SSDB Best Search Result

Entry:sen:SACE_4785 (125 a.a.)
Name:putative glycosyl hydrolase
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Search Result : 725 hits

                 Entry                                       KO      len   SW-score  identity  overlap  best(all)
------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------------------
arhd:VSH64_31890 ricin-type beta-trefoil lectin domain  K01201     623      386     0.654      81      <-> 
ccaz:COUCH_01760 ricin-type beta-trefoil lectin domain  K01201     623      364     0.658      79      <-> 
cai:Caci_7221 Ricin B lectin                            K01201     634      362     0.625      80      <-> 
kal:KALB_2205 ricin B lectin                            K01201     611      362     0.554      101     <-> 
scir:STRCI_005710 lectin                                K01201     621      359     0.541      98      <-> 
sdv:BN159_2868 glucosylceramidase                       K01201     621      359     0.541      98      <-> 
afs:AFR_42300 glycosyl hydrolase                        K01201     617      355     0.646      79      <-> 
scha:CP983_12995 glucosylceramidase                     K01201     620      354     0.614      83      <-> 
slf:JEQ17_14830 ricin-type beta-trefoil lectin domain p K01201     625      353     0.585      82      <-> 
slia:HA039_09395 glucosylceramidase                     K01201     629      353     0.603      78      <-> 
slk:SLUN_28020 glucosylceramidase                       K01201     623      353     0.576      85      <-> 
amd:AMED_8379 glucosylceramidase                        K01201     611      351     0.593      81      <-> 
amm:AMES_8250 glucosylceramidase                        K01201     611      351     0.593      81      <-> 
amn:RAM_43025 glucosylceramidase                        K01201     611      351     0.593      81      <-> 
amog:QRX60_16825 ricin-type beta-trefoil lectin domain  K01201     619      351     0.593      81      <-> 
amz:B737_8251 glucosylceramidase                        K01201     611      351     0.593      81      <-> 
aprt:MUY14_41880 ricin-type beta-trefoil lectin domain  K01201     617      351     0.593      81      <-> 
salf:SMD44_06162 glycosyl hydrolase                     K01201     491      351     0.576      85      <-> 
sact:DMT42_27600 glucosylceramidase                     K01201     622      347     0.531      96      <-> 
kit:CFP65_7124 glucosylceramidase                       K01201     620      346     0.613      80      <-> 
sspn:LXH13_28015 ricin-type beta-trefoil lectin domain  K01201     623      346     0.615      78      <-> 
stri:C7M71_003580 glucosylceramidase                    K01201     631      345     0.464      140     <-> 
sfa:Sfla_1811 glycoside hydrolase family 30             K01201     622      342     0.576      85      <-> 
sgf:HEP81_02509 glycosyl hydrolase                      K01201     621      342     0.610      77      <-> 
spri:SPRI_2334 glycosyl hydrolase                       K01201     619      342     0.561      82      <-> 
srj:SRO_2295 glucosylceramidase                         K01201     621      342     0.610      77      <-> 
strp:F750_5023 glycosyl hydrolase                       K01201     622      342     0.576      85      <-> 
abry:NYE86_13650 ricin-type beta-trefoil lectin domain  K01201     605      340     0.568      81      <-> 
scx:AS200_15770 glucosylceramidase                      K01201     621      340     0.603      78      <-> 
sma:SAVERM_2709 putative glycosyl hydrolase, secreted   K01201     647      340     0.615      78      <-> 
staa:LDH80_04885 ricin-type beta-trefoil lectin domain  K01201     629      340     0.576      85      <-> 
actq:OG417_42220 RICIN domain-containing protein        K01201     628      338     0.562      80      <-> 
aou:ACTOB_000861 ricin-type beta-trefoil lectin domain  K01201     615      338     0.593      81      <-> 
sauo:BV401_25885 glucosylceramidase                     K01201     503      337     0.488      123     <-> 
srw:TUE45_06036 Glucan endo-1,3-beta-glucosidase precur K01201     621      337     0.565      85      <-> 
ssoi:I1A49_26125 glucosylceramidase                     K01201     503      337     0.488      123     <-> 
stpb:QR97_09225 glucosylceramidase                      K01201     599      337     0.565      85      <-> 
ssx:SACTE_4730 Ricin B lectin                           K01201     622      336     0.520      98      <-> 
aih:Aiant_52040 glucosylceramidase                      K01201     615      335     0.580      81      <-> 
sdd:D9753_10380 glucosylceramidase                      K01201     621      335     0.590      78      <-> 
svl:Strvi_0841 glycoside hydrolase family 30            K01201     503      335     0.580      81      <-> 
ume:RM788_30435 ricin-type beta-trefoil lectin domain p K01201     621      335     0.525      99      <-> 
sbro:GQF42_30400 glucosylceramidase                     K01201     624      334     0.610      77      <-> 
acts:ACWT_0917 glucosylceramidase                       K01201     615      333     0.568      81      <-> 
ase:ACPL_1035 glucosylceramidase                        K01201     615      333     0.568      81      <-> 
plk:CIK06_25545 glucosylceramidase                      K01201     638      333     0.593      81      <-> 
aacd:LWP59_20235 ricin-type beta-trefoil lectin domain  K01201     617      332     0.610      77      <-> 
smib:SMIR_09905 lectin                                  K01201     622      332     0.543      81      <-> 
src:M271_21800 glucosylceramidase                       K01201     487      332     0.568      81      <-> 
sfy:GFH48_13300 glucosylceramidase                      K01201     607      331     0.577      78      <-> 
sci:B446_25955 glycosyl hydrolase                       K01201     622      330     0.597      77      <-> 
smal:SMALA_4410 glycosyl hydrolase                      K01201     503      330     0.480      123     <-> 
sarg:HKX69_10010 glucosylceramidase                     K01201     621      329     0.584      77      <-> 
sho:SHJGH_6397 glycosyl hydrolase                       K01201     599      329     0.584      77      <-> 
shy:SHJG_6637 glycosyl hydrolase                        K01201     599      329     0.584      77      <-> 
spun:BFF78_13420 glucosylceramidase                     K01201     621      329     0.597      77      <-> 
sgd:ELQ87_11945 glucosylceramidase                      K01201     621      328     0.590      78      <-> 
cros:N8J89_11595 glycoside hydrolase family 30 beta san K01201     532      327     0.580      81      <-> 
sgs:AVL59_08715 glucosylceramidase                      K01201     621      327     0.584      77      <-> 
snq:CP978_23790 glucosylceramidase                      K01201     596      327     0.549      82      <-> 
scyn:N8I84_27980 ricin-type beta-trefoil lectin domain  K01201     620      326     0.566      83      <-> 
sdx:C4B68_11600 glucosylceramidase                      K01201     608      326     0.564      78      <-> 
agla:OIE69_11170 RICIN domain-containing protein        K01201     651      325     0.538      91      <-> 
mtem:GCE86_10600 glucosylceramidase                     K01201     625      322     0.495      101     <-> 
sals:SLNWT_1706 glucosylceramidase                      K01201     544      322     0.556      81      <-> 
mfeu:H1D33_20830 lectin                                 K01201     627      320     0.495      101     <-> 
snw:BBN63_09080 glucosylceramidase                      K01201     615      320     0.512      82      <-> 
sdw:K7C20_31305 glucosylceramidase                      K01201     485      318     0.549      82      <-> 
mhaw:RMN56_27510 RICIN domain-containing protein        K01201     631      317     0.485      101     <-> 
scyg:S1361_27450 Glucan endo-1,3-beta-glucosidase precu K01201     621      316     0.558      77      <-> 
sseo:D0Z67_20745 glucosylceramidase                     K01201     599      316     0.558      77      <-> 
sinn:ABB07_11405 glucosylceramidase                     K01201     624      315     0.545      77      <-> 
actn:L083_6234 glycosyl hydrolase                       K01201     619      314     0.465      101     <-> 
dmat:Dmats_14715 ricin-type beta-trefoil lectin domain  K01201     622      313     0.551      78      <-> 
dvc:Dvina_15265 ricin-type beta-trefoil lectin domain p K01201     622      313     0.551      78      <-> 
pfla:Pflav_002310 glucosylceramidase                    K01201     624      313     0.505      101     <-> 
pry:Prubr_60250 glucosylceramidase                      K01201     641      313     0.598      82      <-> 
sna:Snas_5017 glycoside hydrolase family 30             K01201     484      313     0.543      81      <-> 
asic:Q0Z83_079700 ricin-type beta-trefoil lectin domain K01201     613      312     0.485      101     <-> 
cati:CS0771_66900 glucosylceramidase                    K01201     632      312     0.465      101     <-> 
nfs:OIE67_06520 ricin-type beta-trefoil lectin domain p K01201     617      309     0.447      123     <-> 
dact:KZZ52_38870 ricin-type beta-trefoil lectin domain  K01201     634      308     0.465      101     <-> 
sgx:H4W23_39470 ricin-type beta-trefoil lectin domain p K01201     603      308     0.465      101     <-> 
sgj:IAG43_06960 RICIN domain-containing protein         K01201     657      307     0.519      81      <-> 
kut:JJ691_51400 glucosylceramidase                      K01201     612      306     0.532      77      <-> 
amaz:LUW76_21445 ricin-type beta-trefoil lectin domain  K01201     639      305     0.505      101     <-> 
msag:GCM10017556_51890 glucosylceramidase               K01201     615      305     0.471      104     <-> 
ngn:LCN96_42690 ricin-type beta-trefoil lectin domain p K01201     613      305     0.455      101     <-> 
sacx:IOD16_28110 ricin-type beta-trefoil lectin domain  K01201     626      305     0.455      101     <-> 
snig:HEK616_45010 glucosylceramidase                    K01201     495      305     0.538      78      <-> 
noa:BKM31_58160 glucosylceramidase                      K01201     614      304     0.423      123     <-> 
psuu:Psuf_055980 glucosylceramidase                     K01201     632      301     0.519      81      <-> 
ssyi:EKG83_38325 glucosylceramidase                     K01201     624      300     0.494      81      <-> 
dfu:Dfulv_37670 ricin-type beta-trefoil lectin domain p K01201     627      299     0.446      101     <-> 
seng:OJ254_27080 glucosylceramidase                     K01201     460      298     0.526      78      <-> 
sve:SVEN_7349 secreted hydrolase                        K01201     654      298     0.481      81      <-> 
spra:CP972_02350 glucosylceramidase                     K01201     642      297     0.446      101     <-> 
actl:L3i22_008890 glucosylceramidase                    K01201     623      296     0.506      81      <-> 
sgu:SGLAU_31640 glycosyl hydrolase                      K01201     636      295     0.436      101     <-> 
sgv:B1H19_34690 glucosylceramidase                      K01201     514      295     0.470      100     <-> 
acte:ACTI_29040 glucosylceramidase                      K01201     615      294     0.481      81      <-> 
ams:AMIS_8420 putative glycosyl hydrolase               K01201     617      294     0.465      101     <-> 
scw:TU94_03410 glucosylceramidase                       K01201     612      293     0.449      98      <-> 
sld:T261_1135 hypothetical protein                      K01201     504      289     0.505      91      <-> 
kfl:Kfla_5264 Ricin B lectin                            K01201     632      285     0.537      82      <-> 
sle:sle_62120 Glucan endo-1,3-beta-glucosidase          K01201     640      284     0.439      98      <-> 
ksl:OG809_01085 ricin-type beta-trefoil lectin domain p K01201     621      276     0.500      82      <-> 
kqi:F1D05_09255 glucosylceramidase                      K01201     631      270     0.488      82      <-> 
kri:OX958_10200 ricin-type beta-trefoil lectin domain p K01201     634      270     0.500      82      <-> 
hoh:Hoch_6250 Glucan endo-1,6-beta-glucosidase          K01201     627      219     0.364      132     <-> 
sur:STAUR_3866 Glycoside hydrolase family 30            K01201     632      206     0.393      84       -> 
pjd:Pjdr2_3554 glycoside hydrolase family 30            K01201    1637      204     0.478      67      <-> 
pcel:HUB94_05550 glycosyl hydrolase                     K01201     482      201     0.457      70      <-> 
tpsc:RBB77_05900 glycoside hydrolase family 30 beta san K01201     475      201     0.402      82      <-> 
age:AA314_03284 putative glycosyl hydrolase             K01201     599      199     0.444      63       -> 
avm:JQX13_47990 RICIN domain-containing protein         K01201     632      199     0.393      84       -> 
cak:Caul_2067 glycoside hydrolase family 30             K01201     480      199     0.424      92      <-> 
temp:RBB75_06655 glycoside hydrolase family 30 beta san K01201     469      199     0.350      103     <-> 
tco:Theco_0926 O-glycosyl hydrolase                     K01201     481      198     0.446      74      <-> 
dtx:ATSB10_34740 hypothetical protein                   K01201     522      197     0.438      64      <-> 
bgok:Pr1d_38740 Glucuronoxylanase XynC precursor        K01201     727      196     0.456      68      <-> 
pjp:LAG73_18205 glycosyl hydrolase                      K01201     482      196     0.432      74      <-> 
dmr:Deima_0235 Glucan endo-1,6-beta-glucosidase         K01201     628      195     0.449      69       -> 
mbd:MEBOL_001472 glycosyl hydrolase                     K01201     640      195     0.439      66       -> 
dfe:Dfer_5601 Glucan endo-1,6-beta-glucosidase          K01201     505      189     0.354      113     <-> 
rfr:Rfer_1106 glycoside hydrolase, family 30            K01201     488      189     0.402      87      <-> 
balb:M8231_03185 glycosyl hydrolase                     K01201     448      188     0.381      113     <-> 
lanh:KR767_09270 glycosyl hydrolase                     K01201     517      186     0.360      114     <-> 
rphi:132737356 uncharacterized protein LOC132737356     K22276     484      186     0.429      77      <-> 
dfq:NFI81_03805 glucan endo-1,6-beta-glucosidase        K01201     485      184     0.345      113     <-> 
fak:FUA48_04910 glucan endo-1,6-beta-glucosidase        K01201     484      184     0.352      105     <-> 
fal:FRAAL6101 putative Glycosyl hydrolase               K01201     878      184     0.402      87       -> 
pswu:SY83_05260 glucan endo-1,6-beta-glucosidase        K01201     623      184     0.477      65      <-> 
lfl:IM816_17670 glycosyl hydrolase                      K01201     531      182     0.403      72      <-> 
lxl:KDY119_03486 Glucosylceramidase                     K01201     523      181     0.558      43      <-> 
mmer:123525833 uncharacterized protein LOC123525833     K22276     470      181     0.395      81      <-> 
pmax:117329204 endo-1,6-beta-D-glucanase neg1-like      K22276     455      181     0.431      72      <-> 
pais:PFX98_20390 glycoside hydrolase family 30 beta san K01201     481      180     0.429      84      <-> 
paqa:K9V56_012095 glycoside hydrolase family 30 beta sa K01201     493      180     0.352      108     <-> 
sdrz:NEH16_29890 RICIN domain-containing protein        K01201     633      180     0.354      99       -> 
llh:I41_23640 O-Glycosyl hydrolase family 30            K01201     732      179     0.342      120     <-> 
myi:110447103 endo-1,6-beta-D-glucanase neg1-like       K22276     468      179     0.356      90      <-> 
rhoz:GXP67_02265 hypothetical protein                   K01201     488      179     0.400      85      <-> 
bmed:GYM46_12240 glycosyl hydrolase                     K01201     471      178     0.336      131     <-> 
chf:KTO58_18870 hypothetical protein                    K01201     484      178     0.395      86      <-> 
chim:CK934_09940 glucan endo-1,6-beta-glucosidase       K01201     484      178     0.395      86      <-> 
ntx:NQZ71_24875 beta-1,6-glucanase                      K01201     491      178     0.453      64      <-> 
trs:Terro_0753 O-glycosyl hydrolase                     K01201     468      178     0.294      126     <-> 
acl:ACL_0726 glycosyl hydrolase, family 30              K01201     493      176     0.336      113     <-> 
cvn:111114949 endo-1,6-beta-D-glucanase BGN16.3-like is K22276     471      176     0.381      84      <-> 
dyg:DYGSA30_04410 glucosylceramidase                    K01201     523      176     0.363      91      <-> 
ppy:PPE_00923 beta-1,6-glucanase                        K01201     505      176     0.391      87      <-> 
rgl:CS053_06725 glycosyl hydrolase                      K01201     510      176     0.317      104     <-> 
aba:Acid345_4153 Glucosylceramidase                     K01201     472      175     0.354      82      <-> 
crg:105348565 endo-1,6-beta-D-glucanase BGN16.3         K22276     471      175     0.437      71      <-> 
led:BBK82_39030 glucan endo-1,6-beta-glucosidase        K01201     623      175     0.548      42      <-> 
mym:A176_004222 putative glycosyl hydrolase             K01201     615      175     0.345      84       -> 
canu:128184198 uncharacterized protein LOC128184198     K22276     471      174     0.423      71      <-> 
hcu:MUN79_09415 RICIN domain-containing protein         K01201     724      174     0.429      63       -> 
laeg:L2Y94_01155 glycosyl hydrolase                     K01201     520      174     0.405      74      <-> 
laeo:L2Y97_01110 glycosyl hydrolase                     K01201     520      174     0.361      97      <-> 
rhd:R2APBS1_0443 O-glycosyl hydrolase                   K01201     530      174     0.340      97      <-> 
sphc:CVN68_20500 glycosyl hydrolase                     K01201     472      174     0.357      115     <-> 
xhy:FZ025_15685 glycosyl hydrolase                      K01201     489      174     0.376      101     <-> 
dji:CH75_19805 glycosyl hydrolase                       K01201     508      173     0.322      115     <-> 
taid:KS242_13585 beta-1,6-glucanase                     K01201     481      173     0.439      66      <-> 
tmj:P0M04_15995 glycoside hydrolase family 30 beta sand K01201     466      173     0.460      63      <-> 
brd:JL11_06915 glycosyl hydrolase                       K01201     468      172     0.431      72      <-> 
mrob:HH214_06315 glucosylceramidase                                491      172     0.365      74      <-> 
pmex:H4W19_08260 glycosyl hydrolase                     K01201     487      172     0.330      115     <-> 
sphs:ETR14_13870 glycosyl hydrolase                     K01201     468      172     0.333      108     <-> 
cfus:CYFUS_008072 glycosyl hydrolase                    K01201     632      171     0.406      64       -> 
kis:HUT16_31735 discoidin domain-containing protein                641      171     0.439      57      <-> 
nil:L8T27_019535 beta-1,6-glucanase                     K01201     493      171     0.405      74      <-> 
pwi:MWN52_00505 glycosyl hydrolase                      K01201     477      171     0.417      72      <-> 
csac:SIO70_30095 glycoside hydrolase family 30 beta san K01201     477      170     0.375      72      <-> 
cthd:CDO33_14440 glycosyl hydrolase                     K01201     507      170     0.414      70      <-> 
fpsz:AMR72_11265 glucan endo-1,6-beta-glucosidase       K01201     487      170     0.324      111     <-> 
htb:MTX78_11055 glucosylceramidase                      K01201     501      170     0.525      59      <-> 
maea:128228056 uncharacterized protein LOC128228056     K22276     482      170     0.352      88      <-> 
mgk:FSB76_11700 glucosylceramidase                      K01201     486      170     0.378      74      <-> 
mum:FCL38_18205 glycosyl hydrolase                      K01201     474      170     0.403      72      <-> 
dug:HH213_11970 glycosyl hydrolase                      K01201     486      169     0.365      96      <-> 
pamy:P9222_33010 glycoside hydrolase family 30 beta san K01201     516      169     0.395      81      <-> 
plue:EWM63_15160 glycosyl hydrolase                     K01201     474      169     0.403      72      <-> 
dta:DYST_02658 glycosyl hydrolase                       K01201     536      168     0.313      115     <-> 
dtl:H8F01_16515 glycosyl hydrolase                      K01201     516      168     0.328      116     <-> 
masw:AM586_18495 glycosyl hydrolase                     K01201     469      168     0.343      105     <-> 
paea:R70723_24020 beta-1,6-glucanase                    K01201     501      168     0.378      90      <-> 
ppm:PPSC2_04785 beta-1,6-glucanase                      K01201     505      168     0.379      87      <-> 
ppo:PPM_0899 O-Glycosyl hydrolase family 30             K01201     505      168     0.379      87      <-> 
zpr:ZPR_4392 glycoside hydrolase family 30              K01201     482      168     0.309      110     <-> 
chrw:KA713_11845 glucosylceramidase                     K01201     471      167     0.360      75      <-> 
hcw:O3303_01825 glucosylceramidase                      K01201     486      167     0.453      64      <-> 
hym:N008_01835 hypothetical protein                     K01201     468      167     0.453      64      <-> 
lrz:BJI69_06150 glycosyl hydrolase                      K01201     475      167     0.353      85      <-> 
oed:125647821 uncharacterized protein LOC125647821      K22276     472      167     0.357      84      <-> 
pkb:B4V02_20485 beta-1,6-glucanase                      K01201     508      167     0.379      87      <-> 
psty:BFS30_16315 glucan endo-1,6-beta-glucosidase       K01201     617      167     0.345      113     <-> 
hsw:Hsw_1828 O-glycosyl hydrolase                       K01201     483      166     0.508      63      <-> 
mali:EYF70_00270 glycosyl hydrolase                     K01201     493      166     0.403      72      <-> 
ppoy:RE92_07175 beta-1,6-glucanase                      K01201     505      166     0.424      66      <-> 
ppq:PPSQR21_009550 glycoside hydrolase family protein   K01201     505      166     0.424      66      <-> 
rth:LRK53_17590 glycosyl hydrolase                      K01201     523      166     0.330      97      <-> 
xth:G4Q83_13560 glycosyl hydrolase                      K01201     506      166     0.337      104     <-> 
hcf:MUN80_08705 glucosylceramidase                      K01201     500      165     0.375      112     <-> 
pdh:B9T62_24765 beta-1,6-glucanase                      K01201     494      165     0.421      76      <-> 
ppeo:ABE82_04585 beta-1,6-glucanase                     K01201     505      165     0.424      66      <-> 
ppol:X809_04430 beta-1,6-glucanase                      K01201     505      165     0.424      66      <-> 
stee:F3L20_32680 glycosyl hydrolase                     K01201     628      165     0.351      94       -> 
afla:FHG64_17810 glucosylceramidase                     K01201     473      164     0.320      103     <-> 
cfh:C1707_14830 glycosyl hydrolase                      K01201     472      164     0.353      85      <-> 
fao:SHINM13_09600 glucosylceramidase                               468      164     0.342      76      <-> 
gaa:HX109_06695 glucan endo-1,6-beta-glucosidase        K01201     484      164     0.409      66      <-> 
pont:C1N53_13500 glucosylceramidase                     K01201     475      164     0.351      74      <-> 
pwn:QNH46_01955 S-layer homology domain-containing prot           1895      164     0.444      63       -> 
sde:Sde_2994 putative retaining b-glycosidase           K01201     481      164     0.405      79      <-> 
sprf:K4G22_08020 glycosyl hydrolase                     K01201     472      164     0.357      140     <-> 
ccx:COCOR_05184 glucan endo-1,6-beta-glucosidase        K01201     630      163     0.394      66       -> 
dom:RRU94_04140 glycoside hydrolase family 30 beta sand K01201     498      163     0.413      63      <-> 
kbb:ccbrp13_25520 hypothetical protein                  K01201     771      163     0.356      73      <-> 
laes:L2Y96_01075 glycosyl hydrolase                     K01201     525      163     0.348      89      <-> 
mfla:GO485_13675 glycosyl hydrolase                     K01201     478      163     0.348      92      <-> 
muc:MuYL_0315 Glucuronoxylanase XynC precursor          K01201     490      163     0.407      59      <-> 
mup:A0256_04470 glucan endo-1,6-beta-glucosidase        K01201     622      163     0.508      59      <-> 
chk:D4L85_05195 glucan endo-1,6-beta-glucosidase        K01201     470      162     0.412      68      <-> 
mcad:Pan265_08650 O-Glycosyl hydrolase family 30        K01201     639      162     0.367      79      <-> 
muh:HYN43_023990 glucan endo-1,6-beta-glucosidase       K01201     622      162     0.439      66      <-> 
cgot:J1899_02330 beta-1,6-glucanase                     K01201     482      161     0.405      74      <-> 
mart:BTR34_08075 glucosylceramidase                     K01201     483      161     0.441      59      <-> 
mjj:PQO05_07495 glycoside hydrolase family 30 beta sand            474      161     0.392      74      <-> 
kab:B7C62_00265 glycosyl hydrolase                      K01201     632      160     0.393      61       -> 
lpy:FIV34_01155 glycosyl hydrolase                      K01201     520      160     0.375      64      <-> 
pko:PKOR_13640 glucosylceramidase                       K01201     482      160     0.356      73      <-> 
ccr:CC_1757 glycosyl hydrolase, family 30               K01201     469      159     0.405      74      <-> 
ccs:CCNA_01833 glucosylceramidase                       K01201     469      159     0.405      74      <-> 
fbm:MQE35_12915 glucosylceramidase                                 486      159     0.318      107     <-> 
gob:Gobs_1516 glycoside hydrolase family 30             K01201     481      159     0.366      82      <-> 
pcm:AY601_1481 Glucan endo-1,6-beta-glucosidase         K01201     615      159     0.390      77      <-> 
pex:IZT61_07235 glucosylceramidase                      K01201     479      159     0.385      78      <-> 
scye:R2B67_35470 RICIN domain-containing protein        K01201     632      159     0.333      105      -> 
cauf:CSW63_12165 glycosyl hydrolase                     K01201     469      158     0.422      64      <-> 
daur:Daura_05900 discoidin domain-containing protein               640      158     0.538      39      <-> 
fhu:M0M44_08060 glucosylceramidase                      K01201     490      158     0.383      60      <-> 
mgot:MgSA37_00353 Glucuronoxylanase XynC precursor      K01201     491      158     0.429      63      <-> 
msut:LC048_20785 carbohydrate-binding protein                     1267      158     0.323      127      -> 
ttg:P8625_07260 Ig-like domain-containing protein       K01201     852      158     0.371      70       -> 
hyk:O9Z63_03590 glucosylceramidase                      K01201     484      157     0.438      64      <-> 
paih:ASL14_06960 beta-1,6-glucanase                     K01201     505      157     0.422      64      <-> 
plig:NAG76_20790 S-layer homology domain-containing pro           1452      157     0.377      69       -> 
pta:HPL003_12515 beta-1,6-glucanase                     K01201     519      157     0.422      64      <-> 
fki:FK004_03300 glucosylceramidase                      K01201     470      156     0.311      103     <-> 
fpal:HYN49_07780 glucosylceramidase                     K01201     469      156     0.297      111     <-> 
hyp:A0257_09330 glucosylceramidase                      K01201     467      156     0.422      64      <-> 
mdj:LLH06_11665 glucosylceramidase                      K01201     489      156     0.444      54      <-> 
paee:R70331_22955 beta-1,6-glucanase                    K01201     502      156     0.369      84      <-> 
ail:FLP10_11440 glucan endo-1,6-beta-glucosidase        K01201     646      155     0.525      40      <-> 
ark:D6B99_01815 glucosylceramidase                      K01201     484      155     0.342      76      <-> 
chih:GWR21_12945 glucosylceramidase                     K01201     485      155     0.364      77      <-> 
cpi:Cpin_6736 glycoside hydrolase family 30             K01201     485      155     0.364      77      <-> 
hyj:FHG12_07475 glucosylceramidase                      K01201     478      155     0.385      78      <-> 
mrub:DEO27_025370 glucan endo-1,6-beta-glucosidase      K01201     627      155     0.424      66      <-> 
nps:KRR39_07670 hypothetical protein                    K01201     473      155     0.357      84      <-> 
proe:H9L23_16465 glucosylceramidase                     K01201     482      155     0.372      78      <-> 
scav:CVT27_00195 glycosyl hydrolase                     K01201     632      155     0.308      104      -> 
hsb:MWH26_09790 glucosylceramidase                      K01201     485      154     0.424      59      <-> 
mgos:DIU38_026685 glucan endo-1,6-beta-glucosidase      K01201     625      154     0.424      66      <-> 
pmae:LMZ02_11530 beta-1,6-glucanase                     K01201     480      154     0.376      85      <-> 
scz:ABE83_34320 glycosyl hydrolase                      K01201     632      154     0.377      61       -> 
stry:EQG64_00440 glycosyl hydrolase                     K01201     632      154     0.377      61       -> 
cfil:MYF79_29365 glucosylceramidase                     K01201     485      153     0.377      77      <-> 
chit:FW415_15600 glucosylceramidase                     K01201     483      153     0.397      58      <-> 
fla:SY85_11600 glucosylceramidase                       K01201     480      153     0.300      110     <-> 
gph:GEMMAAP_01490 hypothetical protein                  K01201     479      153     0.354      82      <-> 
hye:AM218_09000 glucosylceramidase                      K01201     481      153     0.378      74      <-> 
nko:Niako_6170 Glucan endo-1,6-beta-glucosidase         K01201     486      153     0.377      77      <-> 
sanl:KZO11_00215 RICIN domain-containing protein        K01201     632      153     0.377      61       -> 
sfol:H3H32_12830 glucosylceramidase                     K01201     487      153     0.545      44      <-> 
sgb:WQO_00670 glycosyl hydrolase                        K01201     632      153     0.377      61       -> 
sgr:SGR_6911 putative glycosyl hydrolase                K01201     611      153     0.377      61       -> 
spik:EXU85_16315 glucosylceramidase                     K01201     486      153     0.337      98      <-> 
atee:K9M52_13120 glucosylceramidase                     K01201     482      152     0.368      76      <-> 
emg:BBD33_04625 glucan endo-1,6-beta-glucosidase        K01201     475      152     0.429      63      <-> 
fae:FAES_2215 glucosylceramidase                        K01201     479      152     0.387      75      <-> 
hmt:MTP16_14835 glucosylceramidase                      K01201     483      152     0.305      128     <-> 
anf:AQPE_3806 glucosylceramidase                        K01201     477      151     0.338      74      <-> 
clac:EG342_16400 glucosylceramidase                     K01201     475      151     0.329      76      <-> 
emz:MB380_16780 glucosylceramidase                      K01201     458      151     0.347      72      <-> 
mpli:E1742_25285 glycosyl hydrolase                     K01201     523      151     0.353      85      <-> 
ppn:Palpr_0238 Glucan endo-1,6-beta-glucosidase         K01201     485      151     0.338      77      <-> 
sast:CD934_32485 glycosyl hydrolase                     K01201     637      151     0.377      61       -> 
sfi:SFUL_261 Glucan endo-1,6-beta-glucosidase           K01201     632      151     0.377      61       -> 
sli:Slin_2261 glucan endo-1,6-beta-glucosidase          K01201     514      151     0.337      98      <-> 
aoc:Aocu_07950 Glycosyl hydrolase, family 30            K01201     480      150     0.413      63      <-> 
arb:A9P82_07945 hypothetical protein                    K01201     582      150     0.435      62      <-> 
dpol:127862040 uncharacterized protein LOC127862040     K22276     472      150     0.347      72      <-> 
flw:LVD16_22670 glucosylceramidase                      K01201     474      150     0.511      45      <-> 
hrs:HER32_09865 glucosylceramidase                      K01201     471      150     0.380      79      <-> 
pmuo:LOK61_12260 glucosylceramidase                     K01201     482      150     0.372      78      <-> 
psek:GCM125_11400 hypothetical protein                  K01201     652      150     0.489      45      <-> 
dyh:G7051_11725 glucosylceramidase                      K01201     486      149     0.341      82      <-> 
dys:G7050_11420 glucosylceramidase                      K01201     486      149     0.341      82      <-> 
hyz:AXW84_01680 glucosylceramidase                      K01201     464      149     0.424      59      <-> 
mcaf:127718046 uncharacterized protein LOC127718046                476      149     0.385      78      <-> 
ppsv:PEPS_28540 glucosylceramidase                      K01201     467      149     0.360      89      <-> 
run:DR864_19905 glucosylceramidase                      K01201     455      149     0.353      68      <-> 
foh:FORMA_09910 glucosylceramidase                      K01201     434      148     0.397      78      <-> 
hts:HMJ29_13645 glucosylceramidase                      K01201     486      148     0.426      54      <-> 
pek:FFJ24_017845 glucosylceramidase                     K01201     465      148     0.311      122     <-> 
scin:CP977_29540 glycosyl hydrolase                     K01201     621      148     0.321      78       -> 
shg:Sph21_2358 Glucan endo-1,6-beta-glucosidase         K01201     476      148     0.344      90      <-> 
taj:C1A40_06070 glucosylceramidase                      K01201     483      148     0.475      61      <-> 
fbe:FF125_07475 glucosylceramidase                      K01201     488      147     0.329      76      <-> 
fbt:D770_25550 O-glycosyl hydrolase                     K01201     485      147     0.433      60      <-> 
haei:MUN82_14610 glucosylceramidase                     K01201     479      147     0.385      78      <-> 
seon:BWZ22_03100 glucosylceramidase                     K01201     472      147     0.390      59      <-> 
carh:EGY05_07255 glucosylceramidase                     K01201     478      146     0.342      76      <-> 
cjt:EG359_01475 glucosylceramidase                      K01201     474      146     0.377      61      <-> 
fcr:HYN56_08125 glucosylceramidase                      K01201     490      146     0.350      60      <-> 
fpb:NLJ00_08255 glucosylceramidase                      K01201     490      146     0.367      60      <-> 
rsi:Runsl_2268 Glucan endo-1,6-beta-glucosidase         K01201     459      145     0.367      60      <-> 
theo:IMW88_09515 glucosylceramidase                     K01201     509      145     0.321      84      <-> 
cben:EG339_16555 glucosylceramidase                     K01201     474      144     0.314      86      <-> 
coy:HF329_11365 glucosylceramidase                      K01201     473      144     0.367      79      <-> 
crhi:KB553_02135 glucosylceramidase                     K01201     474      144     0.314      86      <-> 
fjg:BB050_01049 Glucuronoxylanase XynC precursor        K01201     486      144     0.350      60      <-> 
pseg:D3H65_24155 glucosylceramidase                     K01201     480      144     0.324      74      <-> 
smui:I6J00_10110 glucosylceramidase                     K01201     498      144     0.355      62      <-> 
spir:CWM47_13445 glucosylceramidase                     K01201     478      144     0.535      43      <-> 
sus:Acid_2638 Glucosylceramidase                        K01201     463      144     0.478      46      <-> 
ccuc:JNG87_06695 glucosylceramidase                     K01201     474      143     0.329      76      <-> 
cio:CEQ15_04970 glucosylceramidase                      K01201     474      143     0.337      89      <-> 
ffl:HYN86_07280 glucosylceramidase                      K01201     490      143     0.350      60      <-> 
pbuc:LK429_11590 glucosylceramidase                     K01201     517      143     0.333      87      <-> 
rud:TH61_05255 glucosylceramidase                       K01201     477      143     0.392      79      <-> 
abra:BN85313370 Glycosyl hydrolase, family 30           K01201     448      142     0.382      68      <-> 
clit:OQ292_26290 glucosylceramidase                     K01201     469      142     0.371      70      <-> 
cnk:EG343_00015 glucosylceramidase                      K01201     474      142     0.377      61      <-> 
fbr:FBFL15_1323 Glycoside hydrolase precursor, family 3 K01201     477      142     0.350      60      <-> 
fke:MG292_05190 glucosylceramidase                      K01201     482      142     0.361      61      <-> 
hsk:H4317_05920 glucosylceramidase                      K01201     480      142     0.424      59      <-> 
kaq:L0B70_12870 glucosylceramidase                                 489      142     0.407      54      <-> 
oli:FKG96_08795 glucosylceramidase                      K01201     476      142     0.403      62      <-> 
cih:ATE47_06440 glucosylceramidase                      K01201     485      141     0.345      84      <-> 
eol:Emtol_1140 glycoside hydrolase family 30            K01201     458      141     0.319      72      <-> 
fia:NA23_02550 glycosyl hydrolase                       K01201     449      141     0.355      62      <-> 
flv:KJS94_15340 glucosylceramidase                      K01201     477      141     0.360      75      <-> 
frr:IB67_04110 glycosyl hydrolase                       K01201     448      141     0.355      62      <-> 
kphy:AOZ06_17340 hypothetical protein                   K01201     602      141     0.468      47       -> 
ppab:KET34_04840 beta-1,6-glucanase                     K01201     521      141     0.366      71      <-> 
sze:AW14_13740 glucosylceramidase                       K01201     486      141     0.475      40      <-> 
fjo:Fjoh_1905 Candidate beta-glycosidase; glycoside hyd K01201     715      140     0.379      58       -> 
fpe:Ferpe_0453 O-glycosyl hydrolase                     K01201     495      140     0.371      62      <-> 
sbam:SCB77_08085 glycoside hydrolase family 30 beta san K01201     496      140     0.309      81      <-> 
ccab:PFY12_01290 glucosylceramidase                     K01201     476      139     0.329      82      <-> 
cgle:NCTC11432_00326 Glucuronoxylanase xynC precursor   K01201     474      139     0.302      86      <-> 
chrj:CHRYMOREF3P_4928 Glucosylceramidase                K01201     473      139     0.329      76      <-> 
eze:KI430_03160 glucosylceramidase                      K01201     485      139     0.391      64      <-> 
flc:KJS93_19135 glucosylceramidase                      K01201     462      139     0.333      81      <-> 
fll:EI427_22845 glucosylceramidase                      K01201     486      139     0.468      47      <-> 
fplu:NLG42_07525 glucosylceramidase                     K01201     490      139     0.375      56      <-> 
prn:BW723_00390 glucosylceramidase                      K01201     476      139     0.382      68      <-> 
senf:GJR95_00045 glucosylceramidase                     K01201     475      139     0.525      40      <-> 
spib:G8759_17205 glucosylceramidase                     K01201     475      139     0.525      40      <-> 
asen:NQ519_13145 glucosylceramidase                     K01201     502      138     0.370      73      <-> 
chz:CHSO_2275 glucosylceramidase                        K01201     474      138     0.377      61      <-> 
cnp:M0D58_01985 glucosylceramidase                      K01201     489      138     0.411      56      <-> 
cpol:WJU16_24210 glycoside hydrolase family 30 beta san K01201     474      138     0.306      72      <-> 
csha:EG350_11010 glucosylceramidase                     K01201     489      138     0.411      56      <-> 
fan:GENT5_09200 glucosylceramidase                                 482      138     0.367      60      <-> 
fib:A6C57_23955 glucosylceramidase                      K01201     456      138     0.327      98      <-> 
fno:Fnod_0296 Glucan endo-1,6-beta-glucosidase          K01201     484      138     0.355      62      <-> 
mmab:HQ865_19930 glucosylceramidase                     K01201     466      138     0.525      40      <-> 
nyn:U0035_01755 glycoside hydrolase family 30 beta sand K01201     480      138     0.314      86      <-> 
skr:BRX40_17320 glycosyl hydrolase                      K01201     470      138     0.315      89      <-> 
ccm:Ccan_14050 Glucan endo-1,6-beta-glucosidase BGN163  K01201     482      137     0.338      71      <-> 
ccyn:CGC48_06540 glucosylceramidase                     K01201     488      137     0.338      71      <-> 
cgn:OK18_16725 glucosylceramidase                       K01201     473      137     0.329      76      <-> 
fen:J0383_08065 glucosylceramidase                      K01201     488      137     0.328      61      <-> 
fka:KM029_23585 glucosylceramidase                      K01201     476      137     0.468      47      <-> 
hvl:MUN86_23945 glucosylceramidase                      K01201     477      137     0.440      50      <-> 
pfer:IRI77_27850 glucosylceramidase                     K01201     500      137     0.512      41      <-> 
pui:PUW25_03940 glycoside hydrolase family 30 beta sand K01201     448      137     0.375      64      <-> 
acm:AciX9_3990 Glucan endo-1,6-beta-glucosidase         K01201     471      136     0.435      46      <-> 
act:ACLA_060250 beta-1,6-glucanase, putative            K22276     488      136     0.342      73      <-> 
soq:LQ777_08410 glucosylceramidase                      K01201     475      136     0.525      40      <-> 
tsa:AciPR4_1330 Glucan endo-1,6-beta-glucosidase        K01201     463      136     0.467      45      <-> 
algo:GYM62_04950 glucosylceramidase                     K01201     462      135     0.347      75      <-> 
cfae:LL667_00925 glucosylceramidase                     K01201     479      135     0.349      83      <-> 
cgam:PFY09_01615 glucosylceramidase                     K01201     491      135     0.407      59      <-> 
cpip:CJF12_05685 glucosylceramidase                     K01201     476      135     0.342      79      <-> 
fav:LNP19_02250 glucosylceramidase                      K01201     475      135     0.393      61      <-> 
fbi:L0669_10000 RICIN domain-containing protein         K01201     716      135     0.379      58       -> 
fln:FLA_4245 glucan endo-1,6-beta-glucosidase           K01201     466      135     0.488      43      <-> 
fpec:Q1W71_22225 RICIN domain-containing protein        K01201     714      135     0.379      58       -> 
lmoi:VV02_13560 hypothetical protein                    K01201     449      135     0.359      64      <-> 
psez:HME7025_01562 Glucosylceramidase                   K01201     468      135     0.348      66      <-> 
sdj:NCTC13534_00557 Glucuronoxylanase xynC precursor    K01201     497      135     0.310      71      <-> 
ash:AL1_02150 O-Glycosyl hydrolase                      K01201     504      134     0.356      73      <-> 
ccau:EG346_20765 glucosylceramidase                     K01201     475      134     0.303      76      <-> 
cflu:ODZ84_00930 glucosylceramidase                     K01201     486      134     0.407      59      <-> 
fop:FNB79_16520 glucosylceramidase                      K01201     476      134     0.424      59      <-> 
nso:NIASO_15870 glucosylceramidase                      K01201     482      134     0.379      58      <-> 
prk:H9N25_16740 glucosylceramidase                      K01201     465      134     0.391      64      <-> 
scn:Solca_1073 O-glycosyl hydrolase                     K01201     467      134     0.440      50      <-> 
sop:PQ465_17870 glycoside hydrolase family 30 beta sand K01201     496      134     0.338      71      <-> 
sphz:E3D81_08325 glucosylceramidase                     K01201     480      134     0.310      71      <-> 
aluc:AKAW2_10034A endo-1,6-beta-D-glucanase Neg1        K22276     499      133     0.333      72      <-> 
arac:E0W69_003090 glucosylceramidase                    K01201     436      133     0.500      46      <-> 
ccao:H5J24_11335 glucosylceramidase                     K01201     474      133     0.361      61      <-> 
csto:CGC58_05750 glucosylceramidase                     K01201     488      133     0.338      71      <-> 
fcs:TRV642_1598 glycoside hydrolase, family GH30 lipopr            480      133     0.350      60      <-> 
fgg:FSB75_20215 glucosylceramidase                      K01201     481      133     0.333      108     <-> 
pfy:PFICI_15182 Endo-1,6-beta-D-glucanase               K22276     482      133     0.362      69      <-> 
smiz:4412673_00524 Glucuronoxylanase xynC precursor     K01201     498      133     0.310      71      <-> 
bth:BT_3312 glucosylceramidase precursor                K01201     496      132     0.310      71      <-> 
btho:Btheta7330_04987 O-Glycosyl hydrolase family 30    K01201     493      132     0.310      71      <-> 
cdae:MUU74_14585 glycosyl hydrolase                     K01201     487      132     0.393      56      <-> 
falb:HYN59_11710 glucosylceramidase                     K01201     482      132     0.333      60      <-> 
sabu:MBM09_08780 glucosylceramidase                     K01201     483      132     0.348      69      <-> 
aanh:G9X63_09630 glucosylceramidase                                440      131     0.345      58      <-> 
bfin:BFINE_07580 hypothetical protein                   K01201     312      131     0.310      71      <-> 
cbp:EB354_08450 glucosylceramidase                      K01201     478      131     0.339      59      <-> 
gma:AciX8_4163 Glucan endo-1,6-beta-glucosidase         K01201     478      131     0.467      45      <-> 
grb:GOB94_04185 glucosylceramidase                                 474      131     0.489      45      <-> 
palr:HGI30_04115 glucan endo-1,6-beta-glucosidase       K01201     502      131     0.342      79      <-> 
tatv:25784500 uncharacterized protein                   K22276     382      131     0.342      73      <-> 
alen:G9X62_09765 glucosylceramidase                                440      130     0.345      58      <-> 
boa:Bovatus_03422 O-Glycosyl hydrolase family 30        K01201     493      130     0.310      71      <-> 
chry:CEY12_02155 glucosylceramidase                     K01201     476      130     0.391      64      <-> 
ctai:NCTC12078_00584 Glucuronoxylanase xynC precursor   K01201     487      130     0.328      61      <-> 
lacs:H4075_08370 glucosylceramidase                     K01201     478      130     0.307      75      <-> 
pbv:AR543_12570 glucan endo-1,6-beta-glucosidase        K01201     497      130     0.371      70      <-> 
ssed:H9L14_11760 hypothetical protein                              184      130     0.359      64      <-> 
anp:FK178_13180 glucosylceramidase                      K01201     479      129     0.375      56      <-> 
gfl:GRFL_0925 Glycosyl hydrolase, family 30             K01201     499      129     0.359      64      <-> 
msab:SNE25_01875 glycoside hydrolase family 30 beta san K01201     469      129     0.488      41      <-> 
pher:prwr041_12780 glucosylceramidase                   K01201     480      129     0.373      67      <-> 
tasp:36609053 Endo-1,6-beta-D-glucanase BGN16.3         K22276     492      129     0.342      73      <-> 
ada:A5CPEGH6_09290 glucosylceramidase                   K01201     493      128     0.467      45      <-> 
ang:An03g00500 uncharacterized protein                  K22276     488      128     0.319      72      <-> 
bco:Bcell_3504 LPXTG-motif cell wall anchor domain prot K01201    1292      128     0.384      73       -> 
pbt:ING2E5B_0331 glucosylceramidase precursor           K01201     497      128     0.348      69      <-> 
tre:TRIREDRAFT_3094 glycoside hydrolase family 30       K22276     490      128     0.342      73      <-> 
trr:M419DRAFT_74697 P2 protein                          K22276     490      128     0.342      73      <-> 
aca:ACP_1970 O-glycosyl hydrolase, family 30            K01201     469      127     0.420      50      <-> 
alm:AO498_09765 glucosylceramidase                      K01201     470      127     0.364      55      <-> 
cil:EG358_11515 glucosylceramidase                      K01201     476      127     0.328      61      <-> 
ctur:LNP04_01540 glucosylceramidase                     K01201     476      127     0.339      59      <-> 
faz:M0M57_05530 glucosylceramidase                                 484      127     0.328      64      <-> 
paef:R50345_11470 glycosyl hydrolase                    K01201     447      127     0.359      64      <-> 
paej:H70737_10925 glycosyl hydrolase                    K01201     447      127     0.359      64      <-> 
pnk:AASFL403_09125 Glucosylceramidase                   K01201     499      127     0.316      76      <-> 
pod:PODO_11010 glycosyl hydrolase                       K01201     447      127     0.359      64      <-> 
psn:Pedsa_3078 Glucan endo-1,6-beta-glucosidase         K01201     470      127     0.424      59      <-> 
rup:DTQ70_28035 glucosylceramidase                      K01201     458      127     0.309      68      <-> 
cbae:COR50_18005 glucosylceramidase                     K01201     492      126     0.400      45      <-> 
pcoi:LK433_13035 glucosylceramidase                     K01201     515      126     0.348      69      <-> 
pgs:CPT03_01315 glucosylceramidase                      K01201     467      126     0.488      41      <-> 
pka:PQ456_09775 glycoside hydrolase family 30 beta sand K01201     497      126     0.362      58      <-> 
sbx:CA265_17255 glucosylceramidase                      K01201     468      126     0.463      41      <-> 
sphe:GFH32_02385 glucosylceramidase                     K01201     496      126     0.310      71      <-> 
spsc:E2P86_02975 glucosylceramidase                     K01201     501      126     0.324      71      <-> 
hhy:Halhy_1362 Glucan endo-1,6-beta-glucosidase         K01201     467      125     0.370      54      <-> 
kos:KORDIASMS9_02920 glucuronoxylanase XynC             K01201     480      125     0.373      51      <-> 
pet:PEIBARAKI_6879 glucosylceramidase                   K01201     505      125     0.314      70      <-> 
pvul:126823592 uncharacterized protein LOC126823592     K22276     488      125     0.346      78      <-> 
mhaa:Q3Y49_14430 glycoside hydrolase family 30 beta san K01201     483      124     0.333      60      <-> 
paen:P40081_25450 glycosyl hydrolase                    K01201     451      124     0.329      85      <-> 
pbd:PBOR_25385 glycosyl hydrolase                       K01201     449      124     0.329      85      <-> 
phk:SK066_07980 glycoside hydrolase family 30 beta sand K01201     510      124     0.389      54      <-> 
pmah:PTQ21_19885 glycoside hydrolase family 30 beta san K01201     503      124     0.329      79      <-> 
pou:POX_g08638 Endo-1,6-beta-D-glucanase neg1           K22276     487      124     0.389      72      <-> 
pprt:ET464_11745 glycosyl hydrolase                     K01201     447      124     0.344      64      <-> 
pxl:BS614_17630 glycosyl hydrolase                      K01201     449      124     0.315      108     <-> 
trg:TRUGW13939_06727 uncharacterized protein            K22276     533      124     0.415      41      <-> 
aok:A3BBH6_12920 glucosylceramidase                     K01201     493      123     0.439      41      <-> 
cbet:CB0940_04768 Endo-1,6-beta-D-glucanase neg1        K22276     489      123     0.514      37      <-> 
ffv:LNP22_09390 RICIN domain-containing protein         K01201     714      123     0.345      58       -> 
gab:108463864 uncharacterized protein LOC108463864 isof           2225      123     0.354      113     <-> 
mai:MICA_2006 O-Glycosyl hydrolase 30 family protein    K01201     444      123     0.410      61      <-> 
nfi:NFIA_099910 beta-1,6-glucanase, putative            K22276     488      123     0.315      73      <-> 
plw:D5F53_28420 glycosyl hydrolase                      K01201     448      123     0.359      64      <-> 
dori:FH5T_15840 glucosylceramidase                      K01201     501      122     0.361      61      <-> 
pglu:A3958_10620 glycosyl hydrolase                     K01201     448      122     0.344      64      <-> 
pvo:PVOR_03330 Glucan endo-1,6-beta-glucosidase         K01201     448      122     0.344      64      <-> 
tfo:BFO_2966 O-Glycosyl hydrolase family 30             K01201     486      122     0.310      71      <-> 
uma:UMAG_04357 hypothetical protein                                602      122     0.313      67      <-> 
cora:N0B40_07265 glucosylceramidase                     K01201     475      121     0.357      56      <-> 
paeh:H70357_13460 hypothetical protein                  K01201     626      121     0.348      66       -> 
paeq:R50912_23560 glycosyl hydrolase                    K01201     451      121     0.344      64      <-> 
ptri:KDC22_22290 glycosyl hydrolase                     K01201     451      121     0.344      64      <-> 
talb:FTW19_03550 glucosylceramidase                     K01201     465      121     0.422      45      <-> 
dpf:ON006_07670 glucosylceramidase                      K01201     471      120     0.359      64      <-> 
gym:GYMC10_0229 Glucan endo-1,6-beta-glucosidase        K01201     448      120     0.344      64      <-> 
mip:AXH82_14755 daunorubicin resistance protein DrrC               785      120     0.310      100      -> 
mpao:IZR02_08110 excinuclease ABC subunit UvrA                     785      120     0.310      100      -> 
pdp:PDIP_54130 Beta-1,6-glucanase Neg1, putative        K22276     487      120     0.351      74      <-> 
psac:PSM36_0634 putative glucosylceramidase             K01201     505      120     0.300      70      <-> 
strh:GXP74_03505 glycosyl hydrolase                     K01201     637      120     0.442      43       -> 
afm:AFUA_8G07120 beta-1,6-glucanase Neg1                K22276     488      119     0.315      73      <-> 
flm:MY04_2701 glucosylceramidase                        K01201     495      119     0.324      74      <-> 
fya:KMW28_02650 glucosylceramidase                      K01201     495      119     0.324      74      <-> 
bvs:BARVI_10655 glucosylceramidase                      K01201     492      118     0.344      64      <-> 
fmm:LVD15_25905 glucosylceramidase                      K01201     474      118     0.378      45      <-> 
pib:BBD41_13080 glycosyl hydrolase                      K01201     448      118     0.318      66      <-> 
sakb:K1J60_04220 discoidin domain-containing protein    K01201     978      118     0.337      86      <-> 
scoe:CP976_37790 hypothetical protein                   K01201     978      118     0.337      86      <-> 
tva:TVAG_2v0147040 glucosylceramidase protein           K01201     478      118     0.385      65      <-> 
cwo:Cwoe_4287 Ricin B lectin                            K01201     647      117     0.419      43       -> 
ghi:107912213 uncharacterized protein LOC107912213 isof           2256      117     0.330      112     <-> 
gra:105801960 uncharacterized protein LOC105801960 isof           2228      117     0.330      112      -> 
kbu:Q4V64_35750 discoidin domain-containing protein     K01201     978      117     0.314      86      <-> 
mdl:103571315 sarcoplasmic reticulum histidine-rich cal            977      117     0.328      67       -> 
nia:A8C56_22715 glucosylceramidase                      K01201     480      117     0.435      46      <-> 
pep:AQ505_23220 glucosylceramidase                      K01201     475      117     0.439      41      <-> 
pgj:QG516_17915 glycoside hydrolase family 30 beta sand K01201     475      117     0.439      41      <-> 
pyg:AWM70_15045 glycosyl hydrolase                      K01201     451      117     0.328      64      <-> 
shs:STEHIDRAFT_114054 hypothetical protein                         218      117     0.302      126      -> 
sjn:RI060_04370 discoidin domain-containing protein     K01201     978      117     0.314      86      <-> 
sls:SLINC_8127 Glucan endo-1,6-beta-glucosidase         K01201     978      117     0.314      86      <-> 
eda:GWR55_16090 glucosylceramidase                      K01201     467      116     0.439      41      <-> 
plut:EI981_01040 glycosyl hydrolase                     K01201     447      116     0.324      68      <-> 
sgrf:SGFS_017590 uncharacterized protein                K01201     978      116     0.314      86      <-> 
sspl:121791112 polyphenol oxidase II, chloroplastic-lik K00422     340      116     0.353      68      <-> 
tmf:EYB26_009190 uncharacterized protein                K22276     499      116     0.314      70      <-> 
vlg:121497028 uncharacterized protein LOC121497028 isof           1182      116     0.307      88      <-> 
vvp:112918662 NEDD4-binding protein 2-like 2 isoform X1            577      116     0.307      88      <-> 
dso:A4U42_10975 hypothetical protein                    K19123     501      115     0.396      53      <-> 
gja:107119481 leucine rich repeat containing 41         K10347     793      115     0.338      71      <-> 
ovb:NB640_05105 NAD(P)-dependent oxidoreductase         K00042     280      115     0.319      91       -> 
ska:CP970_06320 transketolase                           K00615     616      115     0.337      86       -> 
smil:130991904 polyphenol oxidase I, chloroplastic-like K00422     567      115     0.353      68      <-> 
pkn:PKNH_0319300 RNA-binding protein, putative                    1347      114     0.354      65       -> 
bdi:100838988 pseudouridylate synthase 7 homolog isofor K06176     729      113     0.301      103     <-> 
bnk:KIM372_12570 hypothetical protein                   K01201     447      113     0.314      70      <-> 
cate:C2869_18835 hypothetical protein                   K21449    2291      113     0.388      49       -> 
pcs:N7525_005012 uncharacterized protein                K22276     488      113     0.338      74       -> 
sluc:116061151 low-density lipoprotein receptor-related K06233    4621      113     0.312      109     <-> 
drd:LMT64_08475 NAD(P)H-dependent glycerol-3-phosphate  K00057     324      112     0.307      127      -> 
morg:121438372 centrosomal protein of 164 kDa isoform X K16462    1435      112     0.301      123      -> 
mrp:NM686_015185 glucosylceramidase                                474      112     0.361      61      <-> 
bxy:BXY_25650 O-Glycosyl hydrolase                                 138      111     0.400      40      <-> 
lper:127344570 uncharacterized protein LOC127344570 iso K06176     706      111     0.311      103     <-> 
lrd:124661873 pseudouridylate synthase 7 homolog        K06176     705      111     0.311      103     <-> 
mdo:100012087 nuclear receptor interacting protein 1    K17965    1003      111     0.321      109      -> 
mhyd:GTQ55_06720 gamma-glutamyl-gamma-aminobutyrate hyd K07010     222      111     0.315      89       -> 
pfj:MYCFIDRAFT_210486 glycoside hydrolase family 30 pro K22276     488      111     0.571      28      <-> 
vcop:MM50RIKEN_18070 hypothetical protein               K21929     192      111     0.310      87       -> 
sfk:KY5_6842 Transketolase                              K00615     616      110     0.329      85       -> 
lsr:110481011 intercellular adhesion molecule 5         K06769    1003      109     0.313      115      -> 
mau:Micau_3625 RNA polymerase sigma factor, sigma-70 fa            716      109     0.368      76       -> 
mflo:136452279 chlorophyll(ide) b reductase NOL, chloro K13606     352      109     0.455      44       -> 
pflv:114548572 low-density lipoprotein receptor-related K06233    4554      109     0.303      109      -> 
pri:PRIO_4816 Glucan endo-1,6-beta-glucosidase          K01201     446      109     0.302      63      <-> 
pson:JI735_31865 glycosyl hydrolase                     K01201     454      109     0.302      63      <-> 
sfug:CNQ36_32170 phosphatase                                       352      109     0.329      70       -> 
manu:129442541 pre-mRNA 3' end processing protein WDR33 K15542    1118      108     0.333      57       -> 
pvx:PVX_080130 hypothetical protein, conserved                    8915      108     0.431      51       -> 
salw:CP975_30230 transketolase                          K00615     615      108     0.329      85       -> 
snos:K8P63_01620 UDP-N-acetylmuramoyl-L-alanine--D-glut K01925     447      108     0.330      97       -> 
adt:APT56_05310 tRNA-dihydrouridine synthase B          K05540     341      107     0.444      36       -> 
afi:Acife_0911 hypothetical protein                                182      107     0.425      40      <-> 
bgar:122935001 sushi, nidogen and EGF-like domain-conta K24470    1774      107     0.330      94      <-> 
bun:Bun01g_01940 glucosylceramidase                     K01201     503      107     0.324      74      <-> 
fme:FOMMEDRAFT_146618 phospholipase B                   K13333     672      107     0.322      59      <-> 
haj:DU500_09055 hypothetical protein                               832      107     0.354      65       -> 
maga:Mag101_04975 hypothetical protein                  K01201     937      107     0.317      60       -> 
man:A11S_1924 Glucosylceramidase                        K01201     377      107     0.390      59      <-> 
meep:JWZ98_12195 glucosylceramidase                     K01201     463      107     0.344      61       -> 
metl:U737_12140 glucosylceramidase                      K01201     463      107     0.344      61       -> 
mkn:MKAN_29595 helicase                                            620      107     0.327      101      -> 
qlo:115972218 uncharacterized protein LOC115972218                 532      107     0.312      93       -> 
rml:FF011L_50920 hypothetical protein                              422      107     0.311      122      -> 
sanu:K7396_16180 ATP-binding protein                               779      107     0.312      96       -> 
sct:SCAT_p0555 conserved exported protein of unknown fu            140      107     0.310      87       -> 
scy:SCATT_p11850 hypothetical protein                              140      107     0.310      87       -> 
vpe:Varpa_1149 phospholipase C, phosphocholine-specific K01114     743      107     0.417      60       -> 
bhum:JXR92_001265 glucosylceramidase                    K01201     499      106     0.324      74      <-> 
brx:BH708_18385 daunorubicin resistance protein DrrC               800      106     0.317      101      -> 
cohn:KCTCHS21_52560 peptide-binding protein                        714      106     0.323      65       -> 
gjf:M493_17865 phosphotransacetylase                    K00625     326      106     0.325      77      <-> 
gpl:M1B72_18810 UDP-2,3-diacylglucosamine diphosphatase K03269     237      106     0.315      92      <-> 
hbn:GUY19_01000 hypothetical protein                              2278      106     0.337      98       -> 
lma:LMJF_09_0760 hypothetical protein                             5481      106     0.303      122      -> 
loc:102685785 deleted in malignant brain tumors 1 prote K13912    1947      106     0.350      80      <-> 
luo:HHL09_23970 hypothetical protein                              1174      106     0.370      54       -> 
ncr:NCU04395 glycosyl hydrolase family 30-1             K22276     480      106     0.486      37      <-> 
nte:NEUTE1DRAFT79465 beta-1,6-glucanase Neg1            K22276     480      106     0.486      37      <-> 
oat:OAN307_c32990 sarcosine oxidase subunit alpha       K00302    1007      106     0.342      79       -> 
rcf:Poly24_43660 hypothetical protein                              376      106     0.475      40       -> 
spyg:YGS_C2P0633 hypothetical protein                              659      106     0.329      79       -> 
tgt:104580627 4-hydroxyphenylpyruvate dioxygenase-like  K24788     424      106     0.327      52       -> 
vbo:CKY39_05365 phospholipase C, phosphocholine-specifi K01114     729      106     0.417      60       -> 
vcn:VOLCADRAFT_59102 hypothetical protein               K11755     229      106     0.304      115      -> 
acaf:CA12_39100 Pectic acid lyase                                  481      105     0.329      82       -> 
aleg:CFBP4996_14925 ATP-binding protein                            420      105     0.314      51       -> 
aste:118503820 uncharacterized protein LOC118503820                150      105     0.326      92      <-> 
cabk:NK8_84420 thiolase family protein                             409      105     0.318      66       -> 
cgob:115008537 ras association domain-containing protei K08015     542      105     0.310      126      -> 
chg:AXF12_02725 glucosylceramidase                      K01201     486      105     0.319      69      <-> 
hhj:NQ487_12865 DUF4064 domain-containing protein                  212      105     0.333      72       -> 
mye:AB431_08125 peptide permease                                   394      105     0.312      93       -> 
phl:KKY_3572 FG-GAP repeat domain protein               K21162     529      105     0.303      89      <-> 
spha:D3Y57_07755 FAD-dependent oxidoreductase                      478      105     0.338      71       -> 
vg:9487920 Bocavirus gorilla/GBoV1/2009; capsid protein K26511     671      105     0.360      75       -> 
amau:DSM26151_22640 hypothetical protein                           711      104     0.333      81       -> 
aoce:111566570 ras association domain-containing protei K08015     526      104     0.322      115      -> 
atr:18438194 RGG repeats nuclear RNA binding protein A  K13199     480      104     0.312      77       -> 
bcom:BAUCODRAFT_331595 hypothetical protein                        217      104     0.344      64      <-> 
mil:ML5_4773 RNA polymerase, sigma-24 subunit, ECF subf            716      104     0.355      76       -> 
npr:108796428 sushi, nidogen and EGF-like domain-contai K24470    1698      104     0.319      94       -> 
plq:AA042_05150 alpha,alpha-phosphotrehalase            K01226     548      104     0.304      79       -> 
sbae:DSM104329_05018 hypothetical protein                          176      104     0.326      95       -> 
srug:F0345_01230 AMP-binding protein                               492      104     0.357      70       -> 
tgu:115491598 intercellular adhesion molecule 5 isoform K06769    1055      104     0.315      92       -> 
thj:104821909 IAA-alanine resistance protein 1          K14713     481      104     0.354      48       -> 
tin:Tint_2638 cytochrome c family protein                          586      104     0.319      72       -> 
wij:BWZ20_05745 rod shape-determining protein MreC      K03570     273      104     0.358      81      <-> 
artm:MN0502_20040 hypothetical protein                  K01885     556      103     0.395      43       -> 
arut:117398100 uncharacterized protein LOC117398100                534      103     0.323      65      <-> 
asoc:CB4_03883 Ferredoxin-dependent glutamate synthase  K00265    1494      103     0.333      99       -> 
aud:PO771_16305 glutamate synthase-related protein      K00265    1494      103     0.333      99       -> 
bna:125609584 pentatricopeptide repeat-containing prote            243      103     0.310      58      <-> 
bror:134537411 endoribonuclease Dcr-1 isoform X1        K11592    2119      103     0.310      113      -> 
gtm:GT3921_01890 phosphate acetyltransferase            K00625     316      103     0.325      77      <-> 
lrj:133350884 membrane-bound transcription factor site- K08653    1058      103     0.381      63       -> 
mest:PTQ19_07505 excinuclease ABC subunit UvrA                     784      103     0.303      99       -> 
msed:E3O41_11935 sodium-dependent transporter           K03308     522      103     0.352      54       -> 
oni:Osc7112_3231 Cna B domain protein                              647      103     0.311      74       -> 
otm:OSB_12670 Aminomethyltransferase                    K00302    1002      103     0.304      92       -> 
phi:102114027 LOW QUALITY PROTEIN: retinal guanylyl cyc K12321    1642      103     0.310      84       -> 
pruf:121351076 basic proline-rich protein-like                     583      103     0.452      42       -> 
rht:NT26_0146 conserved exported protein of unknown fun            320      103     0.306      111      -> 
roy:G3A56_17280 HAMP domain-containing protein                     421      103     0.333      51       -> 
rtem:120936506 sushi, nidogen and EGF-like domain-conta K24470    1781      103     0.319      94       -> 
rze:108375452 toll-like receptor 6                      K18809    1645      103     0.311      119      -> 
sbar:H5V43_12035 RcnB family protein                               305      103     0.330      88       -> 
scam:104153688 DNA polymerase theta                     K02349    2586      103     0.318      66       -> 
shau:K9S39_11675 PucR family transcriptional regulator             572      103     0.310      126      -> 
spis:111336509 A disintegrin and metalloproteinase with K08621    1095      103     0.301      83      <-> 
ssia:A7J05_06190 transketolase                          K00615     615      103     0.318      88       -> 
syb:TZ53_11545 ATP-dependent RNA helicase                          310      103     0.330      88       -> 
tben:117486467 ras association domain-containing protei K08015     554      103     0.302      129      -> 
vap:Vapar_1068 phospholipase C, phosphocholine-specific K01114     734      103     0.418      55       -> 
csav:115696910 uncharacterized protein LOC115696910                132      102     0.300      50      <-> 
dko:I596_543 Putative transcriptional regulator                    803      102     0.333      75       -> 
dmm:dnm_075070 Filamentous hemagglutinin family N-termi           1541      102     0.414      58       -> 
mpuf:101677181 zinc finger protein 646 isoform X1                 1805      102     0.356      59       -> 
pmea:KTC28_17325 NADH:flavin oxidoreductase/NADH oxidas            368      102     0.426      47       -> 
rap:RHOA_2633 Zinc-binding alcohol dehydrogenase family            338      102     0.330      88       -> 
scan:103821737 basic proline-rich protein-like                     672      102     0.452      42       -> 
sera:Ser39006_012885 hemolysin BL-binding protein       K15125    3690      102     0.314      102      -> 
serq:CWC46_12880 hemolysin BL-binding protein           K15125    3690      102     0.314      102      -> 
sliu:111357265 uncharacterized protein LOC111357265                450      102     0.353      68      <-> 
sxi:SXIM_32880 transcriptional regulator                           436      102     0.303      109      -> 
tgo:TGME49_314850 hypothetical protein                            2174      102     0.390      41       -> 
amyc:CU254_37145 alpha-xylosidase                                 1017      101     0.323      93       -> 
api:100574343 arginine/serine-rich protein PNISR-like   K13170     622      101     0.329      73       -> 
axx:ERS451415_03492 Uncharacterised protein                        417      101     0.327      101     <-> 
bbuf:120997696 sushi, nidogen and EGF-like domain-conta K24470    1736      101     0.319      94       -> 
cari:FNU76_07710 2Fe-2S iron-sulfur cluster binding dom K07006     690      101     0.304      102      -> 
cjc:118144492 uncharacterized protein LOC118144492                 313      101     0.312      93       -> 
cke:B5M06_12850 4-hydroxybenzoyl-CoA thioesterase                  284      101     0.371      62       -> 
cqi:110716670 glutathione S-transferase T3-like                    346      101     0.321      109     <-> 
csol:105362433 zinc finger CCCH domain-containing prote            338      101     0.408      49       -> 
erf:FIU90_03885 Flagellar biosynthesis protein FlhA     K02400     717      101     0.337      92       -> 
geb:GM18_3778 metallophosphoesterase                    K03269     265      101     0.330      88      <-> 
lcat:123626930 immunoglobulin-like and fibronectin type           3340      101     0.315      89       -> 
mmf:118626562 calcium-activated chloride channel regula K05030     921      101     0.340      53      <-> 
mnt:112093117 uncharacterized protein LOC112093117                 420      101     0.300      60       -> 
mof:131146823 dehydrin Xero 2-like                                 303      101     0.317      101      -> 
nfu:107377444 protein transport protein Sec24D isoform  K14007    1095      101     0.431      51       -> 
nmus:H7A79_0198 hemagluttinin repeat family protein     K15125    1731      101     0.301      123      -> 
orn:DV701_02915 excinuclease ABC subunit UvrA                      790      101     0.330      100      -> 
palz:118058240 LOW QUALITY PROTEIN: DEAD-box ATP-depend K12823     789      101     0.325      83       -> 
pcla:123763848 histidine-rich glycoprotein-like                    380      101     0.323      65       -> 
pif:PITG_04842 hypothetical protein                               1583      101     0.307      75       -> 
plyc:GXP70_13960 excinuclease ABC subunit UvrA                     751      101     0.310      84       -> 
pmrn:116949532 beta-1,4-mannosyl-glycoprotein 4-beta-N- K00737     498      101     0.320      75       -> 
pste:PSTEL_24820 prepilin peptidase                     K02236     249      101     0.400      45       -> 
rfa:A3L23_04959 Peptidoglycan endopeptidase RipA                   529      101     0.340      97       -> 
sot:107061923 keratin, type I cytoskeletal 9-like                  247      101     0.305      95       -> 
tfri:Thiofri_01518 hypothetical protein                            217      101     0.355      62      <-> 
vfl:AL536_21950 peptidylprolyl isomerase                K03775     189      101     0.317      82       -> 
zma:100191409 uncharacterized protein LOC100191409                 682      101     0.300      100      -> 
aang:118221432 LIM domain-containing protein A                     714      100     0.303      89       -> 
acid:CBP33_18520 alpha/beta hydrolase                              290      100     0.351      74       -> 
acin:CBP34_19135 alpha/beta hydrolase                              290      100     0.351      74       -> 
apau:AMPC_35600 peptide deformylase                     K01462     185      100     0.305      59       -> 
arh:AHiyo8_pI68940 conserved hypothetical protein                  174      100     0.309      81       -> 
bbel:109480413 cartilage oligomeric matrix protein-like K04659     796      100     0.304      92       -> 
bcal:CWI35_10945 phosphate acetyltransferase            K00625     326      100     0.312      77      <-> 
cacn:RN83_09405 glycosyl hydrolase family 20            K12373     480      100     0.340      100      -> 
ccaf:FGD68_07155 hypothetical protein                              732      100     0.333      75       -> 
cpre:Csp1_17910 hypothetical protein                    K22342     348      100     0.303      119     <-> 
cre:CHLRE_09g410500v5 uncharacterized protein                     2708      100     0.300      90       -> 
cro:ROD_27781 fimbrial usher protein                    K07347     847      100     0.317      63       -> 
der:6549225 glycine-rich protein DOT1                              347      100     0.310      58       -> 
els:105008189 KAT8 regulatory NSL complex subunit 1-lik            952      100     0.355      62       -> 
gct:GC56T3_3400 phosphate acetyltransferase             K00625     326      100     0.312      77      <-> 
gea:GARCT_03399 Phosphate acetyltransferase             K00625     326      100     0.312      77      <-> 
gej:A0V43_14755 phosphate acetyltransferase             K00625     326      100     0.312      77      <-> 
gel:IB49_09645 phosphotransacetylase                    K00625     326      100     0.312      77      <-> 
ggh:GHH_c35110 phosphate acetyltransferase              K00625     326      100     0.312      77      <-> 
gli:GLN3_09800 phosphate acetyltransferase              K00625     326      100     0.312      77      <-> 
gse:GT50_08825 phosphotransacetylase                    K00625     326      100     0.312      77      <-> 
gsr:GS3922_16190 phosphotransacetylase                  K00625     326      100     0.312      77      <-> 
gya:GYMC52_3504 phosphate acetyltransferase             K00625     326      100     0.312      77      <-> 
gyc:GYMC61_3472 phosphate acetyltransferase             K00625     326      100     0.312      77      <-> 
gza:IC807_13105 phosphate acetyltransferase             K00625     326      100     0.312      77      <-> 
hni:W911_00075 hypothetical protein                                422      100     0.400      35       -> 
ibu:IB211_01415c Uracil-DNA glycosylase, family 4       K21929     238      100     0.333      63       -> 
lsq:119608025 serine protease SP24D-like                           253      100     0.300      90       -> 
mrv:120398885 ras-related protein Rab-13-like isoform X K07914     347      100     0.362      94       -> 
nnu:104599843 UDP-glycosyltransferase 71K1-like                    472      100     0.306      134      -> 
pad:TIIST44_01915 beta-galactosidase fused to beta-N-ac K12373     588      100     0.340      100      -> 
phai:112873563 uncharacterized protein LOC112873563                604      100     0.300      70       -> 
phyp:113529141 dynamin-1-like protein isoform X1        K17065     714      100     0.457      35      <-> 
ptep:107449611 protein dachsous                         K16507    3282      100     0.311      74       -> 
sfiy:F0344_30770 nicotinate-nucleotide--dimethylbenzimi K00768    1207      100     0.344      90       -> 
sscv:125980557 mitogen-activated protein kinase-binding K21763    1383      100     0.303      99       -> 
svc:STVA_24460 penicillin amidase                       K01434     774      100     0.303      76       -> 
tcf:131880235 snake venom metalloproteinase ACLF-like i            579      100     0.328      67      <-> 
thi:THI_3040 putative multiheme cytochrome                         586      100     0.306      72       -> 

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