mitochondrial import receptor subunit TOM22 C FGSG_07331 import receptor subunit tom-40 K11518 TOM40; mitochondrial import receptor subunit TOM40 C FGSG_09927 import receptor K17768 TOM70; mitochondrial import receptor subunit TOM70 C FGSG_02494 import inner membrane translocase subunit TIM8 K17780 TIM8; mitochondrial import inner membrane translocase subunit TIM8 C FGSG_05543 hypothetical protein K17777 TIM9; mitochondrial import inner membrane translocase subunit TIM9 C FGSG_00717 import inner membrane translocase subunit TIM10 K17778 TIM10; mitochondrial import inner membrane translocase subunit TIM10 C FGSG_07248 import inner membrane translocase subunit TIM13 K17781 TIM13; mitochondrial import inner membrane translocase subunit TIM13 C FGSG_06415 hypothetical protein K17795 TIM17; mitochondrial import inner membrane translocase subunit TIM17 C FGSG_09713 hypothetical protein K17796 TIM21; mitochondrial import inner membrane translocase subunit TIM21 C FGSG_06120 import inner membrane translocase subunit TIM22 K17790 TIM22; mitochondrial import inner membrane translocase subunit TIM22 C FGSG_05578 hypothetical protein K17794 TIM23; mitochondrial import inner membrane translocase subunit TIM23 C FGSG_02761 hypothetical protein K17804 TIM44; mitochondrial import inner membrane translocase subunit TIM44 C FGSG_09359 hypothetical protein K17496 TIM50; mitochondrial import inner membrane translocase subunit TIM50 C FGSG_01189 import inner membrane translocase subunit TIM54 K17792 TIM54; mitochondrial import inner membrane translocase subunit TIM54 C FGSG_02455 hypothetical protein K17782 MIA40; mitochondrial intermembrane space import and assembly protein 40 C FGSG_04395 hypothetical protein K22384 GET1; tail-anchored protein insertion receptor C FGSG_06264 hypothetical protein K22386 GET2; GET complex subunit GET2 C FGSG_01432 hypothetical protein K27691 VTC2_3; vacuolar transporter chaperone complex subunit 2/3 C FGSG_00502 vacuolar transporter chaperone 4 K27692 VTC4; vacuolar transporter chaperone complex subunit 4 [EC:] B Transmembrane electron carriers [TC:5] B Accessory factors involved in transport [TC:8] C FGSG_10909 hypothetical protein K17286 STOM; stomatin C FGSG_09294 hypothetical protein K26392 STOML2; stomatin-like protein 2 C FGSG_07418 hypothetical protein K08284 MID1; calcium channel MID1 C FGSG_01398 hypothetical protein K20368 CNIH; protein cornichon C FGSG_06770 hypothetical protein K26410 SARAF; store-operated calcium entry-associated regulatory factor C FGSG_08692 hypothetical protein K27385 SUR7; SUR7 family protein C FGSG_00900 hypothetical protein K27388 PIL1; sphingolipid long chain base-responsive protein PIL1/LSP1 B Others C FGSG_01031 hypothetical protein K05770 TSPO; translocator protein C FGSG_09968 hypothetical protein K27384 NCE102; non-classical export protein 2 C FGSG_05494 hypothetical protein K27164 SND2; SRP-independent targeting protein 2 C FGSG_01667 hypothetical protein K27165 SND3; SRP-independent targeting protein 3 C FGSG_05890 hypothetical protein K26544 SEC14; phosphatidylinositol/phosphatidylcholine transfer protein C FGSG_10779 SEC14 cytosolic factor K26544 SEC14; phosphatidylinositol/phosphatidylcholine transfer protein C FGSG_09890 hypothetical protein K07127 uraH; 5-hydroxyisourate hydrolase [EC:] C FGSG_09952 vacuolar transporter chaperone 1 K27690 VTC1; vacuolar transporter chaperone complex subunit 1 ! #
#Last updated: June 25, 2024 #
ABC classifications based on Igarashi et al. (2004) and Tomii & Kanehisa (1998) #
MFS classification taken from TCDB