Search Result

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Entry Name Description Category Pathway Gene
H00042 Glioma Gliomas are the most common of the primary brain tumors and account for more than 40% of all central nervous system neoplasms. Gliomas include tumours that are composed predominantly of astrocytes (astrocytomas) ... Cancer hsa05214 Glioma (GLM1) IDH1 [HSA:3417] [KO:K00031]
(GLM1) TP53 [HSA:7157] [KO:K04451]
(GLM1) ERBB2 [HSA:2064] [KO:K05083]
(GLM2) PTEN [HSA:5728] [KO:K01110]
(GLM3) BRCA2 [HSA:675] [KO:K08775]
(GLM9) POT1 [HSA:25913] [KO:K11109]
EGFR (amplification, overexpression) [HSA:1956] [KO:K04361]
MDM2 (amplification, overexpression) [HSA:4193] [KO:K06643]
CDK4 (amplification) [HSA:1019] [KO:K02089]
PDGFA (overexpression) [HSA:5154] [KO:K04359]
PDGFB (overexpression) [HSA:5155] [KO:K17386]
PDGFRA (overexpression, amplification) [HSA:5156] [KO:K04363]
PDGFRB (overexpression, amplification) [HSA:5159] [KO:K05089]
RB1 (loss) [HSA:5925] [KO:K06618]
CDKN2A [HSA:1029] [KO:K06621]
H01556 Meningioma Meningiomas are the second-most common central nervous system tumor in adults. These tumors arise from arachnoid cells of the meninges, the covering layer of the brain. The majority of meningiomas tend ... Cancer NF2 [HSA:4771] [KO:K16684]
SMARCB1 [HSA:6598] [KO:K11648]
SMARCE1 [HSA:6605] [KO:K11651]
SUFU [HSA:51684] [KO:K06229]
PTEN [HSA:5728] [KO:K01110]
CDKN2A [HSA:1029] [KO:K06621]
CDKN2B [HSA:1030] [KO:K04685]
TRAF7 [HSA:84231] [KO:K10646]
AKT1 [HSA:207] [KO:K04456]
KLF4 [HSA:9314] [KO:K17846]
SMO [HSA:6608] [KO:K06226]
MN1 [HSA:4330] [KO:K22543]
PDGFB [HSA:5155] [KO:K17386]
H01574 Familial idiopathic basal ganglia calcification
Bilateral striopallidodentate calcinosis (BSPDC)
Fahr disease
Familial idiopathic basal ganglia calcification (IBGC), also known as Fahr disease, is an inherited neurological disorder characterized by symmetrical calcification of cerebral structures lacking known ... Nervous system disease (IBGC1) SLC20A2 [HSA:6575] [KO:K14640]
(IBGC4) PDGFRB [HSA:5159] [KO:K05089]
(IBGC5) PDGFB [HSA:5155] [KO:K17386]
(IBGC6) XPR1 [HSA:9213] [KO:K24195]
(IBGC7) MYORG [HSA:57462] [KO:K24727]
(IBGC8) JAM2 [HSA:58494] [KO:K06735]
(IBGC9) NAA60 [HSA:79903] [KO:K21121]
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