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hsa03420 Nucleotide excision repair Nucleotide excision repair (NER) is a mechanism to recognize and repair bulky DNA damage caused by compounds, environmental carcinogens, and exposure to UV-light. In humans hereditary defects in the NER ... 2968 (GTF2H4) 2967 (GTF2H3) 2966 (GTF2H2), 728340 (GTF2H2C), 730394 (GTF2H2C_2) 2965 (GTF2H1) 2068 (ERCC2), H00403 (Disorders of nucleotide excision repair), H00866 (Trichothiodystrophy), H01428 (Xeroderma ... 5 ' 3 ' 3 ' 5 ' 5 ' 3 ' 3 ' 5 ' TFIIH4 TFIIH3 TFIIH2 TFIIH1 XPD TTDA XPB CCNH MNAT1 CDK7 DDB1 Cul4 RBX1 RNA polymerase UVRB UVRA Lig DpoI MNAT1 UVRA Lig1 RFC PCNA UVRD Polε XPF XPG Polδ RPA TFIIH4 ERCC1 XPA TFIIH3 TFIIH2 TTDA UVRB DDB2 DDB1 Cul4 RBX1 MFD Ubiquitin ...
hsa03430 Mismatch repair DNA mismatch repair (MMR) is a highly conserved biological pathway that plays a key role in maintaining genomic stability. MMR corrects DNA mismatches generated during DNA replication, thereby preventing ... 4436 (MSH2), H00020 (Colorectal cancer), H00027 (Ovarian cancer), H00876 (Mismatch repair deficiency), H02565 (Hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer), H02566 (Muir-Torre syndrome) 27030 (MLH3), H00020 ... Dam MutS MSH2 MLH3 MLH1 Colorectal cancer MutH MutL Lig UVRD MLH1 LigI PCNA DpoIII ExoI Polδ RPA ExoX RecJ MSH6 ExoI MSH2 MSH3 PMS2 PMS2 RFC ExoVII MSH3 MSH2 MLH1 SSB MISMATCH REPAIR Prokaryotic type Eukaryotic ...
hsa03440 Homologous recombination Homologous recombination (HR) is essential for the accurate repair of DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs), potentially lethal lesions. HR takes place in the late S-G2 phase of the cell cycle and involves the ... 7156 (TOP3A), 8940 (TOP3B), H01395 (Autosomal recessive progressive external ophthalmoplegia), H02492 (Microcephaly, growth restriction, and increased sister chromatid exchange) 641 (BLM), H00094 (Immunodeficiency ... TOP3 BLM DSS1 Rad52 Mre11 Rad50 XRCC3 Rad51C XRCC2 XRCC2 Rad51D Rad51D Rad51C Rad51B Rad51C DnaT PriB PriC RecD RecG RecG RuvC RuvC RuvB RuvB RuvA RecA PriA DpoI Rad57 Mus81 RecA RecR HOMOLOGOUS RECOMBINATION Mre11 Rad50 Rad51B Nbs1 RPA Rad51 DpoIII XRS2 RecJ RecF RecC Eme1 RecB BRCA2 Rad59 Rad54 polδ BLM RuvA Rad55 RecO SSB Prokaryotic ...
hsa03450 Non-homologous end-joining Nonhomologous end joining (NHEJ) eliminates DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) by direct ligation. NHEJ involves binding of the KU heterodimer to double-stranded DNA ends, recruitment of DNA-PKcs (MRX complex ... 3981 (LIG4), H00094 (Immunodeficiency associated with DNA repair defects), H02015 (LIG4 syndrome) 27343 (POLL) 3981 (LIG4), H00094 (Immunodeficiency associated with DNA repair defects), H02015 (LIG4 syndrome) 1791 ... Lig4 Nej1 Polλ Dnl4 TdT Polμ Artemis Pol4 Lig NON-HOMOLOGOUS END-JOINING Mre11 Rad50 DNAPKcs XRS2 Ku80 XRCC4 Ku70 Rad27 XLF Lif1 Prokaryotic type Eukaryotic type Double strand break End binding End processing Gap ...
hsa03460 Fanconi anemia pathway The Fanconi anemia pathway is required for the efficient repair of damaged DNA, especially interstrand cross-links (ICLs). DNA ICL is directly recognized by FANCM and associated proteins, that recruit ... 57697 (FANCM), H00238 (Fanconi anemia), H00627 (Premature ovarian failure), H01282 (Spermatogenic failure) 2175 (FANCA), H00238 (Fanconi anemia) 2187 (FANCB), H00238 (Fanconi anemia) 2176 (FANCC), H00238 ... FANCM FANCA FANCB FANCC FANCONI ANEMIA PATHWAY FANCD2 FANCI FANCE FANCF FANCG FANCL FANCN FAAP100 BLM Interstrand crosslink (ICL) recognition ICL FA pathway activation FA core complex Homologous ...
hsa04010 MAPK signaling pathway The mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) cascade is a highly conserved module that is involved in various cellular functions, including cell proliferation, differentiation and migration. Mammals express ... C00338 (Lipopolysaccharide) C00165 (Diacylglycerol) C00575 (3',5'-Cyclic AMP) C01245 (D-myo-Inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate) C00076 (Calcium cation) 5923 (RASGRF1), 5924 (RASGRF2) 11221 (DUSP10), 1843 (DUSP1) ... LPS RasGRF MKP PTP PP2CB FASL DAG cAMP HGK cPLA2 STMN1 Tau NFκB IKK NIK ERK MP1 MEK2 MEK1 Raf1 RafB p120GAP NF1 PKC Rap1 PKA CNrasGEF Gap1m Ras RasGRP SOS G12 GRB2 RTK CACN MAPK SIGNALING PATHWAY Phosphatidylinositol ...
hsa04012 ErbB signaling pathway The ErbB family of receptor tyrosine kinases (RTKs) couples binding of extracellular growth factor ligands to intracellular signaling pathways regulating diverse biologic responses, including proliferation ... C00076 (Calcium cation) C00165 (Diacylglycerol) C01245 (D-myo-Inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate) C05981 (Phosphatidylinositol-3,4,5-trisphosphate) 2885 (GRB2), D11165 (Prexigebersen (USAN/INN)) 2002 (ELK1) 2066 ... Non-small cell lung cancer Grb2 Elk ErbB-4 ErbB-4 ErbB-3 ErbB-3 STAT5 ErbB-2 ErbB-2 ErbB-2 ErbB-2 ErbB-1 ErbB-1 Pancreatic cancer mTOR signaling pathway Endometrial cancer GSK-3 eIF-4EBP p70S6K p21 p27 mTOR PAK Nck STAT5 ErbB-2 Bad GAB1 TGFα JNKK Cbl ErbB-4 ErbB-3 NRG3 NRG2 Elk JNK Crk FAK Sos Grb2 Shc PKC CAMK PLCγ HB-EGF NRG1 EPR BTC Glioma PIP Jun Abl PI3K PKB/Akt ErbB-1 Calcium ...
hsa04014 Ras signaling pathway The Ras proteins are GTPases that function as molecular switches for signaling pathways regulating cell proliferation, survival, growth, migration, differentiation or cytoskeletal dynamism. Ras proteins ... C05981 (Phosphatidylinositol-3,4,5-trisphosphate) C00165 (Diacylglycerol) C01245 (D-myo-Inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate) C00076 (Calcium cation) C00044 (GTP) C00035 (GDP) C00076 (Calcium cation) C00165 (Diacylglycerol) C01245 ... MAPK signaling pathway RAS SIGNALING PATHWAY ERK MEK Raf-1 Ras PI3K-Akt signaling pathway Grb2 SOS PIP Akt/PKB PI3K SHC RTK Gab SHP2 TIAM1 Rac RALGDS RGL RGL2 Ral PLD PLCε PKC ABL RIN1 DAG IP3 BAD BCL-X IKK NFκB AFX FasL JNK RalBP1 CDC42 Rac PLA ELK ETS RAB5 Calcium ...
hsa04015 Rap1 signaling pathway Rap1 is a small GTPase that controls diverse processes, such as cell adhesion, cell-cell junction formation and cell polarity. Like all G proteins, Rap1 cycles between an inactive GDP-bound and an active ... C00044 (GTP) C00035 (GDP) C00575 (3',5'-Cyclic AMP) C00165 (Diacylglycerol) C00076 (Calcium cation) C00044 (GTP) C00076 (Calcium cation) C00076 (Calcium cation) C00165 (Diacylglycerol) C00076 (Calcium ... MAPK signaling pathway RAP1 SIGNALING PATHWAY ERK MEK Raf-1 Rap1 RIAM RTK RalGDS Rac RapL MEK3,6 p38MAPK Ena/VASP Profillin F-actin Cad Rap1 GTP GDP DOCK4 Epac E6-TP1 Spa1 RapGAP (active) (inactive) Ral Smg ...
hsa04020 Calcium signaling pathway Ca2+ that enters the cell from the outside is a principal source of signal Ca2+. Entry of Ca2+ is driven by the presence of a large electrochemical gradient across the plasma membrane. Cells use this external ... C01330 (Sodium cation) C00076 (Calcium cation) C13050 (Cyclic ADP-ribose) C13051 (Nicotinic acid adenine dinucleotide phosphate) C06124 (Sphingosine 1-phosphate) C00004 (NADH) C00002 (ATP) C00165 (Diacylglycerol) C01245 ... Long term depression Long term potentiation Phosphatidylinositol signaling pathway Apoptosis MAPK signalng pathway IP3 3K ADCY PDE1 NOS VDAC Cyp-D cADPR NAADP S1P NADH ATP DAG NCX cAMP cAMP NCX CAMK CaN PKC FAK2 TPC ADPR ...
hsa04022 cGMP-PKG signaling pathway Cyclic GMP (cGMP) is the intracellular second messenger that mediates the action of nitric oxide (NO) and natriuretic peptides (NPs), regulating a broad array of physiologic processes. The elevated intracellular ... C00533 (Nitric oxide) C00942 (3',5'-Cyclic GMP) C00076 (Calcium cation) C00238 (Potassium cation) C01245 (D-myo-Inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate) C00076 (Calcium cation) C00533 (Nitric oxide) C00144 (GMP) C00575 ... cGMP-PKG SIGNALING PATHWAY MLCP MLC NPR-A cGMP PKG s-GC Sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) Kca NPR-B Myosin IRAG PDE5 CNG RGS GPCR PLCβ L-type Cav RhoA ROCK Hyperpolarization IP3 q/11 TRPC6 NFAT MEF2 GATA-4 SRF Vascular ...
hsa04024 cAMP signaling pathway cAMP is one of the most common and universal second messengers, and its formation is promoted by adenylyl cyclase (AC) activation after ligation of G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) by ligands including ... C00076 (Calcium cation) C00076 (Calcium cation) C00238 (Potassium cation) C01330 (Sodium cation) C00080 (H+) C01330 (Sodium cation) C00575 (3',5'-Cyclic AMP) C00076 (Calcium cation) C00165 (Diacylglycerol) C01245 ... cAMP SIGNALING PATHWAY Sarcoplasmic Reticulum (SR) VDCC RyR2 SERCA2a TnI Calcium signaling pathway ATP 3Na NHE GPCR PKA PI3K Akt cAMP DNA ERK1/2 PLB CFTR CaM Cardiac muscle contraction Epac PI3K-Akt ...
hsa04060 Cytokine-cytokine receptor interaction Cytokines are soluble extracellular proteins or glycoproteins that are crucial intercellular regulators and mobilizers of cells engaged in innate as well as adaptive inflammatory host defenses, cell growth ... 53833 (IL20RB) 53833 (IL20RB) 3565 (IL4), H00079 (Asthma), D03117 (Binetrakin (USAN/INN)), D05377 (Pascolizumab (USAN/INN)) 659 (BMPR2), H01619 (Primary pulmonary hypertension), H01621 (Pulmonary arterial ... IL20RB IL20RB IL4 BMPR2 ACVR2B ACVR1B ACVR2A IL10RB IL22RA1 IL2RG IL2RG IL2RG IL2RG IL2RG IL2RG IL2RB IL2RB CSF2RB CSF2RB LIFR LIFR LIFR IL6ST IL6ST IL6ST IL6ST IL6ST IL18RAP IL18R1 IL1R2 IL1RAP IL1R1 IL17RA BMPR1A ACVR2A BMPR1B ACVR1 ACVR1 AMHR2 ACVR2B ACVR1B ACVR2A TGFBR1 TGFBR2 IL18 IL1B IL1A IL17E IL17B IL17A GDF5 BMP7 BMP2 AMH INHBE INHBC INHBB INHBA TGFB3 TGFB2 TGFB1 RELT TROY XEDAR EDAR BAFFR TACI BCMA GITR Ox40 4-1BB CD30 CD27 CD40 FAS DCR3 HVEM LTBR EDA EDA BAFF APRIL GITRL OX-40L 4-1BBL CD30L CD70 CD40LG FASLG LIGHT LTB LTA IL10RB IL28RA IL22RA1 IL20RA IL10RB IL10RA IFNGR2 IFNGR1 IFNAR2 IFNAR1 IL26 IL29 IL28B IL28A IL22 IL24 IL20 IL19 IL10 IFNG IFNT1 IFNK IFNW1 IFNB1 IFNA MPL PRLR GHR EPOR TSLPR IL7R IL21R IL15RA IL9R IL7R IL4R IL2RG IL2RB IL2RA IL5RA IL3RA CSF2RB CSF2RA TPO PRL GH2 GH1 EPO TSLP IL21 IL15 IL9 IL7 IL4 IL2 IL5 IL3 CSF2 IL12RB1 IL23R IL12RB2 IL12RB1 IL4R IL13RA1 IL4R CSF3R CNTFR OSMR IL11RA IL6ST IL6R IL23A IL12 IL13 CSF3 CTF CLCF1 CNTF LIF OSM OSM IL11 IL6 CX3CR1 XCR1 CXCR6 CXCR5 CXCR4 CXCR3 CXCR1 CXCR2 CX3CL1 XCL2 XCL1 CXCL14 CXCL4 CXCL15 CXCL16 CXCL13 CXCL12 CXCL11 CXCL10 CXCL9 CXCL8 CXCL6 CXCL7 CXCL5 TNFR1 TNFR2 NGFR DR6 FN14 RANK TWEAK DCR1 OPG DR5 TRAIL DR4 DCR2 VEGI CYTOKINE-CYTOKINE ...
hsa04061 Viral protein interaction with cytokine and cytokine receptor Viruses have evolved diverse mechanisms to evade detection and destruction by the immune system, including copying and repurposing host cytokine and cytokine receptor genes. Viral cytokines and cytokine ... 414062 (CCL3L3), 6348 (CCL3), 6349 (CCL3L1), 6352 (CCL5), 6354 (CCL7), 6355 (CCL8), 6357 (CCL13), 6358 (CCL14), 6359 (CCL15), 6360 (CCL16), 6368 (CCL23), H01563 (HIV infection) 1230 (CCR1) 414062 (CCL3L3) ... Chemokines CCL CCR1 vCCI CCL3 vav US28 U12 CCL3 hcmv hhv6 vCCI CCL7 vav CCL7 US28 hcmv MC148 CCR1 vCCL2 vCCL4a kshv mocv1 hhv6a CCL CCR2 vCCI CCL2 vav U12 U51 CCL2 hhv6 US28 hhv6 hcmv MC148 CCR2 vCCL2 kshv mocv1 vCCL4b hhv6b CCL CCR3 UL21 ...
hsa04062 Chemokine signaling pathway Inflammatory immune response requires the recruitment of leukocytes to the site of inflammation upon foreign insult. Chemokines are small chemoattractant peptides that provide directional cues for the ... C00165 (Diacylglycerol) C01245 (D-myo-Inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate) C00076 (Calcium cation) C00575 (3',5'-Cyclic AMP) C05981 (Phosphatidylinositol-3,4,5-trisphosphate) 10663 (CXCR6), 10803 (CCR9), 1230 ... Migration Apoptosis Degranulation Cellular shape changes Cell survival chemokineR chemokine JAK2/3 Regulation of actin cytoskeleton Cytokine-cytokine receptor interaction FAK Src Paxillin Cellular ...
hsa04064 NF-kappa B signaling pathway Nuclear factor-kappa B (NF-kappa B) is the generic name of a family of transcription factors that function as dimers and regulate genes involved in immunity, inflammation and cell survival. There are several ... C00165 (Diacylglycerol) C01245 (D-myo-Inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate) C00076 (Calcium cation) C00165 (Diacylglycerol) C01245 (D-myo-Inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate) C00076 (Calcium cation) 598 (BCL2L1), D09935 ... Cytokine-cytokine receptor interaction Bcl-XL Bcl-2 c-IAP1/2 IκBα IRAK1/4 MyD88 TRAF2/5 RIP1 TRADD IL-1R TNF-R1 IL-1β TNFα NF-KAPPA B SIGNALING PATHWAY Degradation Survival DNA LIGHT LT-βR TRAF2 TRAF3 NIK IKKα NEMO IKKα IKKβ p100 RelB p50 p65 NFκB NFκB DNA TAK1 Canonical ...
hsa04066 HIF-1 signaling pathway Hypoxia-inducible factor 1 (HIF-1) is a transcription factor that functions as a master regulator of oxygen homeostasis. It consists of two subunits: an inducibly-expressed HIF-1alpha subunit and a constitutively-expressed ... C00165 (Diacylglycerol) C01245 (D-myo-Inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate) C00704 (Superoxide) C00031 (D-Glucose) C00022 (Pyruvate) C00186 ((S)-Lactate) C00024 (Acetyl-CoA) C00002 (ATP) C00076 (Calcium cation) C00007 ... CUL2 Rbx1 ElonginB ElonginC VEGF PHD VHL HIF-1β p300/CBP HIF-1α Glut1 HIF-1 SIGNALING PATHWAY mTOR signaling pathway Ubiquitin mediated proteolysis VEGF signaling pathway Hypoxia Normoxia Degradation E3 ...
hsa04068 FoxO signaling pathway The forkhead box O (FOXO) family of transcription factors regulates the expression of genes in cellular physiological events including apoptosis, cell-cycle control, glucose metabolism, oxidative stress ... C00031 (D-Glucose) C05981 (Phosphatidylinositol-3,4,5-trisphosphate) C00008 (ADP) C00020 (AMP) C00025 (L-Glutamate) 1147 (CHUK), 3551 (IKBKB), H00093 (Combined immunodeficiency), H00882 (Cocoon syndrome) ... IKKα/β JNK ERK1/2 AMPK INS Glucose FOXO SOS Ras MEK1/2 INSR Raf PEPCK G6PC Akt P13K PDK1/2 IRS PIP FOXO SIGNALING PATHWAY Glycolysis / Gluconeogenesis Apoptosis MAPK signaling pathway DNA Energy ...
hsa04070 Phosphatidylinositol signaling system C11554 (1-Phosphatidyl-1D-myo-inositol 3,4-bisphosphate) C11556 (1-Phosphatidyl-1D-myo-inositol 3,5-bisphosphate) C11557 (1-Phosphatidyl-1D-myo-inositol 5-phosphate) C11526 (5-PP-InsP5) C00076 (Calcium ... PTEN PI(3,4)P PI(3,5)P PI(5)P PLC PLC 5PP-IP Focal adhesion I(1,3,4)P I(1,3,4,5)P I(4)P I(3)P I(1)P I(1,3,4,5,6)P I(1,4,5)P I(1,4)P I(3,4)P I(1,3)P I(1,3,4,6)P PI(4,5)P CDP-DG PI(3)P PI(3,4,5)P PI(4)P Phosphatidyl-1D-myo-inositol ...
hsa04071 Sphingolipid signaling pathway Sphingomyelin (SM) and its metabolic products are now known to have second messenger functions in a variety of cellular signaling pathways. Particularly, the sphingolipid metabolites, ceramide (Cer) and ... C05981 (Phosphatidylinositol-3,4,5-trisphosphate) C00195 (N-Acylsphingosine) C12126 (Dihydroceramide) C00836 (Sphinganine) C00065 (L-Serine) C00550 (Sphingomyelin) C00195 (N-Acylsphingosine) C00319 (Sphingosine) C06124 ... ERK1/2 MEK1/2 Raf AKT P13K PDK1 PIP SPHINGOLIPID SIGNALING PATHWAY MAPK signaling pathway PI3K-Akt signaling pathway PKC S1P S1P S1P S1P S1P 12/13 Ras PLC Rho ROCK PTEN Cer dhCer dhSph Serine Cer Sph S1P S1P Sphingolipid ...
hsa04072 Phospholipase D signaling pathway Phospholipase D (PLD) is an essential enzyme responsible for the production of the lipid second messenger phosphatidic acid (PA), which is involved in fundamental cellular processes, including membrane ... C05981 (Phosphatidylinositol-3,4,5-trisphosphate) C00165 (Diacylglycerol) C01245 (D-myo-Inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate) C00076 (Calcium cation) C00575 (3',5'-Cyclic AMP) C00416 (Phosphatidate) C04637 (1-Phosphatidyl-D-myo-inositol ... MAPK signaling pathway PHOSPHOLIPASE D SIGNALING PATHWAY ERK MEK Raf-1 Ras PI3K-Akt signaling pathway Grb2 SOS PIP Akt/PKB PI3K SHC SCF RTK Gab SHP2 RALGDS Ral Calcium signaling pathway Rho Endocytosis Glycerolipid ...
hsa04080 Neuroactive ligand-receptor interaction C02166 (Leukotriene C4), C05951 (Leukotriene D4), C05952 (Leukotriene E4) C04598 (2-Acetyl-1-alkyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine) C02465 (Triiodothyronine), C01829 (Thyroxine) C00735 (Cortisol) C05113 (Porphyrin) C16512 ... PARRS Gastric inhibitory peptide Glucagon Glucagon-like peptide Parathyroid hormone Growth hormone-releasing hormone PACAP Secretin Vasoactive intestinal peptide Corticotropin releasing hormone Cysteinyl-leukotriene Relaxin MAS1 Mas ...
hsa04110 Cell cycle Mitotic cell cycle progression is accomplished through a reproducible sequence of events, DNA replication (S phase) and mitosis (M phase) separated temporally by gaps known as G1 and G2 phases. Cyclin-dependent ... 1029 (CDKN2A), H00004 (Chronic myeloid leukemia), H00008 (Burkitt lymphoma), H00009 (Adult T-cell leukemia), H00014 (Non-small cell lung cancer), H00015 (Malignant pleural mesothelioma), H00016 (Oral cancer) ... ARF Cdh1 MCM ORC APC/C APC/C SCF SCF CDK1 BubR1 PCNA Plk1 ATM/ATR Dbf4 Mad2 Bub1 Bub3 Cdc14b 14-3-3 14-3-3σ Chk1, 2 Cip1 DNA-PK Mdm2 p300 Skp2 Myt1 Wee PTTG Esp1 Smc1 Apoptosis Skp2 GADD45 p53 Kip1, 2 Ink4b TGFβ Smad4 Smad2 ...
hsa04114 Oocyte meiosis During meiosis, a single round of DNA replication is followed by two rounds of chromosome segregation, called meiosis I and meiosis II. At meiosis I, homologous chromosomes recombine and then segregate ... C00410 (Progesterone) C01245 (D-myo-Inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate) C00076 (Calcium cation) C00575 (3',5'-Cyclic AMP) 4342 (MOS), H01897 (Oocyte/zygote/embryo maturation arrest) 983 (CDK1), D02880 (Alvocidib ... Mos Cdc2 Mad1/2 CycB2/B5 Myt1 Rsk1/2 p42MAPK MEK1 Progesterone OOCYTE MEIOSIS Early translation of maternal mRNAs APC/C Cdc20 Securin CycB1/B4 Cdc2 Late translation of maternal mRNAs Emi1 SCF Late-late ...
hsa04115 p53 signaling pathway p53 activation is induced by a number of stress signals, including DNA damage, oxidative stress and activated oncogenes. The p53 protein is employed as a transcriptional activator of p53-regulated genes ... 6477 (SIAH1), H02460 (Neurodevelopmental disorder with dysmorphic facies and skeletal anomalies) 3486 (IGFBP3) 10912 (GADD45G), 1647 (GADD45A), 4616 (GADD45B) 4194 (MDM4), H01513 (Retinoblastoma), H02529 ... Siah-1 IGF-BP3 Gadd45 MDM-X CHK1 ATR CHK2 ATM Reprimo 14-3-3-σ CDK2 Cyclin E Cell cycle Apoptosis TSC2 Wip1 ΔNp73 Cyclin G Cop-1 p53R2 P48 TSAP6 PTEN Maspin KAI GD-AiF TSP1 IGF-BP3 IGF PAI BAI-1 p14 p21 PAG608 Bid PIGs Fas B99 Bax PIDD DR5 CASP8 Cdc2 Apaf-1 CytC CASP9 MDM2 p53 MDM2 PIRH-2 Gadd45 CDK4/6 Cyclin ...
hsa04120 Ubiquitin mediated proteolysis Protein ubiquitination plays an important role in eukaryotic cellular processes. It mainly functions as a signal for 26S proteasome dependent protein degradation. The addition of ubiquitin to proteins ... 10054 (UBA2), H02758 (ACCES syndrome), D12268 (Subasumstat (USAN/INN)) 10055 (SAE1), D12268 (Subasumstat (USAN/INN)) 6921 (ELOC) 6923 (ELOB) 9978 (RBX1) 9978 (RBX1) 9978 (RBX1) 9978 (RBX1) 23291 (FBXW11) ... UBLE1B UBLE1A EloC EloB RBX1 RBX1 RBX1 RBX1 F-box BTB DCAF SOCSbox VHLbox HERC4 HERC3 UBE2W UBE2F UBE1C Apc12 Apc10 Apc9 Apc8 Apc6 Apc7 Apc5 Apc4 Apc3 Apc1 Cdh1 Cdc20 Apc2 Apc11 Fbxw8 EloB EloC Cul3 Cul2 Skp1 Skp1 Cul1 RBX1 Cul7 Cul5 RBX2 DDB1 Cul4 Trim37 Trim32 MID1 FANCL BRCA1 MGRN1 AIRE NHLRC1 SYVN PIAS cIAPs PIRH2 COP1 MEKK1 TRAF6 PML SIAH-1 Parkin CBL Mdm2 UIP5 PRP19 E6AP UBE2U UBE2D UBE2N WWP1 Smurf UBE3C UBE2J1 UBE3B UBE2S UBE2C UBE2A Itch UBE2K UBE2J2 UBE2L6 UBE2L3 UBE2G2 UBE2G1 UBE1 Proteasome CYC4 HERC2 UBE2R CHIP HERC1 WWP2 UBE4B EDD1 TRIP12 UBE4A ARF-BP1 UBE2Z APOLLON NEDD4 UBE2Q UBE2O UBE2M UBE2I UBE2H UBE2B UBIQUITIN ...
hsa04122 Sulfur relay system Ubiquitin and ubiquitin-like proteins (Ubls) are signalling messengers that control many cellular functions, such as cell proliferation, apoptosis, and DNA repair. It is suggested that Ub-protein modification ... C00097 (L-Cysteine) C00041 (L-Alanine) C00868 (tRNA uridine) C17322 (tRNA containing 2-thiouridine) C00868 (tRNA uridine) C17322 (tRNA containing 2-thiouridine) C00378 (Thiamine) C05924 (Molybdopterin) C18239 ... SULFUR RELAY SYSTEM E1-like urm1 -COOH ATP PPi -COAMP Protein modification Prokaryote Ahp1 -NHCO- Cys Ala tRNA thiolation SCO Uba4 Urm1 NFS1 NCS2 Ub-like E1-like NCS6 Tum1 Ahp1 Sulfur transfer Target ...
hsa04130 SNARE interactions in vesicular transport 662 (BNIP1) 55850 (USE1) 53407 (STX18) 55014 (STX17) 10282 (BET1), 51272 (BET1L) 10652 (YKT6) 9527 (GOSR1) 6811 (STX5), H00119 (Congenital disorders of glycosylation type II) 9554 (SEC22B) 9570 (GOSR2) ... Sec20 Use1 Stx18 Stx17 Bet1 Ykt6 Gos1 Stx5 Sec22 Bos1 Stx5 SNAP29 STX6 Stx16 Stx11 Ykt6 Vti1 STX8 Stx7 VAMP4 VAMP5 SNAP23 Syp7 SNAP23 Stx1-4 Stx1-4 SNARE INTERACTIONS IN VESICULAR TRANSPORT TGN (trans ...
hsa04136 Autophagy - other Autophagy is a degradative pathway for the removal of cytoplasmic materials in eukaryotic cells, and is characterized by the formation of a double-membrane structure called the autophagosome, either in ... C00350 (Phosphatidylethanolamine) C00350 (Phosphatidylethanolamine) C04549 (1-Phosphatidyl-1D-myo-inositol 3-phosphate) C01194 (1-Phosphatidyl-D-myo-inositol) 57521 (RPTOR) 2475 (MTOR), H01251 (Focal cortical ... AUTOPHAGY - OTHER Nutrient starvation TORC1 complex Raptor TOR LST8 ATG1 complex ATG1 ATG13 ATG11 ATG101 Induction Tap46 PP2A ATG6 VPS15 VPS34 PI3K complex Vesicle nucleation ATG9 ATG2 ATG18 Membrane ...
hsa04137 Mitophagy - animal Mitochondria act as the energy powerhouse of the cell, and are essential for eukaryotic cells to grow and function normally. However, deleterious byproducts of oxidative phosphorylation process called ... C00044 (GTP) C00035 (GDP) C00044 (GTP) C00035 (GDP) 65018 (PINK1), H00057 (Parkinson disease), H01600 (Parkinsonian syndrome) 5071 (PRKN), H00027 (Ovarian cancer), H00057 (Parkinson disease), H01600 (Parkinsonian ... MITOPHAGY - ANIMAL PINK1 Parkin OPTN TBK1 P62 NDP52 NBR1 TAX1BP1 ARIH1 SIAH1 HUWE1 GP78 MUL1 SMURF1 TRAF2 MARCHF5 Ubiquitin E3 ligases Fundc1 Bnip3 Nix Sequestosome-like (SLR) receptors Bnip3 DNA DNA E2F1 p53 RAS SP1 Gq ...
hsa04140 Autophagy - animal Autophagy (or macroautophagy) is a cellular catabolic pathway involving in protein degradation, organelle turnover, and non-selective breakdown of cytoplasmic components, which is evolutionarily conserved ... C04549 (1-Phosphatidyl-1D-myo-inositol 3-phosphate) C01194 (1-Phosphatidyl-D-myo-inositol) C05981 (Phosphatidylinositol-3,4,5-trisphosphate) C00350 (Phosphatidylethanolamine) C00350 (Phosphatidylethanolamine) C00044 ... PI3P AUTOPHAGY - ANIMAL Nutrient starvation (Amino acids, glucose) mTORC1 complex ER stress ROS Low energy PIP Hypoxia ULK complex PI3K complex ATP AMP ATP AMP Remove LC3 from the ...
hsa04141 Protein processing in endoplasmic reticulum The endoplasmic reticulum (ER) is a subcellular organelle where proteins are folded with the help of lumenal chaperones. Newly synthesized peptides enter the ER via the sec61 pore and are glycosylated ... G00010 C00076 (Calcium cation) G00010 G00009 G00011 G00011 G10694 G00012 468 (ATF4) 1649 (DDIT3), H00049 (Myxoid liposarcoma) 5599 (MAPK8), 5601 (MAPK9), 5602 (MAPK10), H01813 (Lennox-Gastaut syndrome) ... PROTEIN PROCESSING IN ENDOPLASMIC RETICULUM Protein export Apoptosis Proteasome ATF4 CHOP JNK TRAF2 ASK1 MKK7 eIF2α CNX CRT GADD34 Ribosome G1M9 Unfolded protein responce (UPR) ER ...
hsa04142 Lysosome Lysosomes are membrane-delimited organelles in animal cells serving as the cell's main digestive compartment to which all sorts of macromolecules are delivered for degradation. They contain more than 40 ... C00002 (ATP) C00008 (ADP) C00159 (D-Mannose) C00159 (D-Mannose) C00275 (D-Mannose 6-phosphate) C00275 (D-Mannose 6-phosphate) C00275 (D-Mannose 6-phosphate) C00275 (D-Mannose 6-phosphate) C00275 (D-Mannose ... mitochondria pH~ 5.0 pH~ 7.2 acid hydrolase lysosome Regulation of autophagy ATPeV ATP ADP cytosol Autophagy Endocytosis early endosome lysosomal membrane protein late endosome autophagosome bacterium Golgi ...
hsa04144 Endocytosis Endocytosis is a mechanism for cells to remove ligands, nutrients, and plasma membrane (PM) proteins, and lipids from the cell surface, bringing them into the cell interior. Transmembrane proteins entering ... C04549 (1-Phosphatidyl-1D-myo-inositol 3-phosphate) C04549 (1-Phosphatidyl-1D-myo-inositol 3-phosphate) C05981 (Phosphatidylinositol-3,4,5-trisphosphate) C04549 (1-Phosphatidyl-1D-myo-inositol 3-phosphate) C05981 ... ENDOCYTOSIS STAM Hrs PI(3)P PI(3)P ESCRT-I ESCRT-0 ESCRT-II ESCRT-III Late endosome and multivesicular body invaginating MVB vesicle AMSH UBPY growth factor (e.g. EGF) Deubiquitinating enzymes LDL Lysosome Clathrin-dependent ...
hsa04145 Phagosome Phagocytosis is the process of taking in relatively large particles by a cell, and is a central mechanism in the tissue remodeling, inflammation, and defense against infectious agents. A phagosome is formed ... C04549 (1-Phosphatidyl-1D-myo-inositol 3-phosphate) C04549 (1-Phosphatidyl-1D-myo-inositol 3-phosphate) 9554 (SEC22B) 53407 (STX18) 9341 (VAMP3) 2204 (FCAR) 2209 (FCGR1A), 2212 (FCGR2A), 2213 (FCGR2B) ... PHAGOSOME Fc gamma R-mediated phagocytosis Endocytosis Phagocytic cup pathogen Conventional phagocytosis ER-mediated phagocytosis ER (endoprasmic reticulum) Early endosome Late endosome Sec22 Stx18 Recycling ...
hsa04146 Peroxisome Peroxisomes are essential organelles that play a key role in redox signalling and lipid homeostasis. They contribute to many crucial metabolic processes such as fatty acid oxidation, biosynthesis of ether ... 5195 (PEX14), H00205 (Peroxisome biogenesis disorder), H01342 (Zellweger syndrome) 5828 (PEX2), H00177 (Neonatal adrenoleukodystrophy), H00205 (Peroxisome biogenesis disorder), H01342 (Zellweger syndrome) 5189 ... PEROXISOME PEX14 PEX2 PEX1 PEX6 PEX26 PEX13 PTS1 PTS2 Matrix protein import PEX10 PEX12 PEX5 PEX7 PEX19 PEX11 Peroxisomal division matrix proteins PTS1 PTS2 Membrane protein import PTS receptors peroxisomal ...
hsa04148 Efferocytosis C00002 (ATP) C00075 (UTP) C06124 (Sphingosine 1-phosphate) C04230 (1-Acyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine) C00062 (L-Arginine) C00077 (L-Ornithine) C00134 (Putrescine) C00003 (NAD+) C00019 (S-Adenosyl-L-methionine) C00073 ... ADGRB1 MERTK DOCK1 Rac1 GULP1 ELMO Actin polymerization ITGA STAB ITGB MFGE8 Efferocyte AXL FAK CRK Apoptotic cell p130CAS CD36 GAS6 CD47 LRP1 CALR MEGF10 TIM PROS TYRO Don’t eat me signal CD24 CD31 RAGE Phagocyte ...
hsa04150 mTOR signaling pathway The mammalian (mechanistic) target of rapamycin (mTOR) is a highly conserved serine/threonine protein kinase, which exists in two complexes termed mTOR complex 1 (mTORC1) and 2 (mTORC2). mTORC1 contains ... C05981 (Phosphatidylinositol-3,4,5-trisphosphate) C00020 (AMP) C00123 (L-Leucine) C00062 (L-Arginine) 3480 (IGF1R), 3643 (INSR), H00015 (Malignant pleural mesothelioma), H00048 (Hepatocellular carcinoma) ... mTOR SIGNALING PATHWAY IRS1 PI3K Raf MAPK signaling pathway ERK1/2 Ras MEK PTEN PDK1 Akt TSC1/2 Rheb 4E-BP Lipin-1 S6K Cap-dependent Lipid biosynthesis Rho PKC SGK1 Cell survival Cytoskeletal PIP3 TBC1D7 Amino ...
hsa04151 PI3K-Akt signaling pathway The phosphatidylinositol 3' -kinase(PI3K)-Akt signaling pathway is activated by many types of cellular stimuli or toxic insults and regulates fundamental cellular functions such as transcription, translation ... C05981 (Phosphatidylinositol-3,4,5-trisphosphate) C00533 (Nitric oxide) C04637 (1-Phosphatidyl-D-myo-inositol 4,5-bisphosphate) C05981 (Phosphatidylinositol-3,4,5-trisphosphate) C00020 (AMP) 1977 (EIF4E) ... PIP eIF4E 4EBPs eIF4B S6K1/2 Raptor mTOR GβL Rheb TSC2 TSC1 AKT PDK1 PI3K p53 signaling pathway mTOR signaling pathway PI3K-AKT SIGNALING PATHWAY Protein synthesis PTEN IRS1 RTK GPCR GSK3 Myc p27Kip1 RBL2 FasL Bim FOXO BAD MDM2 Bcl-xL p53 GYS CCND1 PEPCK G6Pace IKK NF ...
hsa04152 AMPK signaling pathway AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) is a serine threonine kinase that is highly conserved through evolution. AMPK system acts as a sensor of cellular energy status. It is activated by increases in the ... C00031 (D-Glucose) C05981 (Phosphatidylinositol-3,4,5-trisphosphate) C00008 (ADP) C00020 (AMP) C00003 (NAD+) C00076 (Calcium cation) C00024 (Acetyl-CoA) C00083 (Malonyl-CoA) C00040 (Acyl-CoA) C00085 (D-Fructose ... AMPK INS Glucose INSR Akt P13K PDK1/2 IRS PIP AMPK SIGNALING PATHWAY Glycolysis / Gluconeogenesis DNA PI3K-Akt signaling pathway IGF1 IGF1R FOXO Cell cycle Insulin signaling pathway GLUT4 LKB1 ADP AMP Low ...
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