KEGG   PATHWAY: anb00195
anb00195                    Pathway                                
Photosynthesis - Anabaena sp. 90
Photosynthesis in green plants and specialized bacteria is the process of utilizing light energy to synthesize organic compounds from carbon dioxide and water. It consists of the light dependent part (light reaction) and the light independent part (dark reaction, carbon fixation). The light reaction takes place in thylakoid, a membrane-bound compartment inside chloroplasts and cyanobacteria. The light energy is used by photosystems I and II to generate proton motive force and reducing power (NADPH or NADH). The proton motive force is used by ATP synthase to generate ATP, essentially in the same way as the mitochondrial respiratory chain. The supplies of ATP and NAD(P)H are then used to fix carbon dioxide.
Metabolism; Energy metabolism
Pathway map
anb00195  Photosynthesis

anb_M00157  F-type ATPase, prokaryotes and chloroplasts [PATH:anb00195]
anb_M00161  Photosystem II [PATH:anb00195]
anb_M00163  Photosystem I [PATH:anb00195]
Anabaena sp. 90 [GN:anb]
ANA_C10396  psbA; photosystem II reaction centre protein [KO:K02703] [EC:]
ANA_C20090  psbA3; photosystem II protein D1 [KO:K02703] [EC:]
ANA_C12048  psbA2; photosystem II protein D1/PsbA [KO:K02703] [EC:]
ANA_C20185  psbB; photosystem II chlorophyll-binding protein CP47 [KO:K02704]
ANA_C12426  psbC; photosynthetic II protein PsbC [KO:K02705]
ANA_C13264  psbD; photosystem II reaction centre protein PsbD/D2 [KO:K02706] [EC:]
ANA_C12425  psbD; photosystem II reaction centre protein PsbD/D2 [KO:K02706] [EC:]
ANA_C13699  psbE; cytochrome b559 subunit alpha [KO:K02707]
ANA_C13698  psbF; cytochrome b559 subunit beta [KO:K02708]
ANA_C10262  psbH; photosystem II phosphoprotein [KO:K02709]
ANA_C10225  psbI; photosystem II reaction centre protein [KO:K02710]
ANA_C13696  psbJ; photosystem II protein PsbJ [KO:K02711]
ANA_C12037  psbK; photosystem II reaction center protein K PsbK [KO:K02712]
ANA_C13697  psbL; photosystem II protein PsbL [KO:K02713]
ANA_C12035  psbM; photosystem II reaction center M protein PsbM [KO:K02714]
ANA_C13690  psbO; photosystem II manganese-stabilizing protein PsbO [KO:K02716]
ANA_C20743  psbP; photosystem II oxygen evolving complex protein PsbP [KO:K02717]
ANA_C20184  psbT; Photosystem II protein PsbT [KO:K02718]
ANA_C13321  psbU; photosystem II oxygen evolving complex protein PsbU [KO:K02719]
ANA_C11626  psbV; photosystem II cytochrome c-550 precursor PsbV [KO:K02720]
ANA_C13620  photosystem II protein PsbX [KO:K02722]
ANA_C11571  psbY; photosystem II protein PsbY [KO:K02723]
ANA_C11278  psbZ; photosystem II reaction center protein PsbZ [KO:K02724]
ANA_C11402  photosystem II 11 kD protein [KO:K08902]
ANA_C13295  psbW; photosystem II reaction center protein Psb28 [KO:K08903]
ANA_C13719  psaA; photosystem I core protein PsaA [KO:K02689] [EC:]
ANA_C13718  psaB; photosystem I core protein PsaB [KO:K02690] [EC:]
ANA_C12385  psaC; photosystem I iron-sulfur protein PsaC [KO:K02691] [EC:]
ANA_C11719  psaD; photosystem I protein PsaD [KO:K02692]
ANA_C13286  psaE; photosystem I reaction center subunit IV [KO:K02693]
ANA_C11152  psaF; photosystem I reaction center subunit III PsaF [KO:K02694]
ANA_C13695  psaI; photosystem I reaction center subunit VIII [KO:K02696]
ANA_C11153  psaJ; photosystem I reaction centre subunit IX PsaJ [KO:K02697]
ANA_C10203  psaKI; photosystem I reaction center protein [KO:K02698]
ANA_C11204  psaK; photosystem I reaction center protein PsaK [KO:K02698]
ANA_C11154  psaL; photosystem I reaction center subunit XI PsaL [KO:K02699]
ANA_C12056  psaM; photosystem I reaction center subunit XII/photosystem I protein M PsaM [KO:K02700]
ANA_C13642  psaX; photosystem I protein PsaX [KO:K02702]
ANA_C10615  petA; cytochrome f [KO:K02634]
ANA_C20378  petB; cytochrome b6 subunit PetB [KO:K02635]
ANA_C10614  petC1; rieske iron-sulfur protein [KO:K02636] [EC:]
ANA_C13772  petC2; rieske iron-sulfur protein [KO:K02636] [EC:]
ANA_C20377  petD; cytochrome b6/f complex subunit IV [KO:K02637]
ANA_C10796  petG; cytochrome b6-f complex subunit 5 [KO:K02640]
ANA_C10826  petM; cytochrome b6/f complex subunit PetM [KO:K02643]
ANA_C11389  petN; cytochrome b6-f complex subunit PetN [KO:K03689]
ANA_C10404  petE; plastocyanin [KO:K02638]
ANA_C11313  fdx1; ferredoxin [KO:K02639]
ANA_C13374  fdx2; 2Fe-2S ferredoxin [KO:K02639]
ANA_C13542  fdxH; 2Fe-2S ferredoxin [KO:K02639]
ANA_C11521  ferredoxin [KO:K02639]
ANA_C12305  ferredoxin-NADP+ reductase [KO:K02641] [EC:]
ANA_C10853  cytochrome c class 1 [KO:K08906]
ANA_C20406  cytochrome c class I [KO:K08906]
ANA_C12866  atpE; ATP synthase F1, epsilon subunit [KO:K02114]
ANA_C12867  atpB; ATP synthase F1, beta subunit [KO:K02112] [EC:]
ANA_C20289  atpC; ATP synthase F1 subunit gamma [KO:K02115]
ANA_C20290  atpA; ATP synthase F1 subunit alpha [KO:K02111] [EC:]
ANA_C20291  atpD; ATP synthase F1 subunit delta [KO:K02113]
ANA_C20292  atpF; ATP synthase F0 subunit B [KO:K02109]
ANA_C20293  atpG; ATP synthase F0 subunit B' [KO:K02109]
ANA_C20294  atpH; ATP synthase F0 subunit C [KO:K02110]
ANA_C20295  atpI; ATP synthase F0 subunit A [KO:K02108]
C00001  H2O
C00002  ATP
C00005  NADPH
C00006  NADP+
C00007  Oxygen
C00008  ADP
C00009  Orthophosphate
C00034  Manganese
C00080  H+
C02061  Plastoquinone
C16693  Plastoquinol
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Architecture of the photosynthetic oxygen-evolving center.
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Crystal structure of photosystem II from Synechococcus elongatus at 3.8 A resolution.
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Jordan P, Fromme P, Witt HT, Klukas O, Saenger W, Krauss N.
Three-dimensional structure of cyanobacterial photosystem I at 2.5 A resolution.
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Jones MR, Fyfe PK.
Photosynthesis: new light on biological oxygen production.
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Shen G, Zhao J, Reimer SK, Antonkine ML, Cai Q, Weiland SM, Golbeck JH, Bryant DA.
Assembly of photosystem I. I. Inactivation of the rubA gene encoding a membrane-associated rubredoxin in the cyanobacterium Synechococcus sp. PCC 7002 causes a loss of photosystem I activity.
J Biol Chem 277:20343-54 (2002)
anb00196  Photosynthesis - antenna proteins
anb00710  Carbon fixation by Calvin cycle
KO pathway

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