+E Transcription factors KO #

  Transcription Factors - Klebsiella pneumoniae subsp. pneumoniae 1084 (serotype K1)

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AEukaryotic type B Basic leucine zipper (bZIP) C AP-1(-like) components, Jun C AP-1(-like) components, Fos C AP-1(-like) components, Maf C AP-1(-like) components, NF-E2 C AP-1(-like) components, Fungal regulators C AP-1(-like) components, CRE-BP/ATF C CREB C C/EBP-like factors C bZIP/PAR C Plant bZIP factors C ZIP only B Basic helix-loop-helix (bHLH) C Ubiquitous (class A) factors C Myogenic transcription factors C Achaete-Scute C Tal/Twist/Atonal/Hen, Lymphoid factors C Tal/Twist/Atonal/Hen, Mesodermal Twist-like factors C Tal/Twist/Atonal/Hen, HEN C Tal/Twist/Atonal/Hen, Mesp C Tal/Twist/Atonal/Hen, Atonal C Tal/Twist/Atonal/Hen, Pancreatic factors C Hairy, Hairy/E(SPL) C Hairy, Fungal regulators C Factors with PAS domain C Yabby C INO C HLH domain only B Basic helix-loop-helix/leucine zipper (bHLH-ZIP) C Ubiquitous bHLH-ZIP factors C Cell cycle controlling factors, Myc C Cell cycle controlling factors, Mad/Max C Other bHLH-ZIP factors B Other basic domains C NF-1 C RF-X C AP-2 (bHSH) B Zinc finger C Cys4 thyroid hormone receptor-like C Cys4 hepatocyte nuclear factor 4-like C Cys4 estrogen receptor-like C Cys4 nerve growth factor IB-like C Cys4 Fushi tarazu-F1-like C Cys4 germ cell nuclear factor C Cys4 Knirps/DAX1-like C Cys4 GATA-factors C Cys2His2 SP/KLF family and related proteins C Cys2His2 GLI-like C Cys2His2 Snail C Cys2His2 BTB-ZF factors C Cys2His2 BED C Cys2His2 PRDM C Cys2His2 metabolic regulators in fungi C Cys2His2 others C Cys2HisCys zinc factors C Cys3His zinc factors C Cys2CysHis zinc factors C CXXC CpG-binding proteins D A79E_1803 DNA-cytosine methyltransferase K00558 DNMT1; DNA (cytosine-5)-methyltransferase 1 [EC:] D A79E_4451 DNA-cytosine methyltransferase K00558 DNMT1; DNA (cytosine-5)-methyltransferase 1 [EC:] C Cys6 metabolic regulators in fungi C Other zinc fingers B Helix-turn-helix C Homeo domain ANTP: HOXL C Homeo domain ANTP: NKL C Homeo domain Paired-related C Homeo domain LIM C Homeo domain POU C Homeo domain SINE C Homeo domain ZF C Homeo domain CUT C Homeo domain PROS C Homeo domain TALE C Homeo domain other C Fork head/winged helix developmental regulators C Fork head/winged helix tissue-specific regulators C Fork head/winged helix cell cycle-controlling factors, E2F C Fork head/winged helix cell cycle-controlling factors, DP C Fork head/winged helix other regulators C Heat shock factors C Tryptophan clusters Myb, Myb-factors C Tryptophan clusters Myb, Myb-like factors C Tryptophan clusters Ets-type C Tryptophan clusters interferon-regulating factors C TEA domain C ARID B beta-Scaffold factors with minor groove contacts C RHR (Rel homology region) Rel/Ankyrin C RHR (Rel homology region) Ankyrin only C RHR (Rel homology region) NF-AT C STAT C p53 C MADS-box regulators of differentiation, MEF-2 C MADS-box regulators of differentiation, Homeotic genes C MADS-box regulators of differentiation, Yeast regulators C MADS-box responders to external signals C SAND domain-containing proteins C TATA-binding proteins C HMG SOX C HMG TCF-1 C HMG2-related C UBF C Other HMG box factors C Heteromeric CCAAT factors C Grainyhead C Cold-shock domain factors, DbpA-like C Cold-shock domain factors, YB-1/DbpB-like C Cold-shock domain factors, FRG Y2-like C Runt C MYRF B Other transcription factors C HMGI(Y) C NUPR E Line #4 C Pocket domain Rb C Pocket domain CBP C T-box C DMRT C LRRFIP C TCP C AP2/ERF C WRKY C LOB C GRAS C Copper-fist proteins fungal regulators C Others # AProkaryotic type B Helix-turn-helix C AraC family D A79E_4237 Arabinose operon regulatory protein K02099 araC; AraC family transcriptional regulator, arabinose operon regulatory protein D A79E_4371 Transcriptional activator K02508 hpaA; AraC family transcriptional regulator, 4-hydroxyphenylacetate 3-monooxygenase operon regulatory protein D A79E_4972 L-rhamnose operon transcriptional activator RhaR K02854 rhaR; AraC family transcriptional regulator, L-rhamnose operon transcriptional activator RhaR D A79E_4973 L-rhamnose operon regulatory protein RhaS K02855 rhaS; AraC family transcriptional regulator, L-rhamnose operon regulatory protein RhaS D A79E_2953 Chitobiose-specific regulator ChbR, AraC family K03490 chbR; AraC family transcriptional regulator, dual regulator of chb operon D A79E_1320 Ethanolamine operon regulatory protein K04033 eutR; AraC family transcriptional regulator, ethanolamine operon transcriptional activator D A79E_1707 ybtA; iron aquisition regulator K05372 ybtA; AraC family transcriptional regulator D A79E_2254 Regulatory protein soxS K13631 soxS; AraC family transcriptional regulator, mar-sox-rob regulon activator D A79E_4725 Regulatory protein SoxS K13631 soxS; AraC family transcriptional regulator, mar-sox-rob regulon activator D A79E_2608 Multiple antibiotic resistance protein MarA K13632 marA; AraC family transcriptional regulator, mar-sox-rob regulon activator D A79E_1155 Right origin-binding protein K05804 rob; AraC family transcriptional regulator, mar-sox-rob regulon activator D A79E_4297 Right origin-binding protein K05804 rob; AraC family transcriptional regulator, mar-sox-rob regulon activator D A79E_3689 Transcriptional activator RamA K18325 ramA; AraC family of transcriptional regulator, multidrug resistance transcriptional activator D A79E_2777 Transcriptional activator feaR K14063 feaR; AraC family transcriptional regulator, positive regulator of tynA and feaB D A79E_4332 Transcriptional regulator PobR, AraC family K18954 pobR; AraC family transcriptional regulator, transcriptional activator of pobA D A79E_0078 hypothetical protein K18991 mtrA; AraC family transcriptional regulator, activator of mtrCDE D A79E_4685 Melibiose operon regulatory protein K23237 melR; AraC family transcriptional regulator, melibiose operon regulatory protein D A79E_3012 Transcriptional regulator, AraC family K25495 nimR; AraC family transcriptional regulator, regulator of nimT D A79E_0909 Propanediol utilization transcriptional activator K27259 pocR; AraC family transcriptional regulator, pdu and cob operon regulator D A79E_0684 hypothetical protein ygiV K13652 K13652; AraC family transcriptional regulator D A79E_0121 ADA regulatory protein / Methylated-DNA-protein-cysteine methyltransferase K10778 ada; AraC family transcriptional regulator, regulatory protein of adaptative response / methylated-DNA-[protein]-cysteine methyltransferase [EC:] D A79E_1469 ADA regulatory protein / Methylated-DNA-protein-cysteine methyltransferase K10778 ada; AraC family transcriptional regulator, regulatory protein of adaptative response / methylated-DNA-[protein]-cysteine methyltransferase [EC:] D A79E_2620 Transcriptional regulator, AraC family K13633 ftrA; AraC family transcriptional regulator, transcriptional activator FtrA C LysR family D A79E_3651 Glycine cleavage system transcriptional activator GcvA K03566 gcvA; LysR family transcriptional regulator, glycine cleavage system transcriptional activator D A79E_2919 Glycine cleavage system transcriptional activator GcvA K03566 gcvA; LysR family transcriptional regulator, glycine cleavage system transcriptional activator D A79E_1654 Glycine cleavage system transcriptional activator K03566 gcvA; LysR family transcriptional regulator, glycine cleavage system transcriptional activator D A79E_0935 Glycine cleavage system transcriptional activator GcvA K03566 gcvA; LysR family transcriptional regulator, glycine cleavage system transcriptional activator D A79E_4917 HTH-type transcriptional regulator IlvY K02521 ilvY; LysR family transcriptional regulator, positive regulator for ilvC D A79E_4274 Transcriptional activator NhaR K03717 nhaR; LysR family transcriptional regulator, transcriptional activator of nhaA D A79E_4938 Hydrogen peroxide-inducible genes activator K04761 oxyR; LysR family transcriptional regulator, hydrogen peroxide-inducible genes activator D A79E_0756 Chromosome initiation inhibitor K05596 iciA; LysR family transcriptional regulator, chromosome initiation inhibitor D A79E_4220 putative transcriptional activator for leuABCD operon K05798 leuO; LysR family transcriptional regulator, transcriptional activator for leuABCD operon D A79E_1942 Threonine catabolic operon transcriptional activator TdcA K07592 tdcA; LysR family transcriptional regulator, tdc operon transcriptional activator D A79E_3804 DNA-binding transcriptional activator of the allD operon K10972 allS; LysR family transcriptional regulator, transcriptional activator of the allD operon D A79E_1369 Cyn operon transcriptional activator K11921 cynR; LysR family transcriptional regulator, cyn operon transcriptional activator D A79E_2911 Cys regulon transcriptional activator CysB K13634 cysB; LysR family transcriptional regulator, cys regulon transcriptional activator D A79E_1769 cbl; Alkanesulfonate utilization operon LysR-family regulator CbI K13635 cbl; LysR family transcriptional regulator, cys regulon transcriptional activator D A79E_2875 Transcriptional regulator, LysR family K13636 dsdC; LysR family transcriptional regulator, D-serine deaminase activator D A79E_0027 D-serine dehydratase transcriptional activator K13636 dsdC; LysR family transcriptional regulator, D-serine deaminase activator D A79E_2683 Malonate utilization transcriptional regulator K13928 mdcR; LysR family transcriptional regulator, malonate utilization transcriptional regulator D A79E_2698 Regulatory protein K14057 abgR; LysR family transcriptional regulator, regulator of abg operon D A79E_1134 transcriptional regulator, LysR family K14657 nodD; LysR family transcriptional regulator, nod-box dependent transcriptional activator D A79E_3217 Positive regulator of Tartrate dehydrogenase/decarboxylase/D-malic enzyme K16135 dmlR; LysR family transcriptional regulator, transcriptional activator for dmlA D A79E_2200 LysR family transcriptional regulator K17737 dhcR; LysR family transcriptional regulator, carnitine catabolism transcriptional activator D A79E_0057 Transcriptional regulator, LysR family K16516 galR; LysR family transcriptional regulator, regulator for genes of the gallate degradation pathway D A79E_1157 putative transcription regulator protein of MDR efflux pump cluster K18900 bpeT; LysR family transcriptional regulator, regulator for bpeEF and oprC D A79E_1772 Transcriptional regulator, LysR family K18900 bpeT; LysR family transcriptional regulator, regulator for bpeEF and oprC D A79E_3003 Transcriptional regulator, LysR family K18900 bpeT; LysR family transcriptional regulator, regulator for bpeEF and oprC D A79E_2810 LysR-family transcriptional regulator K18900 bpeT; LysR family transcriptional regulator, regulator for bpeEF and oprC D A79E_1768 Nitrogen assimilation regulatory protein Nac K19338 nac; LysR family transcriptional regulator, nitrogen assimilation regulatory protein D A79E_1953 Transcriptional regulator K21645 hypT; LysR family transcriptional regulator, hypochlorite-specific transcription factor HypT D A79E_0461 Putative transcriptional regulator LYSR-type K21698 aaeR; LysR family transcriptional regulator, transcriptional activator for aaeXAB operon D A79E_4925 HTH-type transcriptional regulator hdfR K23773 hdfR; LysR family transcriptional regulator, flagellar master operon regulator C DeoR family D A79E_3367 Deoxyribose operon repressor, DeoR family K11534 deoR; DeoR family transcriptional regulator, deoxyribose operon repressor D A79E_2793 Transcriptional regulators of sugar metabolism K02444 glpR; DeoR family transcriptional regulator, glycerol-3-phosphate regulon repressor D A79E_0324 Glycerol-3-phosphate regulon repressor, DeoR family K02444 glpR; DeoR family transcriptional regulator, glycerol-3-phosphate regulon repressor D A79E_0561 Galactitol utilization operon repressor K02436 gatR; DeoR family transcriptional regulator, galactitol utilization operon repressor D A79E_0938 L-fucose operon activator K02430 fucR; DeoR family transcriptional regulator, L-fucose operon activator D A79E_2520 L-fucose operon activator K02430 fucR; DeoR family transcriptional regulator, L-fucose operon activator D A79E_2517 putative regulator of fructose utilization, DeoR family K03436 fruR2; DeoR family transcriptional regulator, fructose operon transcriptional repressor D A79E_1055 Glucitol operon repressor K02468 srlR; DeoR family transcriptional regulator, glucitol operon repressor D A79E_4609 Ascorbate utilization transcriptional regulator UlaR, HTH-type K03477 ulaR; DeoR family transcriptional regulator, ulaG and ulaABCDEF operon transcriptional repressor C LacI family D A79E_3847 Transcriptional repressor of the lac operon K27069 lacI; LacI family transcriptional regulator, lactose operon repressor D A79E_2624 Transcriptional repressor of the lac operon K27069 lacI; LacI family transcriptional regulator, lactose operon repressor D A79E_0181 Xylose activator XylR (AraC family) K02529 galR; LacI family transcriptional regulator, galactose operon repressor D A79E_3750 hypothetical protein K02529 galR; LacI family transcriptional regulator, galactose operon repressor D A79E_4985 ThuR, regulatory protein for trehalosemaltose transport K02529 galR; LacI family transcriptional regulator, galactose operon repressor D A79E_5032 Ribose operon repressor K02529 galR; LacI family transcriptional regulator, galactose operon repressor D A79E_1514 Mgl K02529 galR; LacI family transcriptional regulator, galactose operon repressor D A79E_2442 transcriptional regulator, LacI family K02529 galR; LacI family transcriptional regulator, galactose operon repressor D A79E_2504 regulatory protein, LacI:Periplasmic binding protein/LacI transcriptional regulator K02529 galR; LacI family transcriptional regulator, galactose operon repressor D A79E_0861 Galactose operon repressor, GalR-LacI family of transcriptional regulators K02529 galR; LacI family transcriptional regulator, galactose operon repressor D A79E_0204 2-ketogluconate utilization repressor PtxS K02525 kdgR; LacI family transcriptional regulator, kdg operon repressor D A79E_4959 Transcriptional (co)regulator CytR K05499 cytR; LacI family transcriptional regulator, repressor for deo operon, udp, cdd, tsx, nupC, and nupG D A79E_1562 Ribitol operon repressor K03435 fruR1; LacI family transcriptional regulator, fructose operon transcriptional repressor D A79E_4217 Fructose repressor FruR, LacI family K03435 fruR1; LacI family transcriptional regulator, fructose operon transcriptional repressor D A79E_3745 Sucrose operon repressor ScrR, LacI family K03484 scrR; LacI family transcriptional regulator, sucrose operon repressor D A79E_4544 Trehalose operon transcriptional repressor K03485 treR; LacI family transcriptional regulator, trehalose operon repressor D A79E_1047 AscBF operon repressor K03487 ascG; LacI family transcriptional regulator, asc operon repressor D A79E_0311 Gluconate utilization system Gnt-I transcriptional repressor K06145 gntR; LacI family transcriptional regulator, gluconate utilization system Gnt-I transcriptional repressor D A79E_2724 Maltose regulon regulatory protein MalI K16136 malI; LacI family transcriptional regulator, maltose regulon regulatory protein C GntR family D A79E_0019 HTH-type transcriptional regulator YidP K03482 yidP; GntR family transcriptional regulator, glv operon transcriptional regulator D A79E_2538 HTH-type transcriptional regulator YidP K03482 yidP; GntR family transcriptional regulator, glv operon transcriptional regulator D A79E_3392 Transcriptional regulator, GntR family K03492 gmuR; GntR family transcriptional regulator, regulator of glucomannan utilization D A79E_4689 Transcriptional regulator PhnF K02043 phnF; GntR family transcriptional regulator, phosphonate transport system regulatory protein D A79E_3447 Histidine utilization repressor K05836 hutC; GntR family transcriptional regulator, histidine utilization repressor D A79E_1923 Transcriptional regulator for fatty acid degradation FadR, GntR family K03603 fadR; GntR family transcriptional regulator, negative regulator for fad regulon and positive regulator of fabA D A79E_4181 Transcriptional repressor for pyruvate dehydrogenase complex K05799 pdhR; GntR family transcriptional regulator, transcriptional repressor for pyruvate dehydrogenase complex D A79E_0859 Uxu operon transcriptional regulator K13637 uxuR; GntR family transcriptional regulator, uxu operon transcriptional repressor D A79E_0595 Hexuronate utilization operon transcriptional repressor ExuR K19775 exuR; GntR family transcriptional regulator, hexuronate regulon transcriptional repressor D A79E_0167 Lactate-responsive regulator LldR in Enterobacteria, GntR family K14348 lldR; GntR family transcriptional regulator, L-lactate dehydrogenase operon regulator D A79E_0008 D-Galactonate repressor DgoR K19776 dgoR; GntR family transcriptional regulator, galactonate operon transcriptional repressor D A79E_3673 Transcriptional regulator, GntR family domain / Aspartate aminotransferase K00375 K00375; GntR family transcriptional regulator / MocR family aminotransferase D A79E_1095 Transcriptional regulator, GntR family domain / Aspartate aminotransferase K00375 K00375; GntR family transcriptional regulator / MocR family aminotransferase D A79E_0287 Transcriptional regulator GabR of GABA utilization K00375 K00375; GntR family transcriptional regulator / MocR family aminotransferase D A79E_3843 Transcriptional regulator, GntR family domain / Aspartate aminotransferase K00375 K00375; GntR family transcriptional regulator / MocR family aminotransferase D A79E_4037 CsiR, transcriptional repressor of CsiD K15735 csiR; GntR family transcriptional regulator, carbon starvation induced regulator D A79E_2647 Transcriptional regulator, GntR family K22293 rspR; GntR family transcriptional regulator, rspAB operon transcriptional repressor C TetR/AcrR family D A79E_3655 HTH-type transcriptional regulator BetI K02167 betI; TetR/AcrR family transcriptional regulator, transcriptional repressor of bet genes D A79E_3835 Transcription repressor of multidrug efflux pump acrAB operon, TetR (AcrR) family K03577 acrR; TetR/AcrR family transcriptional regulator, acrAB operon repressor D A79E_0133 Transcriptional regulator SlmA, TetR family K05501 slmA; TetR/AcrR family transcriptional regulator D A79E_3193 Transcriptional regulator RutR of pyrimidine catabolism (TetR family) K09017 rutR; TetR/AcrR family transcriptional regulator D A79E_1765 Transcriptional regulator, TetR family K16137 nemR; TetR/AcrR family transcriptional regulator, transcriptional repressor for nem operon D A79E_2260 Transcriptional regulator, TetR family K16137 nemR; TetR/AcrR family transcriptional regulator, transcriptional repressor for nem operon D A79E_2099 Transcriptional regulator, TetR family K18301 mexL; TetR/AcrR family transcriptional regulator, mexJK operon transcriptional repressor D A79E_0441 Transcription repressor of multidrug efflux pump acrAB operon, TetR (AcrR) family K18140 envR; TetR/AcrR family transcriptional regulator, acrEF/envCD operon repressor D A79E_2815 Putative HTH-type transcriptional regulator YjgJ, TetR family K19335 bdcR; TetR/AcrR family transcriptional regulator, repressor for divergent bdcA D A79E_3121 transcriptional regulator, TetR family K22041 comR; TetR/AcrR family transcriptional regulator, copper-responsive repressor D A79E_4936 Unsaturated fatty acid biosynthesis repressor FabR, TetR family K22105 fabR; TetR/AcrR family transcriptional regulator, fatty acid biosynthesis regulator D A79E_3418 Transcriptional regulator YbiH, TetR family K23777 cecR; TetR/AcrR family transcriptional regulator, regulator of cefoperazone and chloramphenicol sensitivity D A79E_3362 Transcriptional regulator, TetR family K23778 rcdA; TetR/AcrR family transcriptional regulator, regulator of biofilm formation and stress response C Lrp/AsnC family D A79E_5042 Regulatory protein AsnC K03718 asnC; Lrp/AsnC family transcriptional regulator, regulator for asnA, asnC and gidA D A79E_3318 Leucine-responsive regulatory protein K03719 lrp; Lrp/AsnC family transcriptional regulator, leucine-responsive regulatory protein D A79E_2028 Leucine-responsive regulatory protein K03719 lrp; Lrp/AsnC family transcriptional regulator, leucine-responsive regulatory protein D A79E_3279 Leucine-responsive regulatory protein K03719 lrp; Lrp/AsnC family transcriptional regulator, leucine-responsive regulatory protein D A79E_3873 Lrp/AsnC family transcriptional regulator K05800 decR; Lrp/AsnC family transcriptional regulator, cysteine-sensing transcriptional activator C LuxR family D A79E_1817 Regulatory activator SdiA K07782 sdiA; LuxR family transcriptional regulator, quorum-sensing system regulator SdiA D A79E_4000 putative regulator of CFA/I fimbriae K21963 ecpR; LuxR family transcriptional regulator, Mat/Ecp fimbriae transcriptional regulator D A79E_1810 Colanic acid capsular biosynthesis activation accesory protein RcsA K07781 rcsA; LuxR family transcriptional regulator, capsular biosynthesis positive transcription factor D A79E_0735 Transcriptional regulator CsgD K04333 csgD; LuxR family transcriptional regulator, csgAB operon transcriptional regulatory protein D A79E_4330 Transcriptional activator protein bglJ K22650 bglJ; LuxR family transcriptional regulator, regulator of transport and utilization of aryl beta-glucosides D A79E_0325 Transcriptional activator of maltose regulon, MalT K03556 malT; LuxR family transcriptional regulator, maltose regulon positive regulatory protein C MarR family D A79E_2607 Multiple antibiotic resistance protein MarR K03712 marR; MarR family transcriptional regulator, multiple antibiotic resistance protein MarR D A79E_2750 Transcriptional regulator, MarR family K06075 slyA; MarR family transcriptional regulator, transcriptional regulator for hemolysin D A79E_2267 Transcriptional regulator SlyA K06075 slyA; MarR family transcriptional regulator, transcriptional regulator for hemolysin D A79E_4392 Transcriptional regulator SlyA K06075 slyA; MarR family transcriptional regulator, transcriptional regulator for hemolysin D A79E_1084 Transcription repressor K15974 emrR; MarR family transcriptional regulator, negative regulator of the multidrug operon emrRAB D A79E_0999 Transcriptional regulator, MarR family K22489 hosA; MarR family transcriptional regulator, temperature-dependent positive regulator of motility C MerR family D A79E_3815 HTH-type transcriptional regulator cueR K19591 cueR; MerR family transcriptional regulator, copper efflux regulator D A79E_0419 Transcriptional regulator, MerR family K13638 zntR; MerR family transcriptional regulator, Zn(II)-responsive regulator of zntA D A79E_4724 Redox-sensitive transcriptional activator SoxR K13639 soxR; MerR family transcriptional regulator, redox-sensitive transcriptional activator SoxR D A79E_3460 Putative HTH-type transcriptional regulator ycgE K21972 bluR; MerR family transcriptional regulator, repressor of blue light- and temperature-responsive genes C Fur family D A79E_1721 hypothetical protein K03711 fur; Fur family transcriptional regulator, ferric uptake regulator D A79E_3532 Ferric uptake regulation protein FUR K03711 fur; Fur family transcriptional regulator, ferric uptake regulator D A79E_4756 Zinc uptake regulation protein ZUR K09823 zur; Fur family transcriptional regulator, zinc uptake regulator C IclR family D A79E_4787 Acetate operon repressor K13641 iclR; IclR family transcriptional regulator, acetate operon repressor D A79E_3897 Transcriptional regulator, IclR family K02624 pcaR; IclR family transcriptional regulator, pca regulon regulatory protein D A79E_2696 Pca regulon regulatory protein PcaR K02624 pcaR; IclR family transcriptional regulator, pca regulon regulatory protein D A79E_2369 Pca regulon regulatory protein PcaR K02624 pcaR; IclR family transcriptional regulator, pca regulon regulatory protein D A79E_2121 Mhp operon transcriptional activator K05818 mhpR; IclR family transcriptional regulator, mhp operon transcriptional activator D A79E_3802 Negative regulator of allantoin and glyoxylate utilization operons K10973 allR; IclR family transcriptional regulator, negative regulator of allantoin and glyoxylate utilization operons D A79E_1890 Transcriptional regulator KdgR, KDG operon repressor K19333 kdgR; IclR family transcriptional regulator, KDG regulon repressor C CRP/FNR family D A79E_0368 Cyclic AMP receptor protein K10914 crp; CRP/FNR family transcriptional regulator, cyclic AMP receptor protein D A79E_2704 Fumarate and nitrate reduction regulatory protein K01420 fnr; CRP/FNR family transcriptional regulator, anaerobic regulatory protein C Rrf2 family D A79E_3081 putative transcriptional regulator K13643 iscR; Rrf2 family transcriptional regulator, iron-sulfur cluster assembly transcription factor D A79E_1239 Iron-sulfur cluster regulator IscR K13643 iscR; Rrf2 family transcriptional regulator, iron-sulfur cluster assembly transcription factor D A79E_4615 Nitrite-sensitive transcriptional repressor NsrR K13771 nsrR; Rrf2 family transcriptional regulator, nitric oxide-sensitive transcriptional repressor D A79E_1152 Rrf2 family transcriptional regulator, group III K19587 oqxR; Rrf2 family transcriptional regulator, repressor of oqxAB C ArsR family D A79E_0801 Arsenical resistance operon repressor K03892 arsR; ArsR family transcriptional regulator, arsenate/arsenite/antimonite-responsive transcriptional repressor C XRE family D A79E_2312 Transcriptional regulator yidN, Cro/CI family K23779 sutR; XRE family transcriptional regulator, regulator of sulfur utilization C PadR family C Other families D A79E_3395 Mn-dependent transcriptional regulator MntR K11924 mntR; DtxR family transcriptional regulator, manganese transport regulator D A79E_1864 Phosphogluconate repressor HexR, RpiR family K19337 hexR; RpiR family transcriptional regulator, carbohydrate utilization regulator D A79E_4550 hypothetical protein K19337 hexR; RpiR family transcriptional regulator, carbohydrate utilization regulator D A79E_4836 Biotin-protein ligase K03524 birA; BirA family transcriptional regulator, biotin operon repressor / biotin---[acetyl-CoA-carboxylase] ligase [EC:] D A79E_0442 DNA-binding protein Fis K03557 fis; Fis family transcriptional regulator, factor for inversion stimulation protein D A79E_4300 Transcriptional repressor protein TrpR K03720 trpR; TrpR family transcriptional regulator, trp operon repressor D A79E_4481 Ner-like regulatory protein K07724 ner; Ner family transcriptional regulator D A79E_0514 Ner-like regulatory protein K07724 ner; Ner family transcriptional regulator D A79E_4232 SgrR, sugar-phosphate stress, transcriptional activator of SgrS small RNA K11925 sgrR; SgrR family transcriptional regulator D A79E_4303 NadR transcriptional regulator K06211 nadR; HTH-type transcriptional regulator, transcriptional repressor of NAD biosynthesis genes [EC:] D A79E_3214 Putrescine utilization regulator K14056 puuR; HTH-type transcriptional regulator, repressor for puuD D A79E_2559 HipB protein K15773 hipB; HTH-type transcriptional regulator / antitoxin HipB D A79E_4348 Transcriptional regulatory protein levR K19505 gfrR; sigma-54 dependent transcriptional regulator, gfr operon transcriptional activator D A79E_1106 Formate hydrogenlyase transcriptional activator K21405 acoR; sigma-54 dependent transcriptional regulator, acetoin dehydrogenase operon transcriptional activator AcoR D A79E_1053 Anaerobic nitric oxide reductase transcription regulator NorR K12266 norR; anaerobic nitric oxide reductase transcription regulator D A79E_1028 Formate hydrogenlyase transcriptional activator K15836 fhlA; formate hydrogenlyase transcriptional activator D A79E_4113 Sugar diacid utilization regulator SdaR K02647 cdaR; carbohydrate diacid regulator D A79E_3471 DNA-binding domain of ModE / Molybdate-binding domain of ModE K02019 modE; molybdate transport system regulatory protein D A79E_0197 hypothetical protein K07726 K07726; putative transcriptional regulator D A79E_0040 Putative DNA-binding protein K07726 K07726; putative transcriptional regulator B Ribbon-helix-helix C CopG family D A79E_0261 Nickel responsive regulator NikR K07722 nikR; CopG family transcriptional regulator, nickel-responsive regulator C Other families D A79E_4956 Methionine repressor MetJ K03764 metJ; MetJ family transcriptional regulator, methionine regulon repressor D A79E_3191 Transcriptional repressor of PutA and PutP / Proline dehydrogenase K13821 putA; RHH-type transcriptional regulator, proline utilization regulon repressor / proline dehydrogenase / delta 1-pyrroline-5-carboxylate dehydrogenase [EC:] D A79E_4554 RelB/StbD replicon stabilization protein (antitoxin to RelE/StbE) K18918 relB; RHH-type transcriptional regulator, rel operon repressor / antitoxin RelB B Other transcription factors C BglG family D A79E_1525 Beta-glucoside bgl operon antiterminator, BglG family K03488 licT; beta-glucoside operon transcriptional antiterminator C Others D A79E_2295 hypothetical protein YaiN in in formaldehyde detoxification operon K23239 frmR; FrmR/RcnR family transcriptional regulator, repressor of frmRAB operon D A79E_3859 putative alpha helix chain yaiN K23240 rcnR; FrmR/RcnR family transcriptional regulator, repressor of rcnA expression D A79E_3887 Cell division protein BolA K05527 bolA; BolA family transcriptional regulator, general stress-responsive regulator D A79E_4024 Glycerol uptake operon antiterminator regulatory protein K02443 glpP; glycerol uptake operon antiterminator D A79E_4852 Transcriptional activator RfaH K05785 rfaH; transcriptional antiterminator RfaH D A79E_0468 Arginine pathway regulatory protein ArgR, repressor of arg regulon K03402 argR; transcriptional regulator of arginine metabolism D A79E_3541 N-acetylglucosamine-6P-responsive transcriptional repressor NagC, ROK family K02565 nagC; N-acetylglucosamine repressor D A79E_2662 Mlc K15545 mlc; transcriptional regulator of PTS gene D A79E_0171 Mannitol operon repressor K02562 mtlR; mannitol operon repressor D A79E_2438 Thiaminase II K03707 tenA; thiaminase (transcriptional activator TenA) [EC:] D A79E_2508 Thiaminase II K03707 tenA; thiaminase (transcriptional activator TenA) [EC:] D A79E_2873 Transcriptional repressor protein TyrR K03721 tyrR; transcriptional regulator of aroF, aroG, tyrA and aromatic amino acid transport D A79E_3760 Transcriptional activator of cad operon K03765 cadC; transcriptional activator of cad operon D A79E_1287 Glycine cleavage system transcriptional antiactivator GcvR K03567 gcvR; glycine cleavage system transcriptional repressor D A79E_2759 PaaX K02616 paaX; phenylacetic acid degradation operon negative regulatory protein D A79E_2882 Psp operon transcriptional activator K03974 pspF; psp operon transcriptional activator D A79E_2879 Phage shock protein C K03973 pspC; phage shock protein C D A79E_0609 LsrR, transcriptional repressor of lsr operon K11531 lsrR; lsr operon transcriptional repressor D A79E_0624 DhaR K05880 dhaR; transcriptional activator for dhaKLM operon D A79E_3587 Regulator of nucleoside diphosphate kinase K06140 rnk; regulator of nucleoside diphosphate kinase D A79E_1776 putative regulatory protein K07733 alpA; prophage regulatory protein D A79E_4453 Transcriptional regulator in PFGI-1-like cluster K07733 alpA; prophage regulatory protein D A79E_0737 YqgE K07735 algH; putative transcriptional regulator D A79E_1723 C4-type zinc finger protein, DksA/TraR family K06204 dksA; RNA polymerase-binding transcription factor D A79E_4151 C4-type zinc finger protein, DksA/TraR family K06204 dksA; RNA polymerase-binding transcription factor D A79E_3919 Ribonucleotide reductase transcriptional regulator NrdR K07738 nrdR; transcriptional repressor NrdR D A79E_4038 Curlin genes transcriptional activator K11926 crl; sigma factor-binding protein Crl D A79E_4216 Cell division protein MraZ K03925 mraZ; transcriptional regulator MraZ ! #
#Last updated: August 29, 2024 #
Classification taken and modified from TRANSFAC 7.0