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map00907 Pinene, camphor and geraniol degradation ...), C11384 ((S)-(-)-Citronellal) C09849 (beta-Citronellol), C11386 ((-)-Citronellol) C00024 (Acetyl-C... ...ate Citronellyl-CoA Citronellal 1.2.1.- AtuD Citronellol AtuH AtuB AtuG AtuB AtuG AtuE AtuC AtuF 4.1...
map01120 Microbial metabolism in diverse environments ...), C11384 ((S)-(-)-Citronellal) C09849 (beta-Citronellol), C11386 ((-)-Citronellol) C20321 ([(2R)-3,... Chlorocyclohexane and chlorobenzene degradation Xylene degradation Aminobenzoate degradation Naphtha...
map01062 Biosynthesis of terpenoids and steroids ...-Citronellal) C01499 (Geranial) C09849 (beta-Citronellol) C01852 (Secologanin) C00448 (trans,trans-F... Neral Linalool Citronellal Geranial Citronellol Secologanin FPP Indole alkaloid biosynthesi...
map01110 Biosynthesis of secondary metabolites ...inene) C06307 ((-)-beta-Pinene) C09849 (beta-Citronellol) C03190 ((+)-Bornyl diphosphate) C06304 ((+... Starch and sucrose metabolism Benzoxazinoid biosynthesis Indole diterpene alkaloid biosynthesis Phos...

Items : 1 - 4 of 4