+E Transcription factors KO #

  Transcription Factors - Lodderomyces elongisporus

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AEukaryotic type B Basic leucine zipper (bZIP) C AP-1(-like) components, Jun C AP-1(-like) components, Fos C AP-1(-like) components, Maf C AP-1(-like) components, NF-E2 C AP-1(-like) components, Fungal regulators D PVL30_003379 GCN4; General control protein K09464 GCN4; general control protein GCN4 D PVL30_004584 FCR3; basic region leucin zipper K09043 YAP; AP-1-like transcription factor C AP-1(-like) components, CRE-BP/ATF C CREB D PVL30_001952 HAC1; transcription factor that binds to CRE motif K16230 HAC1; transcriptional activator HAC1 C C/EBP-like factors C bZIP/PAR C Plant bZIP factors C ZIP only D PVL30_001556 SWI4; transcription factor K06649 SWI4; regulatory protein SWI4 D PVL30_000537 SWI6; transcriptional regulator swi6 K06648 SWI6; regulatory protein SWI6 D PVL30_000565 OPI1; transcriptional regulator opi1 K21642 OPI1; transcriptional repressor OPI1 B Basic helix-loop-helix (bHLH) C Ubiquitous (class A) factors C Myogenic transcription factors C Achaete-Scute C Tal/Twist/Atonal/Hen, Lymphoid factors C Tal/Twist/Atonal/Hen, Mesodermal Twist-like factors C Tal/Twist/Atonal/Hen, HEN C Tal/Twist/Atonal/Hen, Mesp C Tal/Twist/Atonal/Hen, Atonal C Tal/Twist/Atonal/Hen, Pancreatic factors C Hairy, Hairy/E(SPL) C Hairy, Fungal regulators C Factors with PAS domain C Yabby C INO C HLH domain only D PVL30_004467 CBF1; basic helix-loop-helix protein K22484 CBF1; transcriptional regulator CBF1 B Basic helix-loop-helix/leucine zipper (bHLH-ZIP) C Ubiquitous bHLH-ZIP factors C Cell cycle controlling factors, Myc C Cell cycle controlling factors, Mad/Max C Other bHLH-ZIP factors B Other basic domains C NF-1 C RF-X D PVL30_002697 uncharacterized protein K09173 RFX1_2_3; regulatory factor X 1/2/3 C AP-2 (bHSH) B Zinc finger C Cys4 thyroid hormone receptor-like C Cys4 hepatocyte nuclear factor 4-like C Cys4 estrogen receptor-like C Cys4 nerve growth factor IB-like C Cys4 Fushi tarazu-F1-like C Cys4 germ cell nuclear factor C Cys4 Knirps/DAX1-like C Cys4 GATA-factors D PVL30_000019 uncharacterized protein K09184 GATAF; GATA-binding protein, other eukaryote D PVL30_000346 uncharacterized protein K09184 GATAF; GATA-binding protein, other eukaryote D PVL30_004407 GAT1; Sodium- and chloride-dependent GABA transporter 1 K09184 GATAF; GATA-binding protein, other eukaryote D PVL30_004869 GLN3; Glutamine-repressible protein regulator K09184 GATAF; GATA-binding protein, other eukaryote D PVL30_003173 ASH1; DNA-binding transcription repressor K18658 ASH1; transcriptional regulatory protein ASH1 C Cys2His2 SP/KLF family and related proteins C Cys2His2 GLI-like C Cys2His2 Snail C Cys2His2 BTB-ZF factors C Cys2His2 BED C Cys2His2 PRDM C Cys2His2 metabolic regulators in fungi D PVL30_000517 MSN4; zf-C2H2 Zinc finger, C2H2 type K09468 MSN2_4; zinc finger protein MSN2/4 C Cys2His2 others D PVL30_000971 PZF1; Strongly-conserved Zn-finger binding protein (TFIIIA) K09191 GTF3A; general transcription factor IIIA D PVL30_001171 RFA1; Replication factor A protein 1 K07466 RFA1; replication factor A1 D PVL30_003722 SFP1; transcription factor K19487 SFP1; transcription factor SFP1 D PVL30_003792 uncharacterized protein K21455 CON7; transcription factor CON7 D PVL30_005422 uncharacterized protein K21543 CRZ1; transcription factor CRZ1 D PVL30_003627 CRZ1_2; DNA-binding transcription factor K21543 CRZ1; transcription factor CRZ1 D PVL30_002613 USV1; Up in starvation K21544 NSF1; C2H2 transcription facotor D PVL30_003920 CAS5; Zinc-finger of C2H2 type K21597 CAS5; cell wall integrity transcriptional regulator CAS5 C Cys2HisCys zinc factors D PVL30_002323 uncharacterized protein K15263 LYER; cell growth-regulating nucleolar protein C Cys3His zinc factors D PVL30_000270 NOT4; transcriptional repressor general negative regulator of transcription subunit 4 K10643 CNOT4; CCR4-NOT transcription complex subunit 4 [EC:] C Cys2CysHis zinc factors C CXXC CpG-binding proteins D PVL30_001508 SPP1; COMPASS (complex proteins associated with Set1p) component K14960 CXXC1; COMPASS component SPP1 D PVL30_000511 JHD1; JmjC domain-containing histone demethylation protein 1 K10276 FBXL10_11; F-box and leucine-rich repeat protein 10/11 [EC:] C Cys6 metabolic regulators in fungi D PVL30_000642 CAT8; DNA-binding transcription factor cat8 K09240 CAT8; transcriptional regulatory protein CAT8 D PVL30_000213 ERT1; Transcriptional regulator of nonfermentable carbon utilization K27389 RDS2; transcription activator of gluconeogenesis D PVL30_002775 RDS2; Transcription factor K27389 RDS2; transcription activator of gluconeogenesis D PVL30_000849 GSM1; Putative zinc cluster protein of unknown function K27389 RDS2; transcription activator of gluconeogenesis D PVL30_004760 LEU3; Regulatory protein leu3 K09242 LEU3; transcriptional regulatory protein LEU3 D PVL30_000489 UME6; DNA-binding transcriptional regulator ume6 K09243 UME6; transcriptional regulatory protein UME6 D PVL30_003900 uncharacterized protein K09243 UME6; transcriptional regulatory protein UME6 D PVL30_002389 uncharacterized protein K09245 UGA3; transcriptional activator protein UGA3 D PVL30_003075 ARG81; arginine metabolism regulation protein II K09246 ARG81; arginine metabolism regulation protein II D PVL30_000785 PUT3; Transcriptional activator K09248 PUT3; proline utilization trans-activator D PVL30_003902 uncharacterized protein K21641 RGT1; glucose transport transcription regulator RGT1 D PVL30_003702 uncharacterized protein K21632 WOR2; white-opaque regulator 2 D PVL30_004489 CZF1; Zinc cluster transcription factor czf1 K21633 CZF1; zinc cluster transcription factor CZF1 C Other zinc fingers D PVL30_000077 FAP1; FKBP12-associated protein K12236 NFX1; transcriptional repressor NF-X1 D PVL30_004591 GIS2; gig suppressor K09250 CNBP; cellular nucleic acid-binding protein B Helix-turn-helix C Homeo domain ANTP: HOXL C Homeo domain ANTP: NKL C Homeo domain Paired-related C Homeo domain LIM C Homeo domain POU C Homeo domain SINE C Homeo domain ZF C Homeo domain CUT D PVL30_001230 uncharacterized protein K09313 CUTL; homeobox protein cut-like C Homeo domain PROS C Homeo domain TALE C Homeo domain other D PVL30_004821 PHO2; Transcription factor K02646 PHO2; regulatory protein PHO2 C Fork head/winged helix developmental regulators C Fork head/winged helix tissue-specific regulators C Fork head/winged helix cell cycle-controlling factors, E2F C Fork head/winged helix cell cycle-controlling factors, DP C Fork head/winged helix other regulators D PVL30_000403 HCM1; Forkhead transcription factor K09413 HCM1; forkhead transcription factor HCM1 D PVL30_002227 FKH2; transcription factor K24664 FKH; forkhead protein FKH C Heat shock factors D PVL30_003079 CTA8; Heat shock transcription factor K09419 HSFF; heat shock transcription factor, other eukaryote C Tryptophan clusters Myb, Myb-factors C Tryptophan clusters Myb, Myb-like factors D PVL30_005619 REB1; RNA polymerase I enhancer binding protein K09424 REB1; Myb-like DNA-binding protein REB1 C Tryptophan clusters Ets-type C Tryptophan clusters interferon-regulating factors C TEA domain D PVL30_003511 uncharacterized protein K09448 TEAD; transcriptional enhancer factor C ARID B beta-Scaffold factors with minor groove contacts C RHR (Rel homology region) Rel/Ankyrin C RHR (Rel homology region) Ankyrin only C RHR (Rel homology region) NF-AT C STAT C p53 C MADS-box regulators of differentiation, MEF-2 C MADS-box regulators of differentiation, Homeotic genes C MADS-box regulators of differentiation, Yeast regulators D PVL30_005074 MCM1; transcription factor of the MADS box K12412 MCM1; pheromone receptor transcription factor D PVL30_004275 RLM1; resistance to lethality of MKK1P386 overexpression K09265 RLM1; transcription factor RLM1 C MADS-box responders to external signals C SAND domain-containing proteins C TATA-binding proteins D PVL30_001028 TBP1; TATA-binding protein K03120 TBP; transcription initiation factor TFIID TATA-box-binding protein C HMG SOX C HMG TCF-1 C HMG2-related D PVL30_000723 POB3; FACT complex subunit K09272 SSRP1; FACT complex subunit SSRP1/POB3 C UBF C Other HMG box factors D PVL30_002728 HMO1; high mobility group protein K22483 HMO1; transcriptional regulator HMO1 D PVL30_000104 RFG1; slightly ste11-like protein K22496 RFG1; repressor RFG1/ROX1 C Heteromeric CCAAT factors D PVL30_000836 HAP2; Transcriptional activator K08064 NFYA; nuclear transcription factor Y, alpha D PVL30_002831 HAP3; transcriptional activator hap3 K08065 NFYB; nuclear transcription Y subunit beta D PVL30_004940 HAP5; CCAAT-binding transcription factor component K08066 NFYC; nuclear transcription factor Y, gamma C Grainyhead C Cold-shock domain factors, DbpA-like C Cold-shock domain factors, YB-1/DbpB-like C Cold-shock domain factors, FRG Y2-like C Runt C MYRF D PVL30_001147 uncharacterized protein K12769 NDT80; meiosis-specific transcription factor NDT80 D PVL30_002835 uncharacterized protein K12769 NDT80; meiosis-specific transcription factor NDT80 B Other transcription factors C HMGI(Y) C NUPR E Line #4 C Pocket domain Rb C Pocket domain CBP C T-box C DMRT C LRRFIP C TCP C AP2/ERF C WRKY C LOB C GRAS C Copper-fist proteins fungal regulators C Others D PVL30_005429 uncharacterized protein K22758 CHCHD2; coiled-coil-helix-coiled-coil-helix domain-containing protein 2 D PVL30_000810 STE12; homeodomain transcription factor ste12 K11215 STE12; transcription factor STE12 D PVL30_001381 HOT1; Transcription factor K19815 HOT1; high-osmolarity-induced transcription protein 1 D PVL30_002746 MSS11; multicopy suppressor of Sta proteins K19816 MSS11; transcription activator MSS11 D PVL30_000441 sge1; Global transcription regulator sge1 K21631 GTI1; Gti1/Pac2 family transcription factor D PVL30_004815 PTH2_2; Gluconate transport-inducing protein K21631 GTI1; Gti1/Pac2 family transcription factor D PVL30_001859 EFH1; basic helix-loop-helix transcription factor K12763 EFG1; enhanced filamentous growth protein 1 D PVL30_002490 uncharacterized protein K12763 EFG1; enhanced filamentous growth protein 1 # AProkaryotic type B Helix-turn-helix C AraC family C LysR family C DeoR family C LacI family C GntR family C TetR/AcrR family C Lrp/AsnC family C LuxR family C MarR family C MerR family C Fur family C IclR family C CRP/FNR family C Rrf2 family C ArsR family C XRE family C PadR family C Other families B Ribbon-helix-helix C CopG family C Other families B Other transcription factors C BglG family C Others D PVL30_005002 uncharacterized protein K07734 paiB; transcriptional regulator ! #
#Last updated: August 29, 2024 #
Classification taken and modified from TRANSFAC 7.0