Search Result

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Entry Name Description Category Pathway Gene
H00944 Dowling-Degos disease ... appear in a clustered or reticulated pattern at flexural sites, such as the neck, axilla, and antecubital fossa. There may be comedo-like papules on the back and pitted scars on perioral or facial regions. Skin disease (DDD1) KRT5 [HSA:3852] [KO:K07605]
(DDD2) POFUT1 [HSA:23509] [KO:K03691]
(DDD4) POGLUT1 [HSA:56983] [KO:K13667]
H01561 Chiari malformation
Arnold-Chiari syndrome
... syndrome, is a group of syndromes consisting of different kinds of pathologic conditions of the posterior fossa development. They are congenital in most cases, caused by structural defects in the brain spinal ... Congenital malformation
H01678 Dandy-Walker syndrome Dandy-Walker syndrome (DWS) is a congenital brain malformation, characterized by posterior fossa cyst, cystic dilatation of the fourth ventricle, cerebellar vermis dysgenesis, and an upwardly displaced ... Congenital malformation ZIC1 [HSA:7545] [KO:K09224]
ZIC4 [HSA:84107] [KO:K09225]
H01886 Van den Ende-Gupta syndrome ... convex nasal ridge everted lower lip, arachnodactyly, camptodactyly, slender ribs, underdeveloped glenoid fossa, and mild bowing of long bones, while growth and development are normal. The pattern of inheritance ... Congenital malformation SCARF2 [HSA:91179] [KO:K24319]
H02767 Congenital disorder of deglycosylation ... of deglycosylation (CDDG) is caused by loss of function of enzymes involved in free oligosaccharide (fOS) metabolism. FOSs are soluble oligosaccharide species generated during N-glycosylation of proteins ... Inherited metabolic disorder (CDDG1) NGLY1 [HSA:55768] [KO:K01456]
(CDDG2) MAN2C1 [HSA:4123] [KO:K01191]
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