KEGG   PATHWAY: bsl03030
bsl03030                    Pathway                                
DNA replication - Bacillus subtilis subsp. subtilis BSP1
A complex network of interacting proteins and enzymes is required for DNA replication. Generally, DNA replication follows a multistep enzymatic pathway. At the DNA replication fork, a DNA helicase (DnaB or MCM complex) precedes the DNA synthetic machinery and unwinds the duplex parental DNA in cooperation with the SSB or RPA. On the leading strand, replication occurs continuously in a 5 to 3 direction, whereas on the lagging strand, DNA replication occurs discontinuously by synthesis and joining of short Okazaki fragments. In prokaryotes, the leading strand replication apparatus consists of a DNA polymerase (pol III core), a sliding clamp (beta), and a clamp loader (gamma delta complex). The DNA primase (DnaG) is needed to form RNA primers. Normally, during replication of the lagging-strand DNA template, an RNA primer is removed either by an RNase H or by the 5 to 3 exonuclease activity of DNA pol I, and the DNA ligase joins the Okazaki fragments. In eukaryotes, three DNA polymerases (alpha, delta, and epsilon) have been identified. DNA primase forms a permanent complex with DNA polymerase alpha. PCNA and RFC function as a clamp and a clamp loader. FEN 1 and RNase H1 remove the RNA from the Okazaki fragments and DNA ligase I joins the DNA.
Genetic Information Processing; Replication and repair
Pathway map
bsl03030  DNA replication

Bacillus subtilis subsp. subtilis BSP1 [GN:bsl]
A7A1_0758  Hypothetical protein [KO:K02337] [EC:]
A7A1_0759  Hypothetical protein [KO:K02337] [EC:]
A7A1_3426  DNA polymerase III subunit alpha [KO:K03763] [EC:]
A7A1_1234  DNA polymerase III subunit gamma/tau [KO:K02343] [EC:]
A7A1_1806  DNA polymerase III subunit delta' [KO:K02341] [EC:]
A7A1_0873  Hypothetical protein YqeN [KO:K02340] [EC:]
A7A1_1291  DNA polymerase III subunit beta [KO:K02338] [EC:]
A7A1_1241  Replicative DNA helicase [KO:K02314] [EC:]
A7A1_3228  DNA primase [KO:K02316] [EC:]
A7A1_1276  Single-stranded DNA-binding protein [KO:K03111]
A7A1_1087  Hypothetical protein YwpH [KO:K03111]
A7A1_2885  Ribonuclease H-like protein [KO:K03469] [EC:]
A7A1_2883  Hypothetical protein YpeP [KO:K03469] [EC:]
A7A1_3479  Ribonuclease HII [KO:K03470] [EC:]
A7A1_3185  Ribonuclease HIII [KO:K03471] [EC:]
A7A1_0772  DNA polymerase I [KO:K02335] [EC:]
A7A1_3127  DNA ligase [KO:K01972] [EC:]
Stillman B.
Smart machines at the DNA replication fork.
Cell 78:725-8 (1994)
Waga S, Stillman B.
The DNA replication fork in eukaryotic cells.
Annu Rev Biochem 67:721-51 (1998)
KO pathway

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