+D Bacterial motility proteins KO #

  Bacterial Motility Proteins - Klebsiella pneumoniae subsp. pneumoniae KPNIH29

% ! AFlagellar system B Chemotaxis proteins C Two component system proteins C MCPs B Flagellar assembly proteins C Type-III secretion C C ring C M, S, P and L rings C Rod and hook C H and T rings C Filament C Stator C Others D KPNIH29_17105 cystine transporter subunit K02424 tcyA; L-cystine transport system substrate-binding protein B Archaeal flagellar assembly proteins # APilus system B Twitching motility proteins C KPNIH29_22425 Twitching motility protein PilT K02669 pilT; twitching motility protein PilT B Chemosensory pili system proteins B Positive phototactic motility proteins B Pilus assembly proteins B Fimbrial proteins C KPNIH29_06705 fimbrial protein K07345 fimA; major type 1 subunit fimbrin (pilin) C KPNIH29_20390 fimbrial protein K07345 fimA; major type 1 subunit fimbrin (pilin) C KPNIH29_21845 ferrous iron transporter B K07345 fimA; major type 1 subunit fimbrin (pilin) C KPNIH29_21895 fimA; type-1 fimbrial protein subunit A K07345 fimA; major type 1 subunit fimbrin (pilin) C KPNIH29_20355 fimbrial protein K07345 fimA; major type 1 subunit fimbrin (pilin) C KPNIH29_13135 fimbrial protein K07345 fimA; major type 1 subunit fimbrin (pilin) C KPNIH29_02095 type 1 fimbrial protein K07345 fimA; major type 1 subunit fimbrin (pilin) C KPNIH29_21905 molecular chaperone FimC K07346 fimC; fimbrial chaperone protein C KPNIH29_02085 fimbrial protein K07346 fimC; fimbrial chaperone protein C KPNIH29_01685 membrane protein K07347 fimD; outer membrane usher protein C KPNIH29_20365 membrane protein K07347 fimD; outer membrane usher protein C KPNIH29_20380 export and assembly usher protein of type 1 fimbriae K07347 fimD; outer membrane usher protein C KPNIH29_21835 fimbrial protein K07347 fimD; outer membrane usher protein C KPNIH29_21910 fimbrial protein K07347 fimD; outer membrane usher protein C KPNIH29_02080 fimbrial assembly protein K07347 fimD; outer membrane usher protein C KPNIH29_05215 fimbrial assembly protein K07347 fimD; outer membrane usher protein C KPNIH29_13125 fimbrial protein K07347 fimD; outer membrane usher protein C KPNIH29_21915 fimbrial protein K07348 fimF; minor fimbrial subunit C KPNIH29_21920 fimbrial protein K07349 fimG; minor fimbrial subunit C KPNIH29_21925 fimbrial protein K07350 fimH; minor fimbrial subunit C KPNIH29_21900 fimbrial protein K07351 fimI; fimbrial protein ! #
#Last updated: December 1, 2023