KEGG   Lentibacillus sp. CBA3610

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T numberT08606
NameLentibacillus sp. CBA3610
TaxonomyTAX: 2518176
    LineageBacteria; Bacillota; Bacilli; Bacillales; Bacillaceae; Lentibacillus
BriteKEGG organisms [BR:br08601]
KEGG organisms in the NCBI taxonomy [BR:br08610]
KEGG organisms in taxonomic ranks [BR:br08611]
Data sourceGenBank (Assembly: GCA_013373365.1 Complete Genome)
BioProject: 521665
CommentAerobic, halophilic bacterium.
Isolated from a stool sample from a 28-year-old healthy male in Gwangju, Republic of Korea.
    SequenceGB: CP035925
StatisticsNumber of nucleotides: 4035571
Number of protein genes: 3575
Number of RNA genes: 87
ReferencePMID: 34162403
    AuthorsAhn SW, Lee SH, Son HS, Roh SW, Choi YE
    TitleGenomic analysis of halophilic bacterium, Lentibacillus sp. CBA3610, derived from human feces.
    JournalGut Pathog 13:41 (2021)
DOI: 10.1186/s13099-021-00436-2